Bamon fanteam

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This is inspired by ColleenGrier and theotp . And for anyone who ships bamon
It's a small fanfic and I hope it gives you the feels.
"For YEARS, we have tried to push together the Bennett witch and the oldest Salvatore brother! For YEARS, we have pushed them together at all costs! Even KILLING MYSELF so they could die together!" Elena paused to pout. Hey, the explosion had hurt! Being a bamonator was so not easy, but she expected a thank you for the diversion.
"Elena, this is not about you, unsurprisingly" Rebekah called out disrespectfully. Elena glared at her. The original blonde and her had formally been enemies, but had soon tolerated each other once they learned of their mutual shipping passions.

"We've learned to keep our couples in the team. Well, most of us anyways" Elena said, glaring at Caroline. While Stefan and Elena, and Matt and Rebekah were dating and happy bamonators, and Silas was single...Caroline was dating Klaus! As if the fact that he didn't ship bamon was traumatic enough, he was the president of the KENNETT fan team! Elena was horrified when she heard. Caroline looked down in shame.

"MOVING ON" Silas yelled, already bored with the teen drama.
"And now, it has happened. He saved her. Guys, I don't think words can explain how beautiful this moment is" Elena started to cry.
"I hand you over to president Steffy Salvatore".
They all applauded. Apart from Bekah.

"Thanks, Elena. Now...I have a plan for you bamonators! Here goes..." Stefan began his plan.
"Damon! Rebekah's back, and she's torturing Elena!" Caroline yelled. Damon immediately stood up and followed Caroline out of the room...right past Rebekah and Elena. Rebekah stood up and silently snapped his neck before dragging him down the hall. She looked up, irritated when Elena didn't help.
"Princess, get off your high horse and help me. He's heavy!"
"I have an evil plan." Silas said in was, quite possibly, the most bored tone known to man kind.
"Stefan, are you drunk?" Bonnie asked.
"I'm not Stefan. I'm Silas. I'm alive and I have evil plans to take over the world. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha" Silas said in the same tone as before
Bonnie rolled her eyes,
"That's in such bad taste, Stefan. Now go home and sleep it off" she scolded.
"Careful, Bonnie, I might begin to think you care" Silas said, testing the witch.
A smile graced Bonnie's lips and she giggled-GIGGLED-as she said, "Damon said that to me once. When we were dancing..." She trailed off, caught up in memories. Silas almost lost track of the plan because he was caught up in the feels.
"Oh" he squeaked, trying not to cry.
"Yeah" she nodded, flushing.
"I hate to do this to you" he said, using his powers to knock her out.
"Damon? Oh god, Damon!" Bonnie cried, waking up in a small room with what looked to be Damon's body
"Wake up, wake up, wake up" she begged, shaking him.
"Ow! Easy, Bon-bon, I'm not that easy to get rid of" he said with a smirk.
"You're alive!" she sobbed, burying her face into his neck. He stroked her back, with an odd feeling inside him. A feeling of need. The way he needed Katherine once. The way he needed Elena.
All his memories of being with the young witch rushed back into his mind and before he knew it, he was shoving her up against the wall.
"I would go out of my mind if something-anything-happened to you" he said intensely. Bonnie swallowed hard, a squeaking noise emitting from her throat.
He then passionately kissed her, and to his great delight, she kissed back.
"Oh, GOD, Bonnie" he groaned.
"Oh, speaking of god, Silas is back!"
"You couldn't tell me that earlier?"
"Well, earlier, you had your tongue down my throat!"
"Hey, to be fair, your tongue wasn't exactly staying in your throat..."

Stefan listened to the banter, tears running down his face. "They did it. My OTP is together! And they're arguing. They're so witty! Wittier than DULLENA anyway"
"Hey, I will have you know that I am very witty!" Elena began before Stefan covered her mouth.
"Shhh, we must listen". He said seriously as they continued to eavesdrop on the banter while crying and fanboying/fangirling.

"How are the Kennett plans going?" Rebekah asked Klaus.
"Good, good. They had eye sex. How's bamon going? I heard that she tried to set him on fire!" Klaus said in a delighted tone.
"He kissed her. And she kissed back. They were making out when I left" Rebekah said, smirking at the shock on Klaus's face.
"What? This is impossible! I need proof!" Klaus spluttered.
Rebekah held out her phone, playing a video of Bonnie and Damon kissing.
"Finally, I choose the best team. Face it Nik, I win. You lose." She grinned as Klaus fell to the ground, wailing. Kennett had such lose it to an egotistical Damon who thought he was all that...not to much different from Kol actually.
The end. So what did you think?
Kennett is Kol and Bonnie btw.

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