Rant: Computer Art

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So, computer art. What I mean by that is like those fancy art software's. Take Sai Paint Tool as an example. I honestly don't find it as true art, unless you can replicate it on paper.

Yes, most use those drawing tablets on which you draw on the tablet as it replicates it on the screen. Some go with the old fashion, hard to master, mouse.

Even with those things, it isn't real art. It only is when you can do the same thing on paper.

(Not trying to rant anyone out in this, just an example)

I met someone on Wattpad (name won't be said) who used an advance drawing platform on their tablet similar to Sai to do their drawings. I honestly thought they were cute till I asked them if they ever did any pen and pencil art.


They never had. They never used pencil and paper.

"I just don't feel comfortable. It looks better on my tablet."

No shit it looks better. You have those special effect things to enhance it. When I asked her to redraw her online art, she refused.

What's the point of being an artist if you can't double duo.

Good job! You can do computer art! Now do the same thing on paper! What's that? You can't do it cause it looks bad? Then take some lessons hun. Forget the effects and learn the old fashion way. On pen and paper.

Congrats to those who can double duo. Both be able to draw on art software's and recreate the same thing on paper.

I personally take part on a software called Paint on my laptop. The regular paint tool that comes on every computer ever.

For fun, I installed Sai Paint Tool and did a vs with Paint. I drew my version of an anime eye. Believe it or not, my Paint one was better than Sai.

"It was only better because you didn't know Sai as well as you do with Paint!"

I'll have you know I played around with Sai to get the hang of it before vs it with Paint.

Either way, my pen and paper art beats down both art software's.

Anyway, if you can't double duo, then don't take part of computer art until you can.

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