She is too cliche

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Yah know like a Barbie doll? She's basically the cliche of a girlie girl.
Blond (kinda) blue eyes, likes dresses, has a sylveon.( I like sylveon but it seems like the type of Pokémon a girlie girl would have)
She's basically a walking Barbie dall.
Ugh really? All she wants to do is shop shop shop and shop her butt off. Oh and perform.
She barely battles. Like wha?
She's a weak dramatic weird girl.
She crys a lot.
Oh and her YeLLING!
I know misty does it but that's the classic Pokémon.
It's nice.
When Serena does it it's weird.
She mentally abuses her Pokémon.
Look at this!

All that yelling!
And look at the poor sweet pokemon, who only want to help Serena!

Look at them all hurt and scratched and serena just yells to cut it out! What?!!? StOP!!! >:( you meanie!

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