College Online Courses

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So for my elective in college, I'm taking Children's Literature. 

So we learn about Children's books and stuff like the Grimm Brothers and how to write them, that kind of stuff.

The thing is though, it's an online course. 

At first when I looked at my schedule, there was an empty slot for today, Friday. So I assumed my online course would be taking place then. 

But boy, oh boy, was I wrong. 

I started at the BEGINNING of the week! 

I just managed to finish my assignment for the week which was due in like 5 and a half hours from now, but now I'm kind of ticked with the college. 

Back in August when my Aunt was helping me sign up and stuff, we called the Student Service asked them about the online course. 

The lady at the front desk SPECIFICALLY said that I would receive a UPDATE in my college email about when the course would start and where I would go for it.

Well... here we are a month later...

And I didn't. receive. ANYTHING!

I checked my email EVERYDAY and there was nothing from them regarding my course! 

I only found out about all of this in like, the last second! 

Plus they are using a program that I've never used before, but apparently everybody who's anybody around here has used it!

So now I'm the clueless one in my class. Whoopy -3-

I just wished they'd given me some kind of message or update about this like they SAID they would, but NOPE! This is college, this is the real world, we're going to make you found out the hard way! 

Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... NO! >:(

And the textbooks there are so fricken expensive! 

I had to pay over $200 for three of them! And now, I just discovered that another one and two novels are required for my online course!

The frig?!

Isn't there supposed to be no need for textbooks if it's an online course? 

Why not just use PDF files or something? 


... My online course back in high school was a lot more easier than this crap :/


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