Disney? :3

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Before I begin I just want to quickly say, thank you all so much for over 8K reads! 

Who knew over 8,000 people liked to read my rants and rabbles x3


I've been done school for about 2 weeks now, and I've been enjoying my newly claimed freedom. Of course I want to try and get a summer job to get some extra cash, but that's besides the point. 

Anyways, since I have finished school, over and over again, my dad has been doing something to me that's really been setting me on edge. 

Not in a bad way though.

Allow me to explain. 

So last Monday (April 25th), I message my dad that I would be spending the day at my boyfriends place. 

His first response: 

Dad: Okay

Me: Thanks, love you!

Dad: Love you too!

And then a minute later after his last response, he adds this: 

Dad: Oh boy! 

Oh boy? Where have I heard that before? I didn't think too much of it at first, so I let it slide, and thought my dad was just trying to be funny. So I messaged "Haha" in reply, and went on with my day. 

Fast forward to last Friday, I get my final marks in. One of them is my first ever A+ that I've gotten on a report card, EVER! 

So I message my dad and tell him the marks I got and he sends me this;

Dad: "Excellent... oh boy! I am very proud of you!" 

And in my head I'm thinking, he did it again! Why does he keep adding those two words in? Where have I seen that before?

And then it turns out, I do know those words. I HAD seen/heard them before. 

From where, you may ask?

This guy, right up here^^


Back in the late spring of 2012, my grade 10 year of high school was beginning to come to an end. My parents told me that if I did well in my final marks, my dad apparently had a big surprise for me. And as we were eating dinner, every once in a while he would quietly say, "Oh boy!" 

And of course, being the big Disney nerd I am, I know who says those words! 

So we get home from dinner and my step-mom goes up to bed, and just before I head up, I ask my dad, 

"Is it Disney World?"

And my dad gets all quiet for a second before he lowers his voice to a whisper;

"Don't tell her I said anything."

And my excitement just went THROUGH THE ROOF!!! 

So finally, I finish my exams and summatives and I'm anxiously waiting for final marks to come in. They arrive and we have to go back to school to see them. So I go in, and I discover that I got my first A in my report card! And yes, I got B's in the rest of my classes :P

At this point, I'm already doing my happy dance because I know for a fact, that when my dad see's these marks, ESPECIALLY my A, I'm going to Disney World for sure!

So I text him my marks as I'm taking the bus home. He doesn't get back to me. At this point I think he's probably just driving home and he can't look at his phone right now, so I don't think too much about it. 

I get home, play my video games for a few minutes and my dad comes home. 

Dad: "So, you got some pretty good marks there, kid." 

Me: "Yep... thanks dad." 

My dad says nothing after that, he goes straight to his computer and I go back to my gaming. A few minutes later, I hear the printer go off as my dad prints out something. He calls out my name and tells me to turn around. I turn my head and my dad hands me a piece of paper. 

I take it, I read what it says on the paper, and I faint. 


My dad that exact same thing all those years ago, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed at this point that something like that happens again. 

He even did it again while we were watching movies yesterday and my dog came down to the basement to see us and she wanted to sit up on the chair with my dad. So he pulls her up and looks over at me and says;

"You know, if Ella could talk, I think her first set of words would be, oh boy."

At this point, I'm completely losing it in my mind.

So now I am sitting here, waiting for my dad to lay the big news on me that we're going back to Disney World. Heck I wore Mickey Mouse shirts for two days straight to see if it will jog my dad's memory. 

However a small part of me also feels like I might be getting my hopes up just a little high. I'm trying my best to play it cool, just in case, but I just can't help myself! 

Anyways, I just wanted to get that off my chest because it has been mind boggling me for the last few days and I just needed to talk to SOMEONE! 

That's all I really got right now. 

Don't you just enjoy it when your parents drive your mind bonkers and tease you? :)

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