Does Love At First Sight Exist?

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Now be honest with me you guys; Do you think that truly exists?

One thing I've noticed about this topic is that it is over exaggerated in the media. Take Disney for example. There's Snow White, Cinderella, Princess Aurora, and probably more, but those are just my main examples.

What do all three of those lovely ladies have in common?

All three of them married a guy they had JUST met!

Disney does this to over exaggerate this thing, and it makes people think: "Ha! That'll never happen to me!"

That may be true.

But I notice someone else talking about this and one user posted a comment saying "It doesn't exist. Love takes time."

Love takes time.

Now I LOVE that quote right there, because it's totally true!

Now take Ariel from the Little Mermaid for example. True, here was a "Love At First Sight" kind of thing, but the time spent with said love lasted LONGER than the other Disney Princesses.

Snow White only met her Prince twice over the course of a year, Cinderella met hers in one night, but Ariel? She knew Prince Eric and hung out with him for three days straight!

That's like a 5% improvement from Disney in the "Love Takes Time"'department, but it's still not even close to being enough.

But can love at first sight ACTUALLY happen in real life?

It's a low chance, but, I believe that is a possibility, and I'll tell you a story about why:

Way back in the 3rd grade, i came back to my old elementary school that I went to kindergarten in, but I hardly knee anybody. So one of my old kindergarten buddies that recognized me in class, introduced me to two of his friends. I met one boy, who in the future would become my now-boyfriend. Over the school years we got to know each other, share similar interests and what now. In the 5th grade, he had something important that he wanted to share with me, but I was too busy in my "own little world" and imagination  that I didn't notice, so he dropped it. But years later in the 10th grade, after a Christmas party at a friends youth group, he pulled me aside and he confessed his feelings for me.

Now this is the tripy part, okay?

I asked him, "how long did you have these feelings for me?"

And do you want to know his answer?

He said, "Since the first day I met in the 3rd grade." 


Now, I'm ALMOST pretty sure that's a example of "Love At First Sight".

But, BUT, BUTTTT!!!!

It also contains elements of "Love Takes Time."

Think about it though;

He met/fell in love with me since the first day we met in the 3rd grade, but he WAITED until the 10th grade to confess his feelings for me.


Because he wanted to GET TO KNOW ME FIRST!

And it was in that time, after thinking about it long and hard, that I realized that I had liked him as well. No matter what, he would be ALWAYS there for me whether or not my other friends could support me or not.

Keep in mimd, this wasn't exactly a rant per say, it's like a long question analysis... Thingy.

So in conclusion! I believe there is a time chance that Love At First Sight can happen. But it can ALSO coexist with "Love Takes Time".

What do you guys think? Have you experienced love at first sight? Whether it be a person in real life you know, a celebrity, a cartoon character, heck even food?!

Let me know in the comment section below! 

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