I Slept In!!!

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So my dad wakes me up at 5:30am, early in the morning, like I had asked him to so I could get ready for school.

Today my class started at 9:30am.

Since it was early in the morning, my dad gave me the option of either getting ready now, or sleep in for one more hour and still have time to get ready and leave the house on time. 

Being so groggy, and could barely keep my eyes open at the time, I went with the second option and fell back asleep.

The next time I woke up, I look out my window to see that it was fairly light outside. I turn on my phone, and what do I see?

Current time: 7:30am.


Which means I only had about half an hour to get dressed, brush my teeth, wash my face, eat breakfast, and get to the bus stop.

I ended up skipping breakfast and was out of the house in half the time, 15 minutes. 

So I'm standing there at the bus stop, waiting for the bus, and as I'm waiting, this other girl shows up to wait for the bus. Only what kind of annoyed me was the fact that she was stomping everywhere. Literally, every step she took was a stomp, and she stomped her foot even harder every time she looked to see if the bus was coming, and it wasn't there.

I swear, it was like watching a little kid having a small temper tantrum when things weren't going her way. 

I was so close to actually telling her to calm down, but I paused and mentally thought to myself, she's probably just in a hurry, the same as you

So I kept my mouth shut, and she kept going at it. 

One minute later, she finally has it and storms off down the street, deciding to walk to the station. Literally right as she went out of view, the bus pulled up to the stop, I got on, and the bus took off right past her. 

I couldn't see her face, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't happy. 

Right when I got to the station, I ran down into the subway station and I got on the first train that pulled up, rode it to my station, and got off, running out of the station and into the downtown area.

Little did I know, as I ran onto the street car and turned around, turns out I ran right into my friend who was waiting for a bus, and she was just laughing her butt off when she saw me literally charge into the street car. 

The good news is, I made it to my class on time with half an hour to spare. 

I had a large hot chocolate for breakfast and everything was good again. :)

Just thank god my class tomorrow doesn't start until 2:00pm so I can actual sleep in and mean it for a change.

Note to self: Set up a alarm clock!

Please let me know if any of you guys can relate to this! 


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