Kylo Ren Fanfiction

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In all honest, I'm not hugely into Kylo Ren fanfics. Heck I'm not into Star Wars fanfiction in general because with the other fandoms I read about and are involved with, I barely have the time!

But it just blows my mind to see how much Kylo Ren fanfic have surfaced on the internet, especially here on Wattpad since The Force Awakens came out.

Like, why all the sudden interest all of a sudden in reading/making hundreds of Kylo Ren fanfics?

Is it because the actor who plays him is British? (I'm calling it now, this is probably the number 1 reason).

Is it because they think the actor is good looking?

Do they like his personality?

Now if somebody made a Ben Solo fanfic, I would be ALL OVER THAT! 

So I suppose my main pet peeve on Kylo fanfics is because, girls I'm going to be serious with you alright? 

Do you girls honestly want to write a story where your character (or in some cases, yourself) wind up with a guy who does a temper tantrum at least like every hour?

I mean...

Come girls...

Do you really want to put your characters through all of that? Like, I'm legit concerned for all of their health just from watching these gifs.

But if you do decide to not heed my warnings, then I must tell you to brace yourselves for what you might be walking into. 

The next time you see him doing one of his tantrums, just say "nope" and walk away!

That is all!


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