The Comment Gap

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Has this ever happened to you guys?

Like you're updating a story regularly, it's getting a good decent amount of reads, votes, and comments... everything is going great!

But then, there's that one quick moment where someone posts a certain comment. 

It's either them giving you tips (which do come in handy so those don't bother me that much), or they have something negative in their comment.

And then, just like that *POOF* for who knows how long, whenever you post a update, sure people still read it, but...

NOBODY comments on them anymore. 

I went through this with two of my books. 

My first book, someone put down some tips for improving it, and I was okay with that. I even had questions to clarify stuff (they haven't gotten back to me yet which kind of terrifies me). But legit, the next time I updated that book, no comments!

And then for my other book, after someone posted a comment with one "little" negative thing in it, I kid you not, no one commented for 5 straight updates. I had to wait like at least a day for a comment.

I'm just so confused by this. Like, does seeing a negative comment on a update make people think not to comment anymore?

It's just strange to me.

Sorry if the topic in this update didn't exactly make any since, but this was something I noticed and I just wanted to know if anyone else on Wattpad experienced something like this?

Anybody? Any advice?


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