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Dedicated to: Lupine_at_last for suggesting this rant to me =)


Autocorrect. What is autocorrect, you might ask. Well, autocorrect was supposed to be the answer to all of your typos and misspelled words. Unfortunately, autocorrect does not do what it's say supposed to do. Therefore, when you send a text, autocorrect might have decided to play jokes on you and insert a word that you didn't want in your message. Then, your friend/parent/sibling/significant other completely misunderstands your text.

So to put it simply, autocorrect is the solution that never really was a solution.

And that's why we all hate it. Who was even the idiotic genius to invent autocorrect in the first place? Seriously.

I remember one time I was texting my mom.... *flashback*

Me: I'm going to go check the male.

Me: *mail

Mom: What male are you checking?

Me: I meant mail, not male!

Mom: Lol

*flashback stops* You see what autocorrect has done to society?!?!

Or like the other day, I was texting a friend and we were being weirdos. XD


Me: Meow.

Friend: Bark

Me: Ribbit.

Friend: Pink

Friend: Oink*

Friend: Stupid auto correct

Me: I didn't know pink was an animal sound! XD Um....


*flashback ends*

Another prime example of texting fails due to autocorrect.

Ugh, and while we're on the subject of texting, what's up with one-word replies? Ugh. I'll get to that in another rant.

Anyways, back to autocorrect.

Autocorrect is so stupid! It just makes every texting situation worse! Or extremely hilarious! Still. Autocorrect is an abomination!

Most of the time, I'm pretty good at catching autocorrect in its schemes. But sometimes, autocorrect slips past, inserts ONE wrong word, and that can make all the difference in the world.

*shakes head in disgust*

Autocorrect is stupid. I hate it.

Post your own autocorrect stories in the comments! =)






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