~Real vs. Fake Friends~

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So right now, I'm here to rant about friends.

Here's a list of things REAL friends do/say:

• They stick up for you, even if what's being said about you is true

• They give you compliments

• They lend you a shoulder to cry on

• They listen to your rants and complaints, even if they don't want to

• They build you up, not tear you down

• They cheer you up when you're feeling down

• They're someone you can trust with all of your secrets

• They acknowledge their own mistakes, not just yours

And here's a list of things FAKE friends do/say:

• They are always being hypocritical

• They always yell at you or physically hurt you

• They want respect, but don't give it back

• They're around when they need/want something, but when YOU need/want something, they're no where to be found.

• They always pick fights with you

• They don't listen to your rants and complaints, but expect you to listen to theirs

• They just don't listen to you period

• They always pin the blame on you

Now, I can assure you that not knowing whether or not your friends are real is not fun. So let me tell you something.

If your friends are constantly disrespecting you, if they're constantly being hypocritical and expecting what they don't give, they're not real friends. They're just there until they find someone better or until the benefits run out. And quite frankly, you need to drop that friend.

It may not be easy, especially if you've been friends for a long time. But here's something I've learned recently:

Things fade. Things grow.

And that includes friendships. They can fade and they can grow. So you need to let yours fade and then let a newer, better one grow in it's place.

Being with fake friends is only going to hurt you in the long run. And you don't need the drama, you don't need the stress. You deserve more than that fake friend. You deserve better.

So if you feel like your friends aren't real, if you feel like they're fake, then I suggest you get rid of those friends. And if you're in a situation where you can't make new friends, just walk away whenever you feel mistreated or disrespected. Show them that you won't put up with it.

Another solution is to tell them how you feel. But be careful how you do so. And don't ever do it through spam.

Been there. Done that. Don't wanna go back.

Anyways, you need to remember that you are beautiful and unique and you deserve far more than those fake friends. Find yourself some real friends who you can be beautiful and unique with.

Stay awesome!






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