"kms" | lets talk about it

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let's talk about it:
a segment in which mandy attempts to educate you on serious topics (key word: attempts)

Kms - stands for "kill my self";often used to add humour to something simple and not serious; not actually amusing.

Kms is a common phrase used on social media today. It's used as an attempt to be relatable and humorous, yet it's anything but.

  ex. omg my parents won't let me go to my friends house kms

I often see this used in cases such as the above that aren't anything serious. People use it as a joke and genuinely don't understand the nature in which they're using.

Suicide and suicidal thoughts aren't something to joke about, so why do you do it?

You're probably thinking " Mandy, you're being over dramatic, take a joke". Am I though?

Just because something does not affect you and you have never experienced it (in this case, suicide and suicidal thoughts), does not mean you get a free pass to joke about it.

Suicidal thoughts plague many minds, it's quite serious and can lead to death.

Since when do we joke about people wanting to commit suicide? Since when do we think it's okay?

I hope next time you say kms you think about all the people who have killed themselves and realize it's not a joke.

It's quite offensive and defeating to people who actually experience this.

Suicide is not a joke. Have some damn respect.

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