thirteen reasons why + a message to my followers

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I wanted to write a life update and tell you all about what's going on in my life right now, how I've been doing, etc. but I've scrapped that idea entirely. Right now I am deciding to use this platform to get an important message across, one I have been meaning to get off my chest.

Thirteen Reasons Why was a novel I read about five years ago, one I really enjoyed. Recently, it has been developed into a series. I should be happy about that, right? Nope. When the series came onto Netflix, I was so excited to finally see this piece be brought to the screen and, even better, it would shed light on serious issues such as mental illness, suicide and sexual assault. Though I was once so excited to watch it, I no longer have the desire to. Truth be told, the fans of this series ruined it for me.

This story has a deeper meaning than what is being noticed, aka what the fans are focusing on: poor Clay never got to be with Hannah, they could have been happy together!! That very well could have been true, they could have lived a happy life but they didn't. The fact here is that Hannah was not happy. She had fallen apart and ultimately ended her life. This is Hannah's story, not Clay's 'almost love story'. 

It's sad that what people are taking from this incredible journey of hers was all about him. I believe the character deserves more respect than that. All I'm seeing on social media is videos and pictures of Hannah and Clay with comments saying how cute they were. This series was supposed to shed light on suicide and all you could do was romanticize it. Ship whoever you want but realize that this is not a love story. 

Another thing that really bugged me was the fact that people are just 'loving' the characters in this series. Look, you're allowed to love whatever character you like. Just remember that many of these characters are responsible for Hannah's suicide. Still think they're lovable? She'd still be alive it it wasn't for them. Also, keep in mind that her family lost her, too, not just Clay.

If you read the book or watch the series, please pay attention to the deeper meaning behind the story and the lessons it can teach us as viewers. It's sad that people only enjoy reading about mental illness when it's romanticized. Not surprising, though.

Just a message before I leave for however many more days:

Thank you to all the incredible people who have been by my side at this time. I've been going through a lot recently and truth be told, I haven't even told my friends what has been actually going on. I'm taking some time to myself, time that I believe is well deserved. I had some amazing people, even one's I had never spoken to before, message me and check up on me every so often. I feel so incredibly grateful for all of you, you truly bring a smile to my face.

Always remember that if you need a friend, I am always here (I check my inbox every so often). 

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please seek professional help or call any of the numbers listed on this site based on the country you live in:

Your life is worth so much. You deserve to live and be happy. Don't ever let anyone get in the way of you feeling alive. Remember there is always someone out there who is willing to love and care for you (I will be that someone). Always remember to take care of yourself and the people around you.

With love,


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