Romanticizing/Over glorifying depression

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I think it's funny really
When I'm scrolling though wattpad
And all the sudden I find all these books written romanticizing  depression
Like is this some sort of sick fucking joke to you guys
It's not romantic that people are stuck with the feeling of wanting to die
I get if there's like a romance novel involving depression but when the depression is over glorified and all that bullshit it pisses me off
Like what the hell is wrong with you people this isn't some romantic thing it's a problem a lot of people have to live though
There's nothing beautiful about it
There's nothing what deserves to be worshiped and turned into some sort of kink "like oh me I'm into depressed girls" Like what the actual fuck
People don't chose to be depressed and it certainly isn't something we like to talk about
It shouldn't be so over glorified like its the greatest thing ever to be depressed
It just... Disgusts me what some people are portraying it like....

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