Worried And Scared

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I realize a lot of these chapters are called Scared...

Anyway the reason I'm here at 3:43Am on Thursday Morning, July 12 is because I'm scared and very worried.

This coming school year I start High school the scariest thing ever in man kind. I'm scared because I have very bad anxiety and it eats me away, like right now my stomachs hurts just thinking about how fast the school year is coming, its out for my blood.

I just don't know what to do and it kinda helps just writing this stuff down, like a non-private diary. Knowing that people anywhere can read this is scary but you really don't know me so its like talking to myself really. I have had a very bad childhood and it really effected the way I see people and it made me scared of others really.

I have trusted so many people in my life and they threw my trust right out the window. I really want my anxiety to just disappear but its "not that easy". I know but I don't know what to do about it, it makes me so scared of being alone by myself because I think ill be to scared to do anything.

Great...I'm crying...im sorry

Don't worry

Ill live

~A Very Scared Six

P.S. I love you ❤

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