Being Gay Is A "Trend"

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I swear I'm being honest when I say this, when I first came to my middle school there were a few gay people. It's nearing to the end of the year and some people who have never even brought up the subject of being gay, trans, etc., are now suddenly a different sexuality or like the same gender. There were these people in my gym who made fun of gay/bi/trans people and now they're gay. Honestly, these idiots say they're gay because the internet and society is teaching them it's like a "trend"? I'm bisexual and I've been bi since late 4th grade while these numbnut asshole pricks are saying they're bi without even knowing the definition. I asked a boy if he would ever want to go out with another boy, he said no. I said, "Well, you told me you're bisexual so that means you like guys, too." I am deadass serious when he said, "Oh! So bi means when you like guys AND girls?" I'm so done with my school. This one person said she's gay and cut her hair and shit, but she looks really nice because I think she might also be trans, too. Idk yet, she's giving me those vibes, though. Sometimes I even joke about kissing my friend (though I don't have any sexual feelings for them) and they'll call me gay and tell THE ENTIRE SCHOOL. Like, I'm bi. That's different, idiot. The people at my school are so dramatic and brainless I don't even think that they have a clue what they're doing when they call people names or shame their sexuality or beliefs.

STORY!: My Crush Saw Something I Didn't Want Him To

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