Dear Girl Who Bullies Me

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Dear Girl Who Bullies Me,

I'll have you fucking know that you are probably the worst damn person alive in my opinion. You made fun of me in fifth grade because I had boobs and a butt which is very fucking normal. You also made fun of me for having my period (which I didn't at the time) which is also normal, Sherlock. You act like having your period and having boobs is the end of the world. Guess what bitch, you're just going to get them too. If you don't, you'll just get made fun of.

Thanks so much for slapping me in the face (jokingly, supposedly) , purposely throwing basketballs at my head, and trying to kick me in the shins while waiting to leave lunch. Thanks for embarrassing me in front of my crush, and thanks for using me just to help you with art projects. Plus, thanks for trying to get me expelled by telling the teachers I purposely stabbed you in the hand and I broke your finger, which I didn't. I accidentally jabbed crayons into your hand. Thanks for saying I copied you when I put the dots over the "e" like you did, but it is on my birth certificate, so I'm not copying you.

You, Chloe, are THE shittiest person who shames people for their natural bodies and normal occurrences. Go fuck yourself.

Your Normal Friend Who Doesn't Deserve To Be Bullied,

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