Tag #29 Tacos and burritos

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I have the urge to eat Mexican food..... I don't know why.....

Anyways..... I'm hardly recovering from the masterpieces of songs in BTS's new album. And honestly, if I start talking about it...... imma die before I can finish..... so y'all already know what I feel!

It's been awhile since the last tag.... has it? I don't know.
Also y'all should know that I typed this like 5 hours ago, when I didn't have Internet..... so excuse any incomplete words or sentences!

I've been really busy these past few days and I will be busy until the 13th of October. So that means... no updates on any of my stories( not that there were a lot anyway! 😉)

Ok. Ok. To dee tag! MYSTERIA_Silver thanks for tagging me homie!

1. What your hair colour?
- Brown. Somewhere between dark and medium brown. It's a subtle shade of brown. You know what.... it's brown. Let's leave it at that!

2. Are u a hug whore?
- first of all.... I don't like that word. I'm not against anyone using it, it's just that I don't say it. At all. Ever.
So lemme rephrase that question!

2. Do u like hugs?
- Yup. I love love love hugs! Cuz it rhymes with Grug! (If u don't know what that is from u should die..... JK! 😉)
Something about a hug is just calming and comforting and it's like an act of trust. I hug my friends, I hug my family. And my biggest stress reliever is hugging my mom. Nothing. Nothing will top that feeling I get when I'm hugging my mom. It just seems to solve every problem I have. It is a miraculous hug. Like seriously.
And I hug my sister all the time too! And hugging her is so comforting that I almost fall asleep when I'm hugging her!
And hugging my friends.... don't even get me started! We're pretty close spiritually and a hug is like a daily thing for us now!

3. What's your dream job?
- First one is to become a chef. I've been in love with cooking and watching cooking shows ever since I can remember!
- A doctor. Yeah... non achievable. Cuz I'm studying in the business stream right now. But being a doctor seems like a cool and meaningful job.
- CEO. Yup. This is influenced by them dramas. If u watched a drama or 2 or 92, like me... u know what I'm talking about. The expensive black cars, hot bodyguards in suits, mansions, private islands..... all of them!

4. How many children do u want?
-4. A girl, boy, girl and another boy. So 2 girls and 2 boys. I don't necessarily plan on having them myself. I actually want to adopt them! I've always wanted to adopt kids and one day I plan to adopt 4!
- Reason being.... there's 2 of each. So they always have someone for support, someone to keep their secret and someone to protect them!
- Reason I'm not planning on having them myself is that.... my preference of marriage is slightly unconventional and really outdated. But I have my reasons to chose so.

5. Favourite shoe brand?
- I don't know... I don't particularly look for a specific brand.

6. Have you liked someone that likes you back?
- ummm no. I haven't been confessed to or asked out (not that I'm desperate for it. wouldn't work even if it did happen kcuz of my marriage preference) So I wouldn't know who likes me!

So imma tag few of 'em homies!

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