Tag #33- It's passed midnight and I'm jobless

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I think I was tagged by Miyuki_Sakurai gudeniahma   and Fanaticwolf ...... right?
Sorry if I forgot anyone!

Also, checkout the header! It's from the MyDol era where they had to choose a commercial and they had to be covered in mud and then showered. The weather and the water was hella cold, that you can actually see the steam coming off of them! I did feel sad..... but it was hot! *wink*

1. Name?
- Tee, Woonie, Leo, Taekwoon, Woonie tunes, Wifey, Wifey Leo

2. Birthday?
- 14th of October 2000

3. Favourite colour?
- Turquoise blue and blood red

4. Favourite BTS member?
- Jin, Hobi and Chim chim
My men are beautiful.......

5. Last song I listened to?
- Park Hyo Shin- Shine your light
Btw... this hot dude with the killer voice is Beanie's biggest inspiration and the reason for joining Jellyfish!!! Without this man....... there's a possibility that we might now even know Beanie!

6. Last song I danced to?
- EXO- Power
We got that pOwer pOwer!

7. Last thing that I did was interesting?
- Um.......cook a cheese omelette. I think. It tasted pretty good! (Not to seem conceited tho!)

8. Favourite album?
- Ha..... ha.... no
9. Picture of you?
- Nope. I'd prefer not to! I shall remain anonymous and keep u guessing whether I'm a creepy old man or not! (p.s. I'm not! I'm a chubby 17 year old girl and I'm not a creep!)

10. Zodiac?

11. Last sport you did?
- Idk...... I'm not sporty. But does walking count?

12. Morning or night?
- Night

13. Talents?
- Cooking, self learning languages and some other stuff

14. Favourite book you wrote?
- I can't choose! They are all equally precious and equally never updated in a million years and equally incomplete!!!

15. Demons or Angels?
- Bit of both!

16. Languages you speak?
- Sinhala (my native language), English and the basics of Tamil and Korean

17. Top 3 worst moments in life?
- There's so many that I can't choose

18. Top 3 best moments in life?
- There's so many that I can't choose

19. If I could fix one mistake in the past?
- Well...... every time that I didn't take an opportunity

20 Tag 5 ppl or more
Sorry if I tagged u sorry if I didn't!

This was a less exciting tag! Sorry! I'll make the next one better! I'm gonna go Update some memes to lift my mood up a bit!

Infinite X's and O's,

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