The fight

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Ok now you meet the turtles
Previously- "Help I'm being robbed!" I shot up and said "You shouldn't have done that." But I was stopped by a large no four large figures.
Your POV
"Halt Villain" said a heroic voice "'Halt Villain?' Who talks like that you sound just like a five year old" I said to this hero person I still had my gun to the mans chest another voice said "Look dude put the gun down and run home and give his things back." It sounds like a Brooklyn accent "Hey first of all I'm NOT a dude I'm a girl and second no I'm not doing any of those things and third leave my alley before I kill you" I ordered but a bō came straight my way I got out my sais but I let the man go in the progress he got all his things and ran but I stopped the bō from hitting me mid way and a different voice which sounds like a 5 year old said "Woah she has sais? Cool." I smirked "Thanks I am a ninja after all." I said and I threw the guys bō away next came nunchucks ah yes hear we go I brought out my sythe which was beautiful/plain and his nunchucks rapped around my handle stealing them in the process I put my sythe on my back and used the nunchucks to fight next came katanas I stool the weapons again but next came sais huh finally they came at me and I swung the katanas around stopping every attack but then I saw green and red wait what "Oh My God! Your a turtle? Which means your all turtles." I said "Yes we are" said a forth voice which sounded nerdy "Cool" I said "My name is (Y/N) (L/N) now leave my alley I won't tell anyone things like you are living as long as you stay away from my alley.And what's your name and let me see you." I continued "Well my name is Leonardo but call me Leo" he stepped out of the shadows "I'm Mikey" another stepped out "I'm Donatello but Donnie or Don is fine" and he came out "Raph" said the last one he came out and his eyes were so green he looks hot wait stop (Y/N) BAKA BAKA!!! "How are your eyes so green?" I asked real smooth girl BAKA BAKA "Its because of mutagen" said donnie "You mean the tubes of green goo?" I asked knowing the answer is yes "Yeah how'd you know" said Mikey "My little sister is a geek with this stuff." I answered "Why is this your alley" Leo asked "Because I named it" I said "what did you call it?" asked Raph "Fucking Hardcore" I said "Ok" he said "Oh hear are your weapons and go away." I said and they went.
Raphs PoV
She looks hot wait I only met the girl stop Raph but her (E/C) eyes are amazing and her (H/L) (H/C) hair is fabulous and her (S/C) just wow stop thinking like that!Ah shell!

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