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Huffing, he dashed around the corner, seeing the door he had dreaded to enter.

Being late was one thing. Knowing that he was late than the 'bad boy that will always come late in class' had arrived earlier than him, he was definitely in trouble. Not only he had such a good reputation that was going to be ruined, his wolf plushie was dumped into the bin (which was the worst part for him).

Entering the classroom, an awkward silence slightly grew louder, as eyes laid on the teacher. Suddenly whispered erupted from everyone, yet their eyes still laid on him.

"Why is Mr Kim late today?"

"Was he busy?"

"Huh, guess he really did try to find the wolf plushie."

"Is he hiding something from us?"

"What if it is something about 2racha?"

"Yeah, maybe he likes that 'squirrel'"

Seungmin was taken aback at all the comments that were being spat at him. First of all, who really cared if he was late? And how did the comments turn from being late to 2racha? It seriously didn't make much sense.

Opening his computer, he quickly swiped past the lock screen stage, relieved that the internet tab had already been opened, so the students wouldn't start gawking over 2racha. Going on with the days lesson, he was relieved that the students stayed calm during the whole time.

As the students went on with their independent work, Mr Kim sighed, a sigh that he never knew he held in. He didn't know what was particularly stressing him out. In fact, he shouldn't be stressed out at all (other than the fact Jeongin was being a stubborn fox), but he was.

Disconnecting the plug from the board, he flicked his screen onto his beautiful artwork. Well, his artwork was better the first time, before it was deleted.

His eyes scanned over his artwork, looking for finishing touches to add. Suddenly, a ping went off his phone, as some students looked up from the sudden noise.

Quiet rose from the class, before students lost interest. Seungmin let out an internal sigh, before taking out his phone. An Instagram notification popped up on his screen, which he recognised as 2racha.

Secretly opening up the post, his eyes widened in surprise, as he examined the picture that was attached.

He should be happy. As a fan, if an artist says they are coming back with a new album, they should be happy. But in this case, Seungmin was furious.

The familiar album cover came into view, but instead of three chickens, as it was previously, the smallest chicken was replaced with a SRIRACHA bottle. Seungmin's grip grew tighter on his phone, as sadness and anger overgrew on him.

Instead of being overwhelmingly happy, he was overwhelmingly angry and disappointed.

'I will not be those fans. Fans that cry over their idols. As Jeongin says, I'm not like those other people.'

Quickly closing his phone, his eyes flickered back to the computer screen. Looking at the kangaroo that reminded him of CB97, he didn't have the motivation to continue anymore. He knew it was one of the most unreasonable reasons to be mad and disappointed over, but it just got to him.

"Umm... Mr Kim? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, you're crying."

Seungmin's confused eyes widened as he felt a single tear roll down his cheek. Quickly wiping it off, he nodded, faking a smile.

"Yeah, I'm all good, thanks for asking."

"Pfft, are you crying because I threw your precious plushie in the bin." Jeongin's annoying but somehow comforting voice entered the conversation.

"Oh, are you talking about this one?" Everyone's view had Minho, as he pulled out the dirty wolf plushie from his bag. "I fished it out, it's a little dirty, but here you go Mr Kim." Minho approached the teacher who was in shock.

"Did you go through the whole entire bin for that?" Seungmin asked Minho, who innocently nodded. "You didn't have to do that! Give it to Jeongin, not me!"

Minho, who didn't know the unhealthy relationship between Seungin, handed the dirty plushie to Jeongin, who pushed him aggressively away.

"Ewwwww, don't ever show me that wolf plushie again!" Jeongin put on a disgusted face, before the teacher chuckled.

"Now now, everyone, get back to your work, please don't get distracted, and Minho, please give me that plushie. I might be able to sell it for some money."

Minho, not being greedy, willingly gave the plushie over the Seungmin, before Jeongin jolted up from his seat.

"HEY, GIVE ME THAT PLUSHIE. I NEED TO SELL IT ON AMAZON FOR SOME BUCKS." Jeongin, who really just wanted thing his way rather than the teacher, snatched the poor plushie off Minho.

A genuine smile appeared on Seungmin's face, before he spoke. "Whatever you want, I guess. If you get detention."

Jeongin scoffed and flipped his non-existent long hair sarcastically. "How many times have you failed to do that, Minnie?"

Seungmin shook his head, now realising why he was the most popular student in the school. He could possibly get away with anything.

"Fine, just continue with your work, and don't call me that name."

Jeongin nodded. "Sure, Minnie."

Ignoring Jeongin, his eyes trailed back to his computer, actually focusing on his work for once.


Coming back to his kangaroo work, he looked at the time. It was a little while after the class was dismissed, but he still sat there. Continuing his 'work for school', he smiled, as the kangaroo was coming together.

The door flung open as the familiar student entered, with a concerned look on his face. "Hey Mr Kim, I just wanted to check on you. Are you doing okay? Is there anything bothering you at home?"

Seungmin let out a chuckle (which didn't sound like one). "HAAAAA!"

Before Minho could ask if Seungmin had mentally gone crazy, the teacher responded calmly. "Don't worry about that Minho, it was for a stupid reason, you don't need to worry." He replied, running his mind over the album the duo was going to release.

Minho approached the teacher, his voice becoming bravely stern. "Well crying isn't a stupid thing, its something serious to a person-"

Before Seungmin could process anything, the poor boy had collapsed comfortably into the elders lap.

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