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If Minho had counted the amount of times he switched sleeping positions, it would be more that counting sheep before he slept. Although he never got to sleep.

Being a normal... well... in a human way, he should be able to sleep, especially how tired he was after Hyunjin's ranting again. But he couldn't get to sleep somehow.

Looking at the book beside him, he picked it up for the 39th time that night. He had insisted of keeping the book and a pen next to him when he slept so when he'd wake up, he would write down as much as he remembered. Well, the idea was very stupid, but Minho was determined. In whatever way, he would keep his friendship with Hyunjin, if it meant losing his good looks, his knowledge of Lee Knowing, and anything else, he would keep the relationship.

He didn't know if Hyunjin felt that way.

Once again that night, he was overthinking.

Over that night, he had found many tactics to getting at least the closest to sleeping, like not looking at the time constantly. But nothing made him completely fall asleep.

Sometimes his mind was clear of everything. But then he'd think 'Wow, I managed to do that' and start overthinking about Hyunjin.

He looked back to the book, reading over the words.

'Alleyway. Dim light. Ruined room. Pale human. Puffy cheeks. 'Help me.''

Would this actually happen? Minho shivered, before placing it back onto the table.

He pulled the wolf toy closer to him, a one that his teacher Mr Kim got for every student of the class. Unlike the other students, Minho prized it a lot. He didn't understand why Jeongin was so disgusted at it.

Suddenly a burst of relief ran through him, as he wasn't able to feel the soft fabric of his blanket anymore, the thoughts stopped running through his head, as he fell into a deep slumber.

Minho faced the room that he was previously in. His eyes attempted to widen, but once again, his body was stuck in the unknown trance.

He watched as the door creaked open, as it revealed 3 figures, dressed in very suspicious black hoodies, or what Minho had thought it was.

Once again, he had seen the pale boy, stiffening up against the wall as the humans approached the boy. Minho suddenly felt a sensation in his arm, as he tried to reach out, which he successfully did. In Minho's vision, the men started to fade away, as the boy turned his head around to meet Minho's glance.

"Did it work? Did it work? Please-, help me, I don't know how it works, but it is a device that allows me to... I ca... connec.... for a shor.... I need help, please help me while this la... sts." The boy spoke in a timid voice, wrapping his arms around Minho's leg, tugging it. To Minho it sounded like he was in a zoom call, the connection was breaking up and the quality of the video was very disorted.

"What are you talking about?" Minho had finally spoken for once. "You're- you're breaking up."

"I'm breaking up? I've never... date... before..." Minho furrowed his eyebrows to the supposed sentence of the male, Minho had figured out.

Rapidly sitting up, Minho's hands quickly went to his leg, where the boy's arms were previously. Feeling the perspiration on his forehead, his breaths got a little steadier.

"Wow." Minho nodded to himself. "I managed to sleep." Picking up the poor wolf toy that fell onto the floor, he reached out to his book, suddenly realising his mother stood at the door of his room.

"You had an okay sleep?" His mother asked Minho.

"I guess? I mean I couldn't sleep for a while, but I had an okay sleep?" Minho replied in a questioning manner, as his mother never usually asked. Why was his mother suddenly asking?

"Did you have a nightmare or something?" The familiar question repeated from his mothers mouth. "You were jolting around in your sleep. Is that something that happens when I am not around?"

Minho sat there, bewildered at the question. Considering that his mother was asking the question, he could easily answer back, probably with a 'arguing remark'. But he just sat there.

"Uh, no? I don't think so." His mind ran through the dream that he had. Would he consider it at a nightmare? Why was it whenever he had this sort of dream he was asked that?

Bringing to book to him, he opened it, jotting down what he could remember.

'Grey room. 4 (?) people. Same boy. Speaks in a zoom call matter. Needs help. Probably dated before (?). A connection. Tugs on my leg (which kinda feels comfortable). What is working?'

Reading over the notes again, Minho shook his head, realising how stupid the notes were. Adding more question marks to what he was uncertain of, he heard his mother call him.

"Minho! Can you help me with making breakfast?" The question made Minho groan.

"Okay mum!" Minho replied in the most unexcited tone, while taking a look back at the notes.

If this had ever happened, how would he deal with it? Well, at least this felt of a more realistic dream than Hyunjin turning into a cactus.

After dressing, he slid the book in his pocket, and placed his wolf toy in a comfortable position, before leaving his room.

Walking down, he saw his mother holding two plates, with a deadpan look on her face. "You did not just take 30 minutes to get ready? I already made breakfast for the 2 of us."

Minho sheepishly smiled. "Sorry mum." He sat down on the table, before digging into his food.

Would his plan work? Will this help get Hyunjin's trust back? Minho didn't even know why he would still want to keep such an unhealthy relationship that could break by an untrue fact.

"Um, Minho? You're putting too much pepper." His mother snapped Minho out of his trance of thoughts, as he looked at the object in his hands, then his plate.

"Oh..." Minho looked at the darkened food from the pepper, placing the shaker down. "Oops."

"Lee Minho." The sweet voice unusually came out of his mothers mouth. A pair of hands were felt on his shoulders. "Are you sure you're doing okay?"

Minho looked weirdly at his mother. "Yes?" Why wouldn't I?"

"I'm just concerned for my child, Minho, can I not?" The normal tone reached back to his mother again.

Minho scoffed in playfulness, before looking back to his food. "Oh..." He looked at the peppered food. "Eh, it'll taste good anyways."

Before he could bring the fork to his mouth, he started to feel a little light headed, before his face slammed into the food.

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