Episode 2: Skipper's First Test

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(Hey guys! This second episode is a lot bigger and more exciting than the first and I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to give suggestions in the comments on how you think the story should go! Please vote if you like it! Thank you!)

I was woken from my sleep from a loud booming voice, which sounded just like the fat hooman from before. In fact, it was the fat hooman. 

"Rise and shine, soldier! Don't be late for combat training!"

Mama and I woke up to the voice. I hissed at the fat hooman in protest only to be silenced by mama. 

"Hey Skipper, no attitude okay? Don't talk back to our commander. Today's your big day." 

I sighed as I let mama guide me by leash to a big room, mean't for combat training. It was the size of a football field. Suddenly a slab of meat was put in front of me by the fat hooman. I looked up at him questioningly. 

"For me?" I spoke in raptor language hoping he could understand me. He seemed to understand clear enough, surprising. 

"Yes, that's for you. But once you're done, we have to fit you into armor" 

I grumbled to myself as I ate my food. Armor? Great, does that mean external clothes for me too? I liked not having clothes. Once I finished my breakfast, mama led me to the armor room, where the commander was headed.

"We've got armor just for you, skipper. And it comes with your own weapon too."

I just stood there patiently, not wanting to defy orders, as the armor was slowly fitted onto me. The armor had the same color as my scales, and it even had the same yellow stripe too! The commander used his smartphone as a mirror for me to look at myself with. I have to admit, I looked great!

"You're looking good, Skipper! Now do you see that pistol attached to your side?"

I looked confused and felt around, then pulled out the pistol. "What's this?" I said in raptor speak. 

"That thing is your training pistol. You will practice with this before getting a real weapon. Be careful with it. This thing shoots yellow lasers that will sting your target." 

I nodded, fumbling with the pistol wondering how to hold it. 

"Ethan, follow me down to the field. We gotta teach your new dinosaur how to shoot properly."

"Yes, commander"

Mama led me by leash down to the field. The field was huge! I felt overwhelmed and even scared. 

"Have your dinosaur take position on this end of the field. I've got a training partner for you who will stand on the other side". 

Ethan had me stand on the end, as ordered. A partner? Now that didn't sound good to me. Combat training suddenly made me feel nervous, considering I may be attacked if I don't attack him first...

I saw another hooman walk down to the field. The hooman had blonde fur that was so long, it trailed down his back, and a bigger golden dinosaur with tiny arms and two big feet wearing armor his color was walking beside him. It was a golden T-Rex. Odd, didn't know T-rexes were that color. It looked like he was holding some kind of shotgun. I gulped as they both took their positions. A big dinosaur like him sure seemed like bad news. 

"Hey, commander! I'm glad you invited me and Tyrannus to take on a newbie for once! Totally radical!"

Mama seemed to sigh as this strange hooman. This hooman seemed to say strange words in another language...

"Great...last person I wasn't to see was my old annoying friend Michael..."

I looked at mama curiously after he had whispered to me, and I looked back at this Michael person, not liking him either. I hissed at Michael with annoyance and Michael just laughed. 

"Hey Ethan, I think your cute little dinosaur doesn't like me. Tyrannus can crush him with just his foot!"

"Michael, knock it off! That's not why you're here at all" the commander interrupted. "You're here because your T-rex is going to be a practice target for this new raptor." 

"Are you serious? My T-rex is more dignified than that! Right Tyrannus?"

"Yeah! Why should I let a puny raptor shoot me?" Tyrannus spoke up. He actually seemed to speak human pretty well, as if he'd been here for years!

"Because, it's our job as trainers to go easy on the newbies until they are capable of fighting in duels and battles and wars. Go easy on this new trainer and his raptor. His raptor doesn't even know how to shoot a gun and needs practice." 

"Fiiine..." Michael sighed and then muttered something under his breath. "I can't believe we are going easy on a little raptor that can't even fire a gun..."

"Excuse me, Michael?!" 

"Uh, nothing commander! I take it back!" 

"You'd sure better! Tyrannus, back against the wall, arms in the air!" 

Tyrannus snorted, doing as ordered. When he did that, his golden armored belly was pushed forward, as if he was showing it off. I couldn't help but snort with laughter as he was forced to offer himself up as a target. The commander then walked back to us. 

"Okay Skipper, I've made you an easy target. Now you gotta hold your weapon like this. And then you pull this trigger to fire a laser. Okay?" 

I watched as the commander went through the positions and motions with me. Then I nodded and held the gun properly, trying my best to aim for the dinosaur's belly. I fired a laser from my pistol, but my aim was so shaky that the laser missed and ricocheted against the wall. I didn't even get close to hitting my target. I hissed in frustration. 

"Good shot Skipper, but your aim was very shaky. You gotta stay stable and focus. Take your time to line up your shot just right." 

I nodded, and this time I lined up my shot the best I could, taking my time. I shot another laser, this laser landing in between the T-rex's legs. It jumped in the air, making a startled yelp. I looked at my commander.

"Better. You were close. But try for a direct hit. Let's hope third time's the charm" 

I sighed, but nodded. I lined up my shot again, and then took my time not to be too shaky. This time I managed to aim dead center at his belly and I took yet another shot. This time, the laser fired straight and hit the T-rex right in the belly. It grunted in pain. "That hurt, raptor! That stings!". 

"Great job, Skipper! Now you know how to shoot a gun properly!"

"Yay! Am I done yet?" I hopped up and down excitedly, speaking raptor. 

"Now we're going to give you another challenge. Then you're done for the day."

The commander walked back over to Michael and Tyrannus.

"Okay you two, now I'm going to teach the raptor how to battle another opponent that's attacking him. Now Tyrannus is allowed to put up a fight." 

"Well it's about time! I hate bowing to newbies!" Michael crossed his arms. 

"Michael, that cocky attitude won't keep you alive on the battlefield! Don't underestimate your opponent!" 

The commander walked back to us once more. "Okay Skipper, now's your chance to test your skills in a practice duel. Tyrannus, open fire!"

I gulped at the command. I watched the golden T-rex stomp closer to me. It aimed it shotgun at me and fired lasers at me in one short burst at a time. I got startled and dodged the lasers, but barely, trying to run for cover.

"Hey, hold still! I can't shoot you when you are skipping so fast, you little velocibrat!" 

I ignored the taunts of the T-rex. "And let you just paralyze me with your lasers?! I'm dodging for dear life!"

My rebuttal seemed to anger the T-rex, as it roared at me. 

"I hate it when little brats like you talk back to me!" he roared as he angrily shot at me some more, but I skipped around the laser blasts. I thought skipping so much was an impediment, but it turned out to be a fun talent! I started to grin instead. 

"You know, you're funny. You don't seem to shoot well when you're angry."

"I shoot fine! You won't hold still!"

I skipped and danced around more laser shots that were fired at me.

"Come on, I'm having fun. I could do this all day!"

"Knock it off!!" 

He continued to fire at me as he roared angrily at me again. While I dodged by dancing and skipper, I lifted my pistol up and aimed at him, taking a shot and hitting him in the belly!

"Ouch!" Tyrannus fell down clutching his stinging belly. "I can't believe this! I lost to a little raptor!" 

"Whoa, Skipper! How'd you do that?! That was fantastic!"

I blushed with embarrassment as I looked at my mama. "Oh it was nothing..."

The commander looked at me with amazement as well. 

"Skipper, you were fantastic! You put that hot headed Tyrannosaur in its place! Well done! I knew you had something special in you!"

I continued to smile nervously, and I even started to blush red. 

"Awww commander, you're embarrassing him!" my mama laughed. 

Michael looked depressed as he walked up to mama, his head down looking at the floor. 

"Hey Ethan, I'm sorry I doubted you. I feel bad for being so egotistical all these years. This raptor of yours is more than meets the eye. Tyrannus and I have our respect for you and this little raptor" Michael said as he and Tyrannus bowed down. 

"It's okay...I forgive you both. I prayed for both of you and I knew you two would come around someday!" 

I walked slowly up to Tyrannus. I shivered nervously because I never met a new friend before. 

"Hey...my name's Skipper. You're not bad. You're just misunderstood. You're not so big and scary like I thought you were. We can be friends okay?"

Tyrannus only nodded in response, as the commander gave another order. 

"Save the chit chat for later. It's time for lunch break! Then you all can chit chat with each other. And even meet other dinosaurs!"

"Boy, I am hungry! That sounds like fun, Skipper! You get to eat, and you also get to meet new friends! Won't that be fun?" 

I blushed in embarrassment at mama's enthusiasm, nodding my head in a "yeah, sure" kind of expression. 

"Now come on! Let's go!" the commander ordered one last time as we all followed him to the dining room. What a day this was! I got to learn new skills and how to use them in a fight and I even met a new friend! I hope things only continue to get better from here...

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