Chapter 1: The baby's Birth/ Fairies Plan

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In a faraway land long ago, where humans and mutants lived together in peace, there lived a king and his fair queen named Raph and Sunset Shimmer. Many years had they long wished for a child, and finally, their wish was granted. A daughter was born. They called her Rarity. Sweet Rarity, to them, was as darling as an adorable Bird, and she filled their lives with happiness. Then a great holiday was proclaimed throughout the kingdom so that all of high or low estate might pay homage to the infant princess, and our story begins on that most joyous day.

All the people of the Hamato kingdom come to celebrate princess Rarity's birth. Inside the palace, King Raph and his Queen welcomed their long-time friend. A servant announced the arrival of King Casey and his son and heir, Prince Donnie. For many years, King Casey and King Raph had longed to unite their kingdoms. Therefore, when it was announced that King Raph Queen had given birth to a daughter, it was announced that Prince Donnie would be betrothed to Princess Rarity.
It was then announced that more honored guests were arriving. A servant read out names as a single light shone throughout the palace. One by one, three good fairies appeared and bowed before the King and Queen. "Mistress Applejack, Mistress Fluttershy, and Mistress Rainbow Dash!"

Then the Fairies came to bow the King and Queen and said they each had one gift for the princess, no more, no less. First Applejack go to the princess with her gift.

"Little Princess, my gift shall be the Gift of Beauty." The fairy waved her magic wand, and little sparkles fell upon the baby, humming out, "The Gift of Beauty..." Said Applejack. Then Fluttershy went second with her gift for the princess.

"Tiny Princess, my gift shall be the Gift of Song." Again, when the fairy waved her magic wand, tiny sparkles fell to the princess, this time humming, "The Gift of Song..." Said Fluttershy. Then finally Rainbow Dash was last but as she was about to give the princess her gift but was interrupted when a harsh wind blew throughout the castle. The sky suddenly went dark, and lightning crashed to the ground. All the candles in the palace were extinguished, and sickeningly green and purple lights morphed into another fairy, only this one was dressed entirely in black and had an evil air about her. She smiled as her two sister appear into the palace and stand besides her.

(Gasped)"It's Adagio, what is she doing her?" Said Fluttershy and Applejack shush her.

"Well well well king Raph I see you invited all Royals and theses three peasants!" Said Adagio. When Rainbow Dash said she wasn't invited Adagio was about to leave till Sunset said to her if she's not offended.

" Why, no, Your Majesty! And, hee, to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift upon the child." When Adagio approached the cradle, the three fairies gathered around it to protect the princess. Smiling, Adagio stepped back and announced, "Listen well, all of you! The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. However...before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel...AND DIE!" Said Adagio. Queen Sunset was upset as she went to the cradle and hug her baby. Raph order his guards to seize Adagio but she disappeared and so did her two sister.

"Fear not, Your Majesties, for Rainbow Dash has yet to give the child her gift." Said Applejack. But Rainbow Dash said the Adagio magic is too powerful but Applejack said to give it her try and Rainbow dash rolled her sleeves and wave her magic wand.

"Sweet Princess, if through this evil trick, your finger you should prick, a ray of hope there still may be, for this is the gift I bestow upon thee: Not in death, just in sleep, the fateful prophecy you shall keep. And from this slumber, you shall wake, when True Love's Kiss, the spell shall break." Said Rainbow Dash. A glitter fell upon the princess, and "True Love's Kiss" could be heard from the magic. But King Raph still feared for his daughter's life. On that very day, he proclaimed that all the spinning wheels in the kingdom should be burned, and it was done.

Meanwhile Applejack saw the bound fire and said that this isn't good.

"Sit down, Applejack ," she insisted. "Come have some tea. I'm sure things will work out."said Fluttershy. "But a bonfire won't stop Adagio," Rainbow Dash murmured as she made a biscuit appear. "I'd like to turn her into a frog or something..."

"Aw, that's not very nice," the green fairy lightly scolded."Besides we can't our magic can only be used for good, happy things that bring people joy."

"Now that will make me happy."said Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly, Applejack perked up. "Wait a second! I've got it! I know how we can save the princess! I'll...Wait, no. Even walls have ears." After checking a few of the corners in the room to make sure no one was there, the red fairy made herself tiny. She flew into a small sewing box and motioned for the other two to follow. Once inside Applejack explain that she will turn the princess into a flower and will be safe. The two fairies thought it was a good idea but know that Adagio will send a frost. So they tried to think of another plan. They know that Adagio knows everything.

"No, she doesn't," Fluttershy objected. "She doesn't know anything about kindness, love, or the joy of helping others. You know, sometimes I think she's not very happy..."

Applejack gasped and a smile grew on her face. "You're exactly right! She doesn't know anything about those things. It's perfect! Okay, okay, we'll have to plan this carefully. Of course, the King and Queen will object, but once we explain it to them, they'll have to agree!" Said Applejack. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy want to know what Applejack is talking about. She explain about the three peasant woman raising a child deep in the forest.

Fluttershy stared curiously at Applejack . "That's very nice of them, but who are they?" She and Rainbow Dash turned as Applejack told them, looking into their reflections in a shiny thimble. Applejack waved her wand, and the three were dressed in peasant clothes. Fluttershy gasped. "Oh, my goodness! Us?! Oh, that's just wonderful!"

"Take care of the baby?!" Rainbow Dash gasped. "We don't know anything about that! We'll have to feed and clothe it..."

"And wash it and rock it to sleep," Fluttershy sighed dreamily. "Oh, this is a great idea, Applejack ! Plus, we'll have our magic to help us."

Applejack shook her head. "No, we won't use any magic. We'll live like mortals. After all, if humans can do it, we can do it! We'll all pitch in for the chores and work our best. I'll take the wands. Let's get rid of the wings, too."

Rainbow Dash quickly changed her dress color from pink to blue before giving her wand up. "I still don't think it's a good idea. We've never tried to live like that."

"And that's why Adagio won't suspect a thing. Come along now. We must tell Their Majesties at once!" Applejack exited the box and changed back to her normal size. After changing Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, the three of them ran off to the King and Queen.

And so, with heavy hearts, King Raph and Queen Sunset watched as their most precious possession, their only child, disappeared into the night.

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