A rocket hell of a time

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It was morning and the sun was shining through the window of ratchet's apartment Ratchet yawns it was 6 o'clock he goes to the bathroom while rivet is still peacefully sleeping. When Ratchet walks in he goes the the mirror and looks at himself he starts to use the device on his arm making himself go muscular and normal seeing how he would look with some muscle showing. After he is done he takes a shower.

10 minutes later

Rivet wakes up yawning hearing a door open from the bathroom seeing ratchet in a tall with his tummy showing and legs but she focuses her attention on his tummy see all his muscles on his abs seeing the benefits of being a glatic hero all the muscles he gained from caring clank on his back while doing back flips and fight villains Ratchet catches her starring at him 

Ratchet: Enjoying the view 

Rivet looks away blushing

Rivet: Yeah it's a great view 

Rivet: So I guess those are the benefits of being a galactic hero

Ratchet: Yeah I guess 

Than Ratchet looks at her tummy

Ratchet: And I guess those are the benefits of of being pregnant 

Rivet looks at her tummy 

Rivet: ass hole 

She says crossing her arms and looks away from him. Ratchet starts to grin as he crawls on the bed and gets closer to her and than lays her down looking at her but she refuses to look at him 

Ratchet: Come Rivet just trying to have some fun 

She still refuses to look at him clearly playing around with him than he smiles 

Ratchet: I think I know a way to say sorry 

He than puts his hands on her wast sending a shiver down her spine. Rivet than looks up at him

Rivet: What do you have in mind she says in a playful tone

Ratchet: Something you will really like he says with a smile 

Rivet: Why don't you show me right know and than I'll decide if I for give you 

Ratchet: Gladly

He says this as he begins to deeply kiss her


Ratchet: How was that for a sorry he says panting

Rivet: That was amazing you got way better at this hot shot she answers with a smile 

Ratchet: You too we're you practising with someone else

Rivet: Never I could not do this with anyone but you Ratch

Ratchet smiles hearing this and they lean in and kiss each other. After a while they get dressed 

Ratchet: I'll go cook breakfast with clank and kit 

Rivet looks at him with with wide eyes and a cheeky smile 

Rivet: You shore Ratchet because last I heard you nearly blew the kitchen up when you were trying to help Clank cook dinner she says in a playful tone

Ratchet: I was just sleepy I know how to cook

Rivet: Shore you do

Ratchet looks at her with narrowed eyebrows as he sees her stupid grin

Rivet: Come on Ratchet there are other things you can do than cook anyways this time I'm here

Ratchet: Than what do you insist on us doing 

Rivet tries her hardest to think of something to do while Ratchet just stares at her waiting for any answer than one comes to her head

Rivet: Why don't we try out some guns there are a lot I haven't tried that are in your arsenal and I'm shore there are some you may have forgotten how they work

Ratchet smiles at this idea as he and Rivet really like explosions 

Ratchet: Ok but just to let you know I know how to cook

Rivet: Ok what ever you say hot shot Rivet says this as she rolls her eyes


In the Kitchen with Kit and Clank

Clank: And that kit is how me and Ratchet met

Kit: Man you to really have been through a lot together

Clank: Yeah we had great adventures

Kit looks at Clank and sees his tone quite down a bit 

Kit: Everything ok

Clank: O yeah everything's fine just you know reminds me of the old adventures we had together 

Kit: Clank were there any adventures were you and Ratchet weren't together

Clank: ummmm I think I remember one when Ratchet disappeared we thought he was dead cause he was gone for 2 years than while I was about to go to reset mode he shows up I was shocked for 2 years I thought my best friend was gone so I ran to huge him he hugged me back but I didn't see any sine of happiness something had happened to him so 2 days after I asked him about he just told me it's nothing to worry about and than I just kept asking him ever day but he said the same thing and it looked like he was getting angry so I stopped but that was the only time we and him were never together 

Kit: interesting ok I think the food is ready let's go get Ratchet and Rivet


Outside with Ratchet and Rivet

Ratchet: Wow don't remember the rift inducer being a creature with tentacles always wondered how that thing looks like

Rivet: I don't think I want to go hop in there and find out did you ever name him

Ratchet: Well not me really a gun vendor did I think the creators name was Fred or something like that

Rivet: Hmmm interesting anyway what's next how about this one

As soo as rivet selected it it appears in her and a rocket launcher similar to the warmonger but shows less rockets and has a different shape to it

Ratchet: The negotiator I had a feeling you would chose that one at some point 

Rivet: So what should we try it on 

As they both look around Ratchet spots a grunthor

Ratchet: How about a grunthor

Rivet smiles 

Rivet: Lets do it

They both grin as they both head towards it but still staying a good distance away. Ratchet picks up a rock 

Ratchet: Ready Rivet

Rivet: Ready 

Ratchet throws the rock and it hits the grunthor on the back of the head turning it's attention towards them. It starts running at them at full speed Rivet takes aim. She aims for it's head and with one pull of a trigger BAM!! green blood goes ever where but doesn't hit ratchet and rivet because they go flying turns out Rivet wasn't expecting the gun to have such a strong kick back and they both get sent flying because Ratchet was standing behind her he got sent flying to.

Ratchet and Rivet: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

BANG!! they finaly hit the floor with Ratchet on his back and Rivet on top of him. after some time they open there eyes and look at each other.

Rivet: That was not what I was expecting but I don't get I was in the right stance and everything what happen she look at Ratchet with confusion 

Ratchet starts to think was there something that the gun had that mad it so powerful or something they forgot to press before shooting than he remembers

Ratchet: Man I forgot I may have damage it so how back than in some way and than for some reason the kick back just git so strong for some reason I think I damaged the part that keeps the kick back low and not crazy like that sorry

Rivet looks at him with annoyance but smiles

Rivet: Don't worry it still was pretty fun and anyways I got a soft landing and so did the baby

Ratchet: Wait your Pregnant and you just shot a rocket launcher that sent you flying is the baby ok!

Rivet just stars unshore she just thought to her self did she really just kill her baby until

Rivet: OW! 

She felt a kick in her tummy

Rivet: Pretty shore it's fine she says with some pain in her voice

They both. start to laugh and than lean closer to each other until 

Clank: Ratchet Rivet what are you to doing  on the ground and why is there a grunthor with no head Clank looks a Ratchet when he says the last part

Ratchet: Hey don't look at me she shot it Ratchet points at Rivet

Rivet: Hey it was your idea not mine 

Clank: Ok let me guess Rivet was trying to find another gun to try out form you arsenal and she found the negotiator and she shot it at the grunthor's head will you where standing behind her Ratchet and when she pulled the trigger you both went flying back and came to a stop here

Ratchet: How do you know we used the negotiator

Clank points to the side where the gun was laying

Ratchet: O

Kit: Wait you mean Rivet shot a rocket launcher and she has a baby in her tummy!

Clank and kit look at each other worried 

Rivet: It's ok Kit the baby is ...

Rivet was cut of by Kit


After Kit realises how loud she just got she closes her mouth

Kit: I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell

Rivet and the rest are still frozen by what Kit just did until Rivet shacks out it off

Rive: It's ok Kit you were just concerned for the baby

Kit: Your right and also your grounded from using anymore guns

Before Rivet was going to say something she looked at Kit and sees her expression and choices not to say anything but say to her self yes mummy

Clank: Anyways we just came here to tell you guys breakfast is ready unless you to need to finsh something

Ratchet and Rivet looks at each other and see they are still in the same potion and they quickly stand up

Ratchet: No we can go eat 

Clank: Nice know let's go


They are all eating breakfast while Ratchet and Rivet where telling the story on how they went flying 

Rivet: And than as soon as I pulled the trigger zoom we were gone

They all start to laugh

Clank: So what are we going to do after this than 

Ratchet thinks than a idea popes up into his head

Ratchet: how about we go to Zurkies so I can go ahead a destroy Rivet record

Rivet: You really think you can beat my record

Ratchet: I am the king of all the battle ariens and yours is just another one for me to clam

Rivet: We will see Ratchet

Kit: Well it's setled than we are going to Zurkies


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