Chapter 4

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Theo looks out the window at the dimensional Mayham unfolding before them. He seemed disappointed, No, he seemed furious.

"This is..." Theo began before taking a long pause.

"All my fault!" Blue broke on, "it was my responsibility to activate the weapon and I blew it! Literally!"

"I wasn't going to say that..." Theo said coolly, "Yes, it was your responsibility to activate the weapon without any problems but..."

He pauses again. He was going to say to Blue that he was only a kid and he still has so much to learn, but before he did so, he notices something through the window. His eyes squinted, getting a glimpse of two cat like-figures running into danger with one robot on each of their backs.

Theo gives a unhinged smile, "Come here child..." he said finally.

Blue hesitantly obeyed and walked beside his boss looking out the window with him.

"see them?" Theodore continued, pointing to the RA-4. Blue looks at them with wonder and shock in his eyes.


"Not just any lombaxes..." Theo growled during the last word, "They're the ones who murdered my brother, and still no one cared to arrest them for it because they are the "heroes". So I'm trying to make a plan to let's just say... take it into my own hands. That's also another reason why I wanted the machine to work, to get rid of their wretched species!"

"But..." Blue began, his voice cracking, "But my DNA says I have Lombax DNA in me. Why ain't you killing me?"

"why would you ask that horrible question, child?" Theo sneered, his voice full of annoyance and shock which made Blue wince back a little bit but he still keep a serious face.

Theo sighs, "you are not fully lombax." He said finally, "Plus, you are loyal to me. If they were against Jackson, they're also against me! Theodore Fang! Strongest crime Lord."

"So you're saying that... we need to kill these guys?" Blue mewed.

Theo looked back at lom-krat with danger in his eye, "precisely." He said the smirk, "but not just that, we're going to make them suffer until they do drop dead."

Theo looks back at the window, "get the soldiers ready, and take some of the demons... our luck had just moved up."

"yes sir."

And with that, Blue left to get the army ready for an ambush. As he left though, Theo looks up at the sky, smiling warmly.

"you hear that, big bro?" He asked, "I told you I would avenge for you! And as soon as those bastards are dead, you'll be finally free. Free from your unfinished business."

He fidgets with his amulet before saying, "I'll won't fail you again, not this time, not ever."


People all over the city were panicking from the red dimensional mayhem around them. They had that before with purple rifts, but those rifts DIDN'T HAVE DEMONS COMING OUT OF THEM WHO ARE TRYING TO KILL THEM!!!

Everyone, including Clank and Kit, had never seen this kind of dimensional mayhem before. How to make matters worse, many more lives are being lost due to their lack of information about these kind of rifts.

As more rifts opened, Ratchet, Rivet, Clank, Kit, the galactic rangers and the resistance we're helping the survivors evacuate the city or even the planet itself. As they did so, Rivet stops and takes a good look at the crimson rifts in the sky.

"I gotta ask, What kind of rifts are this?!" Rivet asked, her voice sounded demanding which was kind of obvious since scrap was going down right now.

"I was gonna say that the dimensions are falling apart again," Clank replied, "but this is a lot more different."

"what do you mean?" Ratchet asks, stopping as well.

"what I mean is..." Clank says before he pauses for a little bit, "these are not dimensional rifts, they are-"

"-Portals from hell..." Rivet finishes for him, "that's what you were going to say, isn't it?"

Clank sighs, "yes..."

As the gang looked in the red sky and the burning city before them, Lincoln runs from the exit towards them.

"that's everyone." he began, "The Rangers and Resistance are getting the ships ready just in case we need to evacuate Megalopolis."

"Good job Link." Riv comments with a wink.

Lincoln looks at them, his heteroachroma eyes glimmered with confusion and worry.

"So..." Link began, "what now?"

"Go back with the others and help the survivors." Ratchet orders.

"But what about you?" Lincoln counters.

"We're gonna try and find a way to close these rifts." Rivet explained, "And find out where, what... or who they're coming from."

Lincoln glances behind him before taking a long breath, "call us if you need back up..." he mewed.

Ratchet and Rivet looks at each other before nodding to Lincoln, "we will." Ratchet said.

"You better!" Link then said with a desperate hiss, "We can't loose you guys again...ya hear me...?"

Lincoln leaves after that, leaving both lombaxes and robots kinda flabbergasted. They know Lincoln sometimes acts and speaks like he's not a rookie, but right there and then, he sounded like a lieutenant or even a captain. Was Brax teaching him how to talk like a soldier or what?

Ratchet knew that Lincoln was worried about him and the gang since he did watch Ratchet get presumably murdered in cold blood, Clank getting turned into a large killing machine and probably Rivet getting severely injured, all by his sister Cleo, but that is in the past now and it's time to move on. Link is trying to do so, he can see that, but he is also holding on to some stuff that are understandably hard to move on from.

Both lombaxes then looked at each other and nodded in determination before running off to find the source of the rifts. Little did they know is that Theo and Blue, along with several soldiers and demons were on top of a building watching them, planning the right moment to strike.

Theo's eyes squinted at their targets and remained that way for a little while longer before he finally commanded, "Soldiers on the streets, demons on the buildings. When you find them, attack them. Just make sure that they are alive when I come here. I would like to have a little chat with them before they do die."

As the soldiers and demons do what they're told, Blue was about to take a step the follow them only to be stopped by Theos tail, "but I got a special job for you, Blue."

Blue looks around warily, "what is it?" He asked.

Theo grinned in his usual unhinged manner, "I want you to assassinate the youngest member of the Galactic Rangers."

"does he have a name?" Blue questioned, his tail flicking slightly.

"Yes." Theo replied with a careful growling voice, "his name is Lincoln Forest."


The RA-4 were searching the destroyed arena, looking for clues about the twisted mayham going around.

"find anything useful in those scans?" Rivet asks The robots who are scanning the area and even the sky.

"nothing useful..." Clank said sadly, "but something interesting.  The last rifts were powered by Faze Quartz. Am I right?"


"but these ones ain't."

Rivet tilts her head, "then... what are they powered by?"

Clank pauses and scans the sky one more time just to make sure that he was correct. After that he finally spoke the words:

"Red Hextech."

Everyone's eyes were wide as peaches, "Hextech?!" Ratchet echoed, "I thought that power material was a myth!"

"It's not a myth in my dimension though." Rivet added, "but RED Hextech?! Now THAT'S an old Mort's myth!"

"Who would have Hextech, let alone Red Hextech?" Kit asks, "and most importantly, how did they find it!"

"We didn't "find" the Hextech..." A British predatory voice cuts in which made the four jump and quickly go on guard. Before they knew it, Theo walks out the shadows with a twisted smile. "...we killed someone to take it."

The gang tried to look for a way out only to find themselves surrounded by several soldiers... and monsters who looked like they just came from hell. The main one, A Black and green, juvenile grunthor-sized monster that closely resembles a panther with the face of a wolf, the ears of a aquatic monster and a long tail with a razor sharp blade at the end of it, walks right next to Theo, glaring green daggers at them, licking his lips and sabertooth canines.

"Who the hell are you?!" Rivet snapped, causing Theo to stop petting his beloved hellcat and glare at her.

"you should know who I am..." Theo growled, "you're the one who took my brother's life! Aren't you, Rivet?"

"your brother...?"

After questioning those two words, her eyes went wide with horror, realizing who his brother was.


"Ah yes... Jackson Fang!" Theo purrs, "You never forgot about him, didn't you?"

Rivet growls, her tail swishing in hatred. 

"I don't think you got the information correctly." Kit spoke up, "but your brother was abusing Rivet for let's just say...2 years. Calling her a slut and a hoe, along with many other discriminating sexist names!"

Ratchet steps next to his girlfriend, "and not only that, he even tried to kill her!" He hissed.

Theo growls, "Liars! Jack was the best brother I ever had and you guys killed him! Now YOU WILL PAY!!!"

And with that, Theo's eyes glowed more red as the monsters came charging at them. The heroes brace themselves, their weapons in hand.


Blue was leaping from building to building. He seemed calm and focused, ready to kill this "Lincoln Frost", but in reality, he was curious, very curious.

Who is Lincoln Frost?

Soon enough, the answer came to him.

"Is that the last of them?"

"I got a couple more here sir, Cap!"

Blue glance is over to his right and sees The Galactic Rangers helping some citizens evacuate the city, among them was a young kraetsiz with golden fur and s'more brown patches, along with a black prosthetic arm with red blue and yellow details on it. Without realizing it, Blue's face turns red as blood slowly slithers from his nose. Why is he like this?! He's not supposed to feel this stuff!

"Nice work Lincoln." Captain Quark commented with his usual cringe of a smile, "now go to the escape ship with the others."

So this Kraetsiz is Lincoln Forest, The one he has to assassinate. Blue's blood suddenly felt hot with anger, Theo wants him to kill a kraetsiz, His own kind in cold blood! He's only part krat, yes, but that does not mean he feels connected to them, same goes for lombaxes! And the only reason why Theo wasn't killing Blue himself was because he's not completely those things and that he's loyal to him!

After those angry thoughts, Blue felt a feeling, and urge that he never felt before: The urge to not kill Lincoln; The urge to rebel.

Lincoln walks into the escape ship with the others, thinking constantly about Ratchet, Rivet and the bots. He knows that he can't go back out there and look for them, but he was so worried that they might get killed out there! They were lucky the last few times they were close to death but this situation is more serious!

"Prepare the blast off!" He heard Brax call, causing him to perk up in shock.

"WHAT?!?!" Lincoln yowled with horror on his face, "B-But what about Ratchet?! And Rivet?! And Clank and Kit?!"

"We'll come back for them!" Brax said, "but we need to get the citizens to a safer planet."

"but they might die if really any longer!" Lincoln protested causing to glare at him.

"It was their choice to go out there and figure stuff out!" He snarled, "we'll come back for them Link."

Lincoln looks away and as the ships doors begin to close, determination stretches across his face at Lincoln's paws begin to spark with static.


"Call. Me. Forest!" Lincoln snarls glaring at Brax with his electric blue eyes before zooming out of the ship right before the doors fully close.

Before Blue could zoom inside of the escape ship, he sees a blue light dash through the closing doors. The lom-krat blinks before realizing that blue blur was Lincoln. He's got the same powers as him?

Due to the mission but mostly curiosity, Blue follows him, still remaining unseen. Something about this krat wants him to screw the mission altogether, to quit the Theodore Fang Crime Company. But he knows that if he did, Theo might send another assassin to get him for "treason".

He continues to follow his target, but soon enough Lincoln notices Blue following him and runs even faster.

Clever boy.

Blue also picked up the pace, running almost the same speed as his target. When he thought the range was right, Blue leapt forward, tackling the young kraetsiz to the ground. They both rolled down the hill biting and clawing each other until they finally crashed into a tree. Linkin leapt away from Blue, standing in a defensive pose, growling and hissing at his attacker. Blue growls as well, but it was a lot more lower and confident.

"Who are you?!" Lincoln growled.

"why would I reveal my name to a kitten like you?" Blue snared back at them.

"well this kitten has some tricks up his sleeve..." Link hissed as small blue sparks surround his jaw.

Upon seeing the sparks, Blue smirks, "huh, electricity." He hummed, "interesting that I got the same thing. And I gotta say, for a kitten, you've got some moves. Where did you learn them?"

Blue slowly walks towards Lincoln as the golden krat backs away, clearly intimidated by this new larger krat.

"what's wrong?" Blue purred, "you scared?"

"I'm not scared!" Lincoln hisses viciously though his eyes clearly show otherwise, "I-I am a full member of the Galantic Rangers. If you kill me, you'll face serious charges!"

Blue chuckled, "you really think I'm a fool?" Blue mewed as he began to circle Lincoln, "yes I was ordered to end your life but... I'm not gonna kill you..."

"Uh..." Lincoln paused out of confusion, "Why?"

As he turns back to Blue, The larger Krat had just disappeared. But as Lincoln rolled his eyes and was about to walk off, Blue suddenly reappeared in front of him before saying the three words that he wasn't expecting.

"You're hot, Cupcake~"


Lincoln's face turns blood red after that as he Clumsily fell on his back giving Blue the chance to pin him down, standing over him very flirtatiously.

"so what will it be Ranger?" Blue asked with a purr, "Man or Woman?"

Lincoln struggled to speak. Man or Woman?! He doesn't even know this guy and he straight out started hitting on him. He's clearly gay!

"I... I beg you're pardon?!" That was the only think Lincoln could blurt out in this situation.

But before Blue could answer, gunshots and explosions were heard, catching both of their attention.

"What the hell?"

Before he knew it, Linkin leg swept his back legs, causing Blue to stumble down, allowing him to escape.

Blue then just stare at him with goo goo eyes, "what a man~"

To be continued...

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