Chapter 14: Dreamland.

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"Jak? Jak?! Jak! JAK!" The image of Daxter was now coming into focus as Jak opened his eyes. 

"Daxter?" Jak asked. He started to get up. 

"Oof. You're finally awake. Thought you were down for the count for a minute there, buddy." Daxx said. 

Jak looked around him. The whole area was hazy, foggy. The sky above them was a greenish color. "Where the heck are we?" He asked knowing it wasn't another one of Daxter's drinks at the Naughty Ottsel. 

"I don't know, Jak. But it doesn't look good." Daxx answered. "Last thing I remember was getting handled by that demon guy and in the next moment. Then I wake up here and find you taking a dirt nap. Not that there's anything wrong with dirt napping. I mean, I fall asleep all the time on your shoulder pad you got right there."  

"What happened to the tower?" Jak noticed the ruins around him. "Add that to the list of things that don't make sense." 

"Who knows, Jak? Right now, we gotta find out where we are." Daxx replied. 

Jak took out his Morph gun. "I'm with you on that one, Daxx. And we gotta find our friends too." 

Both Jak and Daxter then saw the entrance to the Ruined Tower. "Hey, Jak? Do you remember anything before we got here?" Daxx asked. 

"Yeah." Jak remembered that one Monster they ran into that made Jak and his friends fall asleep. "That thing made us go to sleep." 

"So... are we asleep right now and this is dream world?" Daxter asked. 

"Possibly. But this feels... different." Jak replied. 

"Okay, Jak. Pinch my tail." Daxx told him. 

"What?" Jak asked confused. 

"You normally have to pinch someone to make em wake up. So pinch me, Jak!" Daxx commanded. 

Jak pinched Daxter's tail and Daxter shrieked up. "Yowch!" But Daxx didn't wake up.  

"I think we're going to need something stronger than a pinch, Daxx." Jak suggested. He then heard some shouting that was going on up ahead. 

"You offer compliancy, not peace." The Voice of Talia accused.  

"That sounded like Talia." Daxter noted. 

Jak nodded his head. They both charged ahead. 

"It seems only war and death will satisfy you. So be it! Have your war and your Darkspawn! May they be your Doom!" Another voice yelled. The voice belonging to Duncan. Or at least a fake version of him. 

"Talia!" Jak yelled. 

Talia raised her sword. She turned to see Jak though. "Jak? Daxter?" She asked. 

"Get down!" Jak shot a rocket of his Super Nova. The Rocket dropped on the ground causing a flash of light and decimating all of the surrounding enemy. The only ones left standing after the flash had subsided were Talia, Jak, and Daxter. 

"You okay?" Jak asked. 

"Yeah. Maybe you should use that weapon more often." Talia answered noticing the Super Nova.

"Not really my main gun. Besides. I only got a few shots in it." Jak replied. But that was when he noticed there was something in Talia. A sign of sadness. "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." Talia answered. "It's just... I thought that was Duncan I saw. The guy that helped me escape from Highever when Howe betrayed my Father." 

"That was the guy?" Daxx asked. "Well, that complicates things." 

"But what are you guys doing here? And where's everyone else?" Talia asked. 

"No idea. You're the only one we saw." Daxter answered. 

"Well that's just great." Talia grumbled.

"You remember anything before you wound up here?" Jak asked. 

"Just that Monster at the Circle of Magi that told us that we deserve a rest. But that's about it." Talia remembered. It was about the same thing that Jak remembered. 

"Well, we're not going to find out more about where we are by just standing here, are we?" Daxter asked. "Now how do we get out of here?" 

Jak looked around and he saw a Pedestal. "That could be a way out." He suggested. 

"You mean the large pedestal?" Talia asked. 

"Um... hello?" Daxter asked while trying to jump up to reach the Pedestal. "Kind of seems a bit big for one of us isn't it?"

"That's something you could've asked the Precursors for. Larger height." Jak pointed out.

Daxx crossed his arms at that. 

"Uh guys?" Talia pointed to the Pedestal displaying a moving picture. "The Picture is moving." 

Jak took a look. He could see a destination glowing. "The Raw Fade?" He asked. 

"I wonder what it does." Daxx touched the light on the Pedestal. And that was when their view started to change. 

Jak, Daxter, and Talia then saw themselves in another area of the Fade. An entirely new island. "So that's what it does." Daxx said. "It's a Teleporter." 

"And how does that help us? Unless it can teleport us out of the Fade?" Talia asked. 

"Sorry, Talia. These things aren't always that simple." Jak answered. 

Before Talia could ask why it wasn't always that so simple, a group of flying demons from the Fade started to come upon the three. 

"More Fade Demons?" Talia asked. 

"Get ready for a fight." Jak readied his Gun. But before he could shoot. A squall of lasers from another source shot down the Demons. And Jak could see where it came from. It was from Sig. 

"Sig?" Talia noticed that Sig was okay. 

Sig shot some more Flying Demons down. "Get your butts over here and help me shoot these things!" He yelled. "Man was I conned." 

"I'll take it from here." Jak assured. He turned into Dark Jak and used a Dark Bomb to eliminate the Demons. 

"Thanks." Sig thanked. "You guys certainly took your sweet time getting here." 

"Sorry Sig. I thought I saw something from my past. Good thing that I ran into Jak and Daxter, huh?" Talia explained. 

"You too, huh?" Sig asked. 

Talia looked confused. "What do you mean by that?" 

"I got stuck on some floating island and thought that I was back in Spargus. Didn't fall for it and got out of there. Then I found myself here trying to fight some demons. And protect Mr. Relevant to this place over there." Sig pointed to a Mage that was next to him.

"Mr. Relevant. That's a first for me." The Mage commented. 

Talia looked at the guy and that's when it hit for her. He looked familiar. "You're that Mage from the Tower. That was... right next to the... monster." She realized.  

"Congratulations on getting out of that trap." The Mage thanked. 

"You mean with Duncan and the Grey Wardens making me thing that I defeated the Archdemon and the Darkspawn once and for all?" Talia asked.

"That would be one of them?" The Mage answered. 

"What about our friends? Are they trapped too?" Jak asked.

"Tell them what you told me." Sig requested the Mage. 

"If you came here with others, then they would be trapped. The Demon traps everything that comes in here in a dream it thinks they can't or won't try to leave." The Mage said. "I thought I'd escaped too, but I've been wandering these empty, grey spaces for a lifetime. My name is Niall by the way." 

"I figured. You were that Mage that Tranquil mentioned." Jak said. 

"Indeed. I was trying to save the Circle when I encountered the Sloth Demon. I expect our experiences were similar." Niall replied. 

"Not ours. We weren't effected by the Sloth Demon at all." Daxx pointed out. 

Niall examined both Jak and Daxter. "Not you two at any rate. There's a certain type of energy around you two. A power of sorts. It must've shielded you from the Sloth Demon's magic." 

"We call it Eco." Jak clarified. 

"I knew it!" Daxter exclaimed. 

Talia was thinking about something else. "You have the Litany of Adralla on you?" She asked.

"The Litany was our weapon against the Blood Mages domination. But it's too late. Everyone's dead." Niall replied. 

"We're still alive." Daxx pointed out. "Just help us get out of here and Jak will make sure that everything goes away." 

Jak glared at Daxter. "And by Jak, I meant all of us." Daxter corrected. 

"This place drains you of everything... hope, feeling, life." Niall said feeling like a Debby Downer.

"There's got to be a way out of here." Talia looked around her. 

"No, there is no way out of here. You think there might be, but you'd be wrong." Niall shot down. He then looked at the Fade Pedestal. "You see that pedestal there? I've studied the runes on it... Runes that signify different islands of the Sloth Demon's domain. The Sloth Demon itself is on the center of the island, but you can't get there. The Five Islands around the center somehow form a protective ward." He explained. 

"Yeah? Well he's smart. Because he would not want me to get on that Island and beat him down into next Thursday." Sig commented. 

"We'll go check out these Islands and see if we can't find a way to get to the center one." Jak decided as he wanted to take action. "Sig. Stay here and guard the Pedestal." 

"You got it. Call me if you run into trouble." Sig replied. 

"Up for a little expedition?" Jak asked Talia. 

"I'm in." Talia answered taking out her sword and shield. 

"Do I get a say in this?" Daxx asked. 

"No." Jak answered.

"When do I ever?" Daxter asked himself.

The First place to go was a Fade Portal that was around the back. The three went forward only for the portal to exit in another part of the Fade. "Must be another part of the Fade." Talia figured.

"Is that the Center Island up there?" Daxter asked looking up at a giant city in the distance.

Talia looked at it. "No. That would be the Black City." She answered. "It used to be the seat of The Maker until the Mages usurped the place tainting the city with their magic. At least that's what the Chantry teaches us."

"And does that Sloth Demon live up there?" Jak asked.

"Nope. Nobody does." Talia answered as they continued onward. They were interrupted however when they came into contact with a Lesser Flaming Sloth Demon. 

"And they're on Fire too! Someone call the Fade Fire Brigade." Daxx commented. 

Talia took out her sword. She slashed at the Fire Demon. Only for the Demon to absorb some of the shock through its gut. "Now that's not something you see everyday." She said as she retracted the blade. The Demon punched at Talia as she raised her shield. 

Jak quickly shot at the Demon bringing it down. 

"I had that." Talia stated.

"Yeah. I know you did." Jak replied. 

"Thank you... but too late for me." A voice suddenly said. 

"Who said that?" Talia asked. 

"Down here." The voice answered.

The three looked down at a mouse. "Did that Mouse just talk?" Daxx asked. 

"You're a talking Ottsel, and you think a Talking Mouse is weird?" Talia asked. 

"That's different. I wasn't always an Ottsel, you know. Jak can vouch for me." Daxx shot back. 

That was when the Mouse gave off some energy around it. "Kill the Demon. She rules here. She protects her master, Sloth." The Mouse then faded away. "Make... my-" 

"Make his what?" Daxx asked as he got back on Jak's shoulder plate. 

"Let's keep moving." Jak suggested as they went through yet another portal. This one led to another island where a Demon that looked similar to the one they encountered in the Templar Quarters was waiting. 

"I'll handle this, guys." Daxx immediately declared. "Alright, Miss. Demon. We've got business with your boss. So if you don't mind getting out of our-" He didn't get a chance to finish what he was going to say as he got shocked by lightning. "...Yeah. She's not interested." 

"But I'm interested in doing this." Talia ran forward and ducked out of the way as she evaded a slash from the Demon. Then proceeding to roll behind the Demon and stab her in the back killing the demon immediately. 

"Nice. Stuck the landing and everything." Jak commented. 

"Thanks." Talia thanked. "I just wish Alistair could've seen that." 

Jak tended to notice. "Why's that?" He asked. 

"Oh... you know. I mean. He is a fellow Grey Warden and everything." Talia answered. 

Author's note: In the game there's a part where the MC gets Fade Powers to transform and have to use it to get through certain areas. We're going to skip that.

They came back through the portal which they had come from. Niall seemed to notice this. "Something's happened. What did you do?" He asked. 

"We killed one of the demons." Daxx answered. "You're welcome." 

"Nice work." Sig commented. 

"You're so much braver than I am. I was sure that it was impossible to get anywhere." Niall said. 

"Not when it comes to Jak here." Daxx replied. 

Talia walked over to the Pedestal and saw a Rune on the dot where it showed the Raw Fade. "Hey Guys! There's something on this Pedestal!" She exclaimed.

The others ran over. "Was that there before?" Sig asked. 

"No. I think it was when we killed that Demon that made the Rune hold up like that." Talia answered. Then she had an idea. "This Sloth Demon is protected by his lesser cronies. I bet if we find the cronies on these islands and stay there, we'll get an easier access to the Sloth Demon." She explained.   

"That could work." Niall admitted knowing that the mission was clear now. 

"Alright. It looks like there are 4 other islands where the Demons are. Go to these places and clear them out." Sig ordered. 

"And you'll stay here with Niall?" Daxx figured. 

"In case we find anyone else. Or if you find our friends and send them here so as not to get any confusion." Sig explained. 

Jak nodded understanding the situation. 

Going through another Portal through the Pedestal and Jak, Daxter, and Talia found themselves on another Island. "The Burning Tower?" Talia asked.   

"Doesn't look like any fire I've seen." Daxx commented. "You know. Because there's no fire." 

"What about those two fires in the corners right there?" Talia asked referring to burning fires in the corners. 

"Well, except for those ones." Daxx admitted.

Jak opened a door to see some more fires in halls. And Templar Warriors who were on fire charging at him. 

"Those men are on fire, Jak!" Daxx yelled. 

Jak shot his Vulcan Fury at the Templars shooting them down. 

"That Morph Gun doesn't come with Water, does it?" Talia asked. 

"Nope. And it doesn't come with a Fire extinguisher either." Jak answered. 

"A what?" Talia asked not knowing what a Fire Extinguisher was considering that her Universe was still in the Middle Ages. 

"Nevermind." Jak decided on another strategy. "Stay here. I'm going to go see if there's anything else up ahead." He turned Invisible.

Talia crossed her arms and waiting. That was when she saw something odd. It was another door that went somewhere. She opened it to reveal a large pole surrounded by fire. "Why would there be a pole surrounded by Fire?" She asked herself. 

"Hello? Anyone there?!" Talia looked up to see where the voice came from. "If this is another rat... Oh wait. What am I thinking? Rats don't climb." She thought.

"Talia? Can you get me down from here?" Talia looked up to see Qwark and Skrunch at the top of the pole. 

"Captain Qwark?" Talia asked in disbelief. 

Skrunch screeched. "And Skrunch." Talia added. 

"The one and only!" Qwark exclaimed. 

"How did you guys get up there?" Talia asked. 

"Well... Skrunch and I woke up and found ourselves surrounded by fire so we climbed up this conveniently placed Pole that was in the middle. " Qwark answered. 

"Come on down. We need your help if we're going to get out of this fade." Talia suggested. 

"Okay." Qwark decided getting tired of just staying on a pole. "Catch me!" He jumped off. 

Talia saw what was happening. "NO WAIT!" She yelled out before Qwark fell on her and crushed her. "Ouch." 

"Thanks for breaking my fall." Qwark commented getting up. 

"Thanks for breaking my back." Talia grunted as she got up. 

Jak came back shortly after. 

"Jak! You're alive!" Qwark yelled. 

"And... so are you, Qwark." Jak noticed as he looked at Qwark.

"We were on a pole." Qwark said.

Jak looked at Talia. "Don't ask." Talia muttered. 

Not wanting to have to deal with whatever crazy shenanigans Qwark would undoubtably pull on the three. Jak had another idea. "Qwark. Head over to the other side of the Tower. You'll find a Pedestal there which should take you to the Raw Fade. Sig will hopefully be around. We'll go on and find the others." He told Qwark.

"Sounds find with me. Operation Save the Bacon is now in effect." Qwark then took Skrunch. "Let's go, Skrunch." 

"That should take care of them for awhile." Daxx commented. 

"Let's keep moving." Jak suggested hoping the others were as easy to find as Qwark was. 

Unfortunately, Qwark would be the easy one to find. After finding Qwark. Jak, Daxter, and Talia hopped up the Burning Tower. Killed the Demon there. Then went over to the Templar Quarters and the result was the same while also being short and simple. Kill what they could, hop across from Island to Island. Kill the Demon on the Island. Leave. 

After killing an Ogre Demon that was on the Island of the Darkspawn Invasion with her sword, Talia looked around her. "Stupid Darkspawn. It was one thing when we had to deal with them in the real world. Now here?" She asked. Then she remembered that the Darkspawn most likely came from the Fade themselves. 

Jak looked at the Pedestal. Runes were now lit up on most of the places. "I've got Good News and Bad News." He announced. "The Good News is that the Demons are now destroyed. Which means we can get to the Inner Sanctum." 

"And the Bad News?" Daxx asked. 

"There's also these separate Nightmares the Pedestal is showing. And it looks like the Same Nightmare scenarios that Talia was sucked into. Looks like that's where we'll find our friends." Jak answered. 

"Then what are we waiting for?" Talia asked ready to go. 

"Uh... if they're stuck in their nightmares. That means more hecticness for us. Hello?" Daxter noted. 

"Yeah. But you've got us. We just got to get our friends out of those nightmares. Then we break out of this Fade or whatever this is." Jak countered. 

"You're more than welcome to stay here." Talia added.

"Let's get out of this mess." Daxx decided seeing reason. 

The First Nightmare was just one small island. "You sure we're in the right place?" Daxx asked. 

"Nope." Talia answered. But she walked ahead anyway. 

"Uh... hello?" Jak asked walking up. "Anyone here?" 

Talia walked right next to him. Until she saw two women arguing about something. And it looked like... "Morrigan and Flemeth?" She asked. 

"Away! Away with you!" Morrigan demanded. "I shall have no more of your pestering." 

"I am your Mother... do you not love me?" Flemeth asked. 

Morrigan wasn't effected like the others were with the Fade Side effects. "You are as much my Mother as my Pinkie is the Queen of Ferelden. I know you, Fade Spirit. You cannot fool me." She told Flemeth off.

"Are you more clever than your dear Mother? Surely such pride must be punished." Flemeth replied as she slapped Morrigan on the face rather hard. "There! That is for not showing Respect!"  

"That is far more like it." Morrigan commented. "But it is too little too late, spirit." 

"You didn't fall for it either, huh?" Jak asked. 

Morrigan turned to see her companions. "Tis you at last." She noted. 

"Sorry it took longer than expected. You would not believe the Demons we had to go through." Talia informed.

Jak just shot the Flemeth dead. "Done." He said. 

Morrigan sighed in relief. "Tis about time! That was most-" She never got to finish her sentence as she was fading away. "Wait! What is this? No, not this again! I refuse-" And she faded away. 

Talia stood back. "What the-?"

"Oh great!" Daxter complained. "Thanos snapped his fingers again!" 

"Daxx. That's the wrong Universe." Talia pointed out. 

"Well, why did Morrigan just fade away?" Jak asked. 

"Let's ask the Sloth Demon when we get to him." Daxx suggested. 

"Just as soon as we rescue everyone else." Talia reminded. 

"I haven't forgotten." Jak told her. 

They went to another Nightmare as they found themselves on another island. This one had Wynne on it and surrounded by more bodies. She looked down on all the bodies in guilt and pain. "Maker forgive me. I failed them all. They died and I did not stop it." She said as she saw the three come over. 

Daxter looked at the bodies. "Talk about meeting a violent end." He commented. 

"Don't touch em, Daxter. They could be demons for all we know." Jak advised. 

"You mean, Dead Demons?" Daxx asked. 

Talia shook her head. "Don't believe it. These Nightmares are playing tricks on us. Just like it did with Sig, Morrigan, and myself." She walked over to Wynne. "Wynne. This isn't real." 

"Why was I sparred, if not to help them? What use is my life now that I have failed in the task that was given me?" Wynne asked around in more despair. 

"This is getting rather morbid." Jak commented. 

Wynne shot a look at Jak. "Your blatant disregard for the souls of the dead strikes me as utterly inappropriate." She scolded. 

"I just call it like it is." Jak shot back. 

"And I find it blatant disregard for you to mourn the passing of Demons." Talia added. 

Wynne scoffed at that. "Demons? How could you say that at a time like this?" She asked. 

"You know. I've got an idea. Why don't we all just go away. And pretend this whole thing. Never happened?" Daxter asked breaking the tension. 

"You just want to get away from this place." Jak said.

"Well, can you blame me for that, Jak?" Daxx asked. 

"You might be right." Wynne agreed. "Perhaps some time away will help me think clearly." She started to walk away. 

That was when a body on the ground began to rise up. "Don't leave us Wynne. We don't want to be left alone." One of them begged. 

"GAH!" Quick as running away from the Krimzon Guards. Daxx got back on Jak's shoulder plate. 

Talia drew her sword. 

And the good news was that Wynne now saw the Demons for what they truly were. "Holy Maker! Stay away, foul creature!" 

"Come. Come to your rest." More bodies standing up requested. 

"No. My task is not done yet." Wynne drew her staff out and shot a few of the Demons. 

Jak had also used his Mass Inverter and made the Demons all float uncontrollably in the air. "All yours." He told Wynne. 

Wynne had proceeded to slay all of them down with some Magic Missiles. The Demons had fallen for good this time. 

"Is it over?" Talia asked as the bodies had been finished off. 

"I believe so." Wynne answered. "Thank you for your aid." But like Morrigan she started to fade away as well. "Wait... what's happening? Where are you going?" She faded away. 

"Another Fading?" Talia asked in disbelief. 

"At least we know it wasn't an isolated event." Daxx said looking on the bright side. 

"Let's hope the others don't fade away either." Jak commented. 

The next nightmare and the Trio found themselves in the shape of a Chantry. And it looked like Leliana was kneeling and praying in front of an altar, with a Revered Mother standing next to her. The definition of a Wolf in Sheep's clothing. 

"Blessed art thou who exists in the sight of the Maker. Blessed art thou who seeks His forgiveness." Leliana was saying over and over. 

"Now's not really a good time for praying, Leliana." Talia interrupted. 

"Please do not disturb the girl's meditation." The Mother told Talia. 

Leliana stood up looking at Talia like she was a Wolf Spider. "Revered Mother, I do not know this person." 

"What?!" Daxx interrupted. "You mean you don't know us? And even after you wrote this note that says: "I know these people!" He shoved a sticky note. 

"Leliana. Listen to me. We're trapped in the Fade. This isn't real." Talia was more calm with Leliana. 

"Please do not vex her. She needs quiet and solitude, to calm her mind and heal her heart." The Revered Mother explained. 

Talia shook her head. "Not from you." She shot down. She then looked at Leliana. "Leliana. There was an attack on the Circle. The Sloth Demon trapped us here." She saw that it was pointless, so she tried something else. "Don't you remember the vision you had from the Maker?" She asked. 

Leliana thought about it some more. "Can you give me a second to ponder that?" She asked. "...Wait. I remember. The Sign." 

"Leliana, we've discussed this sign of yours. The Maker does not care to interfere in the affairs of Mortals." 

But Leliana had shook her head. "The Maker cares for us. My vision may not be from him directly, but it guides me to do the right thing." Jak grinned knowing that Leliana had regained their senses. "My Revered Mother knew this. You are not the Revered Mother." 

The Revered Mother then transformed into a Fire Demon. "You are going nowhere, girl. I will not permit it! You are ours! Now and Forever!" The Demon charged forward. But Talia was able to block with her shield and then used her sword to slice the Demon. 

"Holy Maker! She was a..." Leliana looked in shock. "I know that she wasn't the Revered Mother. But not a Demon." 

"Yeah. But a lot of Religious Zealots are Demons." Daxter pointed out. "You remember Veger, Jak?" He asked Jak.

"I haven't forgotten." Jak answered. 

Leliana suddenly acted like she had a bad headache. "Ugh. I feel like I've just woken up from a Terrible Nightmare." She groaned. 

"Let's get going then... Provided you don't fade away." Talia suggested as she turned away from Leliana. "I mean... it would be pretty bad if you-" She could look at Jak and Daxter's eyes opening wide. "Leliana faded away, didn't she?" 

Jak nodded. 

Talia turned to see Leliana wasn't there, anymore. She huffed and puffed. Then she crossed her arms and was grateful that her hair was tied in a pony tail. 

The next Nightmare they went to was the hardest one. It was starting to get annoying of having to go through all of these places, and it was either where they would encounter demons or they where people were just fading away. 

"You okay?" Jak asked. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just ready to get out of here." Talia admitted. 

"You and us both." Jak replied. 

That was when Daxter smelled something good. "Does anybody smell something cooking?" She asked. 

"Food?" Talia asked grinning. She then ran towards the food. 

"Hold up, Talia!" Jak yelled running after her. 

What he saw was Talia running up to Alistair who was standing next to another woman and 2 children. "Hey! It's great to see you again. I was just thinking about you. Isn't that a marvelous coincidence?" Alistair greeted while smiling widely. 

"That seems almost too friendly, Jak." Daxx noted. 

Alistair turned to Jak and Daxter. "And it's you two guys. You're here as well." He tried to reach for Jak's arm, but Jak dismissed him. So Alistair grabbed Talia. "This is my sister, Goldanna. These are her children. We're one big happy family, at long last!" He introduced. 

Talia looked confused. "He's got a sister?" 

"I'm overjoyed to have my little brother back. I'll never let him out of my sight again!" Goldanna declared. 

Talia grabbed Alistair back. "Could you excuse us for a moment?" She asked in all innocence. 

"Well, brother? Are your friends staying for supper?" Goldanna asked. 

"I don't think you want any demon stew, Talia." Daxter suggested. 

Jak started to take out his Morph Gun. 

"Say you'll stay! Goldanna is a great cook! Maybe she'll make her Mince Pie. You can, can't you?" Alistair looked at Goldanna for the request. 

"Of course, dear brother. Anything for you!" Goldanna smiled. 

"You do realize that she's a demon right?" Talia asked. 

"Oh." Alistair shook it off. "Sure, it seems that way for every family. But they really grow on you." 

"No. She really is a demon." Jak interrupted. 

Talia grabbed Alistair and looked into his eyes. Trying not to be mesmerized and focus on the mission at hand. "Thank about how we got here, Alistair." She told him. "Really think about it." 

Alistair grunted. "Fine, fine." He started to picture it. "It's a little fuzzy actually... very strange." 

The Demon version of Alistair's Sister could see that it was starting to lose control of the situation. "Please, Come and have some tea." She insisted. 

But Jak did one better. He shot a beam of Light Eco at Alistair hoping that it could heal his memories. "Wait. I remember a tower... the Circle! Metal Heads! And Demons... lots of them." Alistair remembered now.  

"We got trapped in the Fade." Talia explained. "Jak, Daxter, and I were the only ones not really effected. Well, that and Morrigan. And Sig, and Qwark, and Skrunch." 

"So this is a dream?" Alistair looked around him. At his family that was not real. "Nothing about this... is real?" He looked a little hurt. 

"Alistair... you're not well. Why don't you have some tea?" Goldanna insisted. 

"Not this time." Jak got in the way. 

Goldanna looked shocked. "Wait... not you." She stood back in a more demonic voice. 

"Don't think you're the only one who can play with Dark Powers." Jak grinned before turning into Dark Jak. And then using Dark Bomb to kill the Demon Goldanna. 

And just for good measure. Alistair walked up and stabbed the demon dead. "Well... that was bracing." He commented.

"Come on. Let's get back to Sig, and head for this Inner Sanctum." Jak insisted. 

"Jak? What did that demon by saying... not you?" Alistair asked. 

"Maybe it could sense my Dark Eco." Jak suggested. Even though he wasn't entirely sure himself. 

"I can't believe I got tricked that easy." Alistair smacked his head. 

"Knock it off, Alistair. Others got tricked by their Demons. You know."  Talia assured. "And besides. Morrigan wasn't around to see it." She joked. 

Alistair laughed as well. "Well... that's true. Alright. Let's get going." But he was suddenly stopped by... you guessed it, Fading away. "Wait, where are you going? Hey!" He faded away. 

"Oh come on!" Talia yelled while throwing her sword to the ground. "How?! HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?!" 

Daxter just looked bored. "Can we go to the Inner Sanctum now?" He asked. 

That was when Jak got a signal on his Communicator. "Jak? This is Sig. Did you find everyone?" He asked. 

"Sort of." Jak answered. "Things got complicated. And... there's been no sign of Ratchet. The ones we did find though faded in front of our eyes." 

"If they have faded. Then it's most likely that we'll find them at the Inner Sanctum. That's in theory of course." Niall commented. 

"Meet us there." Talia ordered. 

"We'll see you there." Sig turned off the Communicator. 

"Let's go find Mr. Demon." Jak declared. 

After touching the Pedestal to the Inner Sanctum, The Party now found itself on the Center Island.

"Well... we're here." Jak acknowledged. 

Sig, Niall, Qwark, and Skrunch all showed up next to them. "Here at last." Sig commented. 

"Ready to go bash a demon, Sig?" Jak asked. 

"And blow him up to bits?" Daxx added. 

Sig charged up his Peace Maker. "You better believe it. You boys still owe me for Metal Kor." He answered. 

"After him, everyone!" Daxter yelled. 

"You're willing to go with us? Without a fuss this time?" Talia asked. 

"Eh... don't get so used to it." Daxx said. "I want to get out of this Fade as much as you guys do. Let's get him." 

"I'm with, you guys on this one." Qwark added. "The Last time I got imprisoned in my mind was that time I went Native on Florana. And I'm not going through that again." 

Skrunch screeched and smacked Qwark on the head.

"Easy on the goods, pal." Qwark replied. 

Seeing as they couldn't argue with that, everyone charged forward. 

That was when they heard the Sloth Demon saying something to what appeared to be Ratchet hanging upside down. "You know... I don't see what your big deal is. Whatever happened to just kicking it back and watching Blargs gone wild on the Holo Net and playing Air Hockey till 3 in the Morning? That's real R&R if you know what I mean." Ratchet was saying.  

The Sloth Demon still looking as disgusting as ever. "You know that I can give you those things, right?" He asked.

"Yeah. Except I don't think I want to do it in a creepy green sludge of a world.... again." Ratchet shot down.

The Sloth Demon looked confused. "What was the first time?" That was when he saw the party come forth. "What do we have here? A rebellious mind? An escaped slave? My, do you have gall." The Sloth Demon noted. "Just like the Lombax here." He turned to see Ratchet hanging upside down. 

"Ratchet?" Talia asked. 

Ratchet looked up. "Hey guys. Took you long enough to get here." He noted. 

"Sorry. We only had a few Demons to take care of first." Jak apologized. 

"You alright, Ratchet?" Sig asked. 

"I'm fine. This guy is just really getting on my nerves." Ratchet answered. 

"But playtime is over. You have to go back now." The Demon warned the party as if nothing had happened. 

That was when everybody who had faded before had come back again. 

"Oh, here you are. And here am I." Alistair said. 

"Can we kill this Demon now?" Morrigan asked. 

"You tried to keep us apart, Demon." Leliana accused. 

"You will not hold us, Demon. You cannot stand against us!" Wynne yelled. 

"You better listen, big sad and droopy. "We want out of this joint!" Daxx chimed in.

"We can make our own happiness, thank you very much." Talia pointed out.  

"Then it's War isn't it?" The Sloth Demon started to charge. "You will learn to bow to your betters, Mortal." 

"Give me a boost?" Talia asked. 

Qwark, Sig, Jak, and Leliana all shot their respective weapons. Wynne and Morrigan began shooting their Magic. Morrigan with her Lightning and Wynne with her buffering and sap. Talia, and Alistair both charged forward with their swords drawn. The Demon struck at Talia, but thanks to her shield that protected her, she was more than able to stand her ground.

"Oh no, you don't!" Alistair yelled. He jumped in front of Talia bringing his sword down on the Demon. The Demon had stumbled back trying to regain his footing.

"Don't let him breathe!" Jak yelled as everyone shot their weapons at the Demon killing it. It let out a shriek as it disintegrated. 

"Is it dead?" Leliana asked. 

"I disintegrated into nothing. So I would say, yes." Ratchet answered. "And can someone let me down now?" 

Jak shot up the rope freeing Ratchet. "Thanks." 

That was when Niall looked in amazement. "You killed the Demon! Well done to all of you!" 

"Yeah. Thank Talia, Jak, and Daxter." Alistair grinned at Talia. "We'd all be still trapped here if it wasn't for them." 

"So... how do we get out of here?" Daxx asked. 

"Well... do you want the booby trapped or the non booby trapped exit?" Niall asked. Then he laughed. "Relax. I'm messing with you. He then opened up a portal. "All you have to do is go through that door right there. And don't forget to take the Litany off my body. It will help you against the Blood Mages. Use it to save the Circle and stop Uldred." 

There was something about the way that Niall said it, too.

"You're not coming with us?" Jak asked. 

"I've been here for too long and my body has already given up on me. Your bodies will not have wasted away in the real world while your spirit lay in the hands of the demon. I'm not a hero. Perhaps trying to be one was foolish." Niall answered. 

"Knock it off, dude. A hero can be anyone. Even someone so ordinary can do heroic things when they have to." Ratchet assured. 

"He's not wrong." Talia added. "And don't worry. We'll use that Litany to save the Circle." 

Niall had a smile on his face. "Thank you... and goodbye. Friends." He then walked away. 

"Come on. Let's get out of here before something even crazier happens. Or worse." Ratchet suggested. 


Dr. Nefarious had approached the outskirts of the town of Lothering. The Darkspawn army was gathering there and ready to strike at the town in the hopes of looking for the survivors. The Darkspawn saw Nefarious, Lawrence, and some Metal Heads approaching them. "We come to speak with your leader." Nefarious announced.  

That was when the Archdemon swooped down. It unfolded it's wings and bellowed at the heavens. Then it looked at Nefarious. "Well... someone likes to show off." Nefarious thought. 

"So... you must be this Dr. Nefarious I've heard so much about." The Archdemon figured. 

"And you must be this Archdemon I've heard so much about." Nefarious replied. 

"That's right. I've even heard that you've basically demanded that Ferelden surrender to you." The Archdemon continued. "And why would you want to do that?" 

Nefarious laughed. "You see. I'm just in the mood for some Universal Domination. You know. They typical Villain trope that we do. And I also want to win one victory against those wretched organic lifeforms." He explained. 

"He has a grudge against Organic Lifeforms." Lawrence clarified. 

The Archdemon raised an eyebrow. "Hold up a second. Did you say Organic Lifeforms?" It asked. 

"Yes. Organic lifeforms are-" Nefarious said.

"My Mortal Enemy!" Both the Archdemon and Nefarious said at the same time. "You hate Squishes too?" They both asked again. 

"Don't get me started. I can't stand the sight of them." Nefarious said. 

"Tell me about it. They're nothing but vermin." The Archdemon agreed. "What I wouldn't give to put them in their place." 

Dr. Nefarious then had an idea. "Unless we show the world who's boss and deserves to be the big time rulers." 

The Archdemon laughed. "Oh, that we agree on. And if we combine our powers. All of Thedas will fall." 

Dr. Nefarious laughed as well. "This is perfect! With my brains. Your Power. And my brains! We'll take over this world and make it our own!" He laughed again. The Archdemon laughed. The Darkspawn laughed. And the Metal Heads laughed. Until they all stopped laughing. 

"So... we're all clear with the plan?" Dr. Nefarious asked. 

The Darkspawn all shrugged saying they were good. 

"Would anyone like some evil Donuts?" Lawrence asked. 

The Archdemon and the Darkspawn all said: "Sure." 

And with that, an evil alliance had been made. Now Dr. Nefarious, The Archdemon, and the Metal Heads were all going to team up and take over the world.

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