Chapter 17: Back into the Fade.

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"Ha Ha!" Alistair yelled in triumph, and in front of Ratchet on a game board. "And now my... em... what is this thing called again?" He asked as he held up a model of a creature.

"Blargian Snagglebeast." Ratchet answered. 

"Right. My Blargian Snagglebeast devours your Mutant Swamp Fly!" Alistair yelled.

"Oh, didn't see that coming." Ratchet sarcastically supplied. "Except for this little thing right here." He moved his Swamp Fly. "Checkmate." 

"What?" Alistair asked in disbelief. "That's cheating!" 

"Not as much as you might think, Alistair." Ratchet grinned. "The rules state that the Blargian Snagglebeast has an allergic reaction to Swamp Flies which last 2 turns." He knew how this worked. Ratchet having encountered this situation during one game at his apartment on Endako with Clank. And Clank had pulled the exact maneuver on him. Their game was interrupted when the newest episode of Secret Agent Clank that had come on. Which Ratchet had changed the channel to reveal an attack on Veldin taking place. Only because he was so mad that the show made him a Chauffeur.  

"Ugh." Alistair complained. "At least I'm lucky that Morrigan is over there studying that Grimoire and not critiquing me." 

"Don't tempt me." Morrigan called from under the Grimoire on the far side of the ship.  

"Well, look on the bright side, Alistair." Talia said walking up to the two. "Now we have the support of the Mages for our army. All we need now is the support of the Elves, Dwarves, and Arl Eamon." 

"And we're off to go get that Arl Eamon guy healed... well, after we heal his kid." Ratchet added. "At this rate, we should be in Redcliffe in about another Half Hour." 

Daxx meanwhile was at the stern of the ship, describing in great detail the events that happened in the Fade to the Mages, along with Leliana. "So there we were. An Army of Demons chasing us! All across the smoggy fade. I leaped into action! Fighting off the Demons! Their disgusting smell thinking that they could overpower me! With all different kinds of magic! Jak was barely able to fight them, but with my help. We took them all out." He exclaimed. 

Jak rolled his eyes. He knew that Daxx loved to exaggerate his exploits. At least Sig chuckled under his breath.

"Ah... the Harrowing Chamber welcoming presentation." One Mage said, as others laughed. 

"You have Mages where you're from?" One Mage asked.

"No. We've got a little something called Eco." Jak answered. "I can wield both Dark and Light Eco. And also Blue, Yellow, Red, and Green Eco." 

"What is this... Eco exactly, Jak?" Wynne had asked as she was also listening. 

"It's an energy source in our Universe. Very few can wield it." Jak answered. "There's Green Eco which is for healing, Red Eco which is for power and strength, Yellow Eco which is for long range strength, Blue Eco which is for motion. And of course, there's also Light and Dark Eco. Samos can tell you more about it than I can. Or Daxter considering that he's you know... a Precursor." 

"Nah, I'm not interested in telling the Mages about that, Jak." Daxx dismissed. "Oh... wait till I tell you about my adventures in the Wasteland, and how I fought off four slobbering Wasteland Metal Heads all at once, armed with nothing but a lonely pistol." 

"And a vehicle that I drove, Daxx." Jak added. "I seem to recall that you were clinging onto your seat the whole time that we were in the Sand Shark, while I killed off the Metal Heads." 

"Jak?!" Daxx yelled in disbelief. "Did you have to go and ruin my next story like that?" 

"No. But remember what happened the last time you went on and on with your storytelling?" Jak asked. 

"Um..." Daxx started. And he started to recall when he was in Kras City after he and Jak were invited to the reading of Krew's Will. And how he encountered 3 thugs that worked for a local Crime Lord named Mizo. "You mean about that time when I encountered two guys literally named Shiv and Edge? And who was that one guy with the strange sense of great fashion? Um... Razor?" 

"That would be the one." Jak answered. 

"You literally encountered thugs that were named that?" Wynne asked.

"Yep." Jak answered. 

"And there was a man named Krew that you also worked for?" Wynne asked. 

"We all worked for him." Sig answered. "I was Krew's muscle for years. And believe me. Nothing made me happier than to get away from that glob of grease." 

"I have to hand it to you, Daxter." Leliana admitted. "You tell such incredible stories." 

"Thanks. It's a natural gift." Daxx replied taking a bow. "What about you, Leliana? You know... you sound like you've told a story or two if you know what I'm saying." 

"I've told stories from time to time... when I was... a Bard." Leliana admitted. 

"You were a Bard?" Talia asked as she left Ratchet and Alistair to continue their game. 

"Any other rules I should know?" Alistair asked.

"Yes. Captain Qwark is the greatest piece of all." Qwark had interrupted and sticking out a giant piece of himself. "The Board Game wanted to use me for a piece, so I sold them the rights to use me. On the condition that I was made the most powerful piece of the game." 

"You are so humble." Alistair sarcastically replied. 

Talia going back to the others, had now looked at Ratchet and Jak, as well as Leliana. "So, you used to be a Bard?" She asked. 

"I was." Leliana answered. "But not in the way you might think." She admitted. "You see, Bards in Orlais can cause misunderstanding. Bards are more like, Spies, as you say." 

"Ha! The Spy Game! Know it all too well. Right, Sig?" Daxter asked. 

Sig rolled his eyes.

"You were a spy too, Sig?" Talia asked.

"Was for Damas." Sig answered. "He lost a little something in Haven City and he wanted me to find it. His son." He turned to Jak as he said it. "Well, not that Jak. But, the younger version of Jak?" 

"The Younger Version of Jak?" Leliana asked. 

"Oooh!" Daxter jumped at the opportunity. "I can tell that story easily! Okay, so it all starts with Damas! The Leader of Haven City who took the throne in the Middle of the Metal Head War." He started.

"Until he was betrayed by Baron Praxis and banished to the Wasteland. There he managed to transform Haven City's Refugees thrown out and left to die, and he created the Kingdom of Spargus. But Damas's son, was still in Haven City. He disappeared right before Damas was banished. When Damas established Spargus. He sent me back to Haven City to go find his son and bring him home." Sig explained.

"And that son was Jak?" Talia asked. 

"Um... not exactly." Jak answered. "And I didn't go missing either, Sig. Veger took me from Damas, hoping that he could harness my eco powers for his experiments. Then I was rescued by the Underground. He told me right after Damas died." 

"He got what he deserved, am I right, Jak?" Daxx laughed.

"That he did, Daxx." Jak agreed. "He was turned into an Ottsel." 

"Why an Ottsel?" Wynne asked.

"See, it turns out that the Ottsels were actually a race of God like creatures known as the Precursors." Jak answered. "And Veger said that he wanted to evolve into a Precursor, and he got his wish. Now he's a sidekick for Kleiver." 

"So, what's the story with the younger Jak?" Talia asked.

"I was getting to that." Daxx answered. "See, what happened was... Jak as it turns out was actually born in the future. But then we sent him back to the past for him to grow up, and then we flung back into the future. Time Travel's just a whole big mess." 

"Wow. My brain hurts." Talia thought. And she decided to go back and speak to Alistair who had conceded the game to Ratchet. While Qwark and Skrunch were busy by the front of the ship, practicing their grand entrance to Redcliffe shores.  

"You gave up?" Talia asked. 

"No. I merely failed to win." Alistair answered. "Say... um, Talia? I was thinking about what happened in the Fade. And when I saw my... family there. I was wondering if we go to Denerim at some point. I might be able to look them up. And see my sister, Goldanna?" He asked.

"If we ever get to the city." Talia answered. "It might be difficult, considering that we're Grey Wardens and we're not exactly popular there." 

"Oh, yeah. There's that." Alistair admitted. 

Talia looked at him. If there was a chance to see her family again. She would take it too. 

"It sounds like Arl Eamon means a lot to you." Ratchet noted to Alistair.

"He does. Even though I regret some of the things I did though." Alistair admitted. "I remember I had a silver amulet, with Andrastae's Holy Symbol on it. It was all I had left of my Mother. When Arl Eamon told me that I was leaving, I took it out and threw it at the wall and it shattered. Stupid, stupid thing to do." 

Talia took Alistair's hand. "I'm sorry." She said. 

"So am I." Alistair replied. 

"LAND HO!" Qwark suddenly yelled. 

Alistair and Talia both stood up, as did Ratchet when they saw the shores of Redcliffe. 

Already, it appeared that things were back to normal for the townsfolk. Trade and activity were back to normal as the heroes made their way to the Castle. "Come on, let's get to the Castle, and go save that kid." Ratchet announced.

The Halls remained the same as they had been. Teagan and Isolde waiting alongside Jowan, who looked so awkward as Irving and several other Mages arrived with Lyrium. 

"Lady Cousland. You've returned." Teagan said.

"And we've brought the Mages along with Lyrium." Ratchet announced.

"And we took it to the Blood Mages and kicked them in the nuts." Daxx added. 

"Kicked them in the nuts?" Isolde asked. "And Blood Mages?" 

"The Circle of Magi were dealing with an Uprising by a guy named Uldred. But we kicked his ass and saved as many of the Mages as we could." Jak answered.

"The Circle is safe once again." Irving assured. "Oh, apologies, Bann Teagan. I believe we've met once, years ago." 

"Yes, of course. Thank you for coming on such short notice, First Enchanter." Teagan thanked. 

"Of course, when I heard that the child was possessed from Lady Cousland, I gathered what Mages I could and brought sufficient lyrium. I assume that you meant to send someone into the Fade." Irving replied. 

"Yes, he is... my son." Isolde admitted. "Connor didn't mean to do this. He was just trying to protect his Father." 

"I understand." Irving did not seek to ask anymore questions. Only that there was a demon possessing a child and they needed to save him. "We have only brought enough Lyrium to send one person in. Now we must figure out who it will be."  

All the Mages looked terrified. Not that any of the heroes could blame them. 

"I'm glad we decided to take this route. This really is the best option." Alistair commented. 

"Now then... only a Mage can enter the Fade. So I'm afraid that you won't be of much help here, Grey Wardens. Now then, who will enter the Fade?" Irving asked.

Whoever entered the fade would have to resist the temptations of whatever the demons lay in front of them. Whoever it would be would have to have great strength. Someone who could go in there, and stay focused on the task at hand, someone who had been to the Fade before, didn't get tempted and get out, and had experience in rescue missions.

"I'll go." Jak answered. 

Everyone had looked at Jak. 

"Um... Jak?" Daxx asked not wanting to go back into the Fade. 

"I've been to the Fade before. The Eco protected both me and Daxter and we didn't lose our minds. Whatever this demon is..." And Jak had drawn out his Peace Maker. "Well... I'll make sure that it haunts its last victim." He declared. 

"I don't know if that is either good or bad." Isolde whispered to Teagan. 

"Very well then, Jak." Irving replied. "A word of advice when you fight the Demon. It will most likely try to engage you in dialogue and tempt you with an offer. Avoid it." He advised.

"That seems like a good idea." Jak agreed. 

"Um... Jak? I thought we agreed that we were... DONE WITH THE FADE!" Daxx reminded.

"Yeah. But this will be quick and painless." Jak assured. "All we have to do is go inside the Fade. Kill the Demon, and save the kid. And we're golden." 

Daxx started to get a nasty feeling in his tail. "Oh... fine!" 

"Thank you so much, Jak and Daxter!" Isolde thanked. "Please save my son!" 

"Ah, don't thank me." Daxx shooed away. Still not satisfied with having to go into the Fade. "I'm only going with Jak into the Fade because he wouldn't last a SECOND WITHOUT ME!" 

"And now I am thanking a little orange talking rat. What has my life turned into?" Isolde asked herself. 

"If you are ready, Jak... let us begin forthwith." Irving declared.

Jak nodded as the Mages began to chant and send Jak into the Fade. 

Jak and Daxter opened their eyes. To see the familiar splurge of Green Fade around them. And the Ground of the Fade on their feet. "Let's go, Daxx." Jak declared equipping his Peace Maker. 

"The fast we get this done, the faster we get to go home." Daxx said. "This doesn't look like the last place of the Fade we entered back at the Tower." 

"Because it isn't." Jak replied. "This must be another section of the Fade." He also saw some type of spirits that were walking around the Fade right next to the two heroes. 

They also heard some voice. "Is that you, Connor?!" A voice had yelled. "I can hear you! I'm coming!" 

"It's coming from up the hill." Jak charged up the hill.

"We've got to get there, Jak!" Daxx yelled. 

Jak had his gun pointed when he saw a figure by a bedroom. It was a Man in Nobel Clothing and Grey Long Hair and a Grey Beard. "You there! Have you seen my Son? I can hear him, but I cannot find him. This blasted fog has me turning in circles!" He asked.

"Are you Arl Eamon?" Jak asked lowering his gun. 

"Yes. I am." Eamon answered. 

"Well, you're in a place called the Fade. And it sucks." Daxx said. 

"I... don't understand. Where is my Connor?" Eamon asked.

"We're trying to find him too." Jak answered. "Leave it to us." 

"Okay... I... trust you... but who are you?" Eamon asked.

"My name is Jak." Jak answered. "And this is Daxter." 

Daxter presented himself. 

But Jak had continued on ahead. And leaving Eamon and going through another portal. 

"I hate Purple Portals." Daxter said. 

But as Jak walked through the portal, he could see that behind him, there was now black dust. A gate they could not traverse through. "Well, now we can't go back the way we came." He said with a bit of a smirk. "Let's go check it out." 

"We'd better find this kid, Jak." Daxter replied. "That's all I can say." 

But as Jak and Daxter walked up the path, they saw Connor who was standing by a bed. Just standing there. 

"Careful, Jak. It could be the demon in disguise." Daxx advised. 

"I've got my hand on the trigger, Daxx." Jak assured. 

Connor saw the two approach him. "Who are you? Are you the one who made Father ill? Tell me now!" He demanded. 

"Where's the Demon?" Jak demanded still with his Peacemaker trained on Connor.

"Fool!" Connor now had his demon voice again. "You won't get near her! I won't let you!" And he started to transform into a Demon Form. Very similar to the one Demon that they had encountered at the Tower. 

"Jak! It's the Demon! Shoot it!" Daxx yelled. 

Jak quickly shot the Demon with a Peace Maker Charge. It hit the Demon, but then disappeared. 

"Hey! Where'd it go?" Daxx asked. 

To his right, Jak had noticed the purple portal activate. "Probably that way." He ran for the portal.

"Um, isn't that the Portal that we came in?" Daxx asked. 

"It is." Jak answered as he climbed out. 

They exited again. to a new destination. And a linear path. And Jak divulged down to it, to see Connor once again in his human form. 

"Why do you keep hurting me? Why are you trying to stop me?" Connor asked. 

"Don't you ever shut up?" Jak asked.

"Trespasser! I will drive you out!" Connor yelled turning into a demon again. Except that this time, there was also a Rage Fire Demon that had emerged next to the Demon.

Jak didn't look deterred. "Oh, so you want to play like that?" He asked as he equipped his Mass Inverter. It sent both the Demon and the Rage Demon bouncing around in the air. And then Jak equipped his Vulcan Fury shooting them in the air. The Demon possessing Connor had vanished while the Rage Demon was destroyed. 

"Remember what that guy said, Daxter?" Jak asked.

"Yeah, Jak." Daxx answered. "Don't converse. Kill the Demon. Guess we were the best to handle this situation." They were usually go in and shoot. It was how they rolled. 

"Let's just move." Jak said. And they moved through another portal. 

And they once again encountered Connor by yet another bed. And Connor's demon voice had returned. "Father wanders, seeking me, trapped within my web. All is as it should be. I will send my armies out to conquer the world. Why must you interfere?" He asked. 

"You're in for a big surprise." Jak replied. "Other people who've called dibs on taking over this world don't play nicely with competition. Just ask the Metal Heads." 

"It is time for you to go now. Do not persist, or things will go badly for you." Connor demanded. He transformed into a Demon again. Which was then defeated by Jak. Again. And then it vanished. Again. Which made Jak and Daxter chase after it. Again. 

Except this time. The Portal that Jak and Daxter emerged out of, was a circular room. And Connor wasn't there. But rather, it was the Demon in its true form. 

"Very well. No more illusions. Now we meet face to face. You see my true form and stand in my domain." The Demon informed. "It is here that I am most powerful, and yet I have no with to engage with your power. Nor should you be so eager to engage mine." 

Jak didn't say a word. 

"Perhaps we should converse instead?" The Demon offered. 

"Okay." Jak decided. "How about I let my weapons do the conversing for me?" He offered shooting his Plasmarite RPG at the Demon.

The Demon was blown back. "Very well, then. If you wish a battle, you will have it. Let us see if your power matches your boldness, creature." 

Jak took aim again. "Let's get her, Jak!" Daxx declared. 

And Jak couldn't have been more ready. He shot another RPG sending the Demon back again. And then Jak followed it up with the Peace Maker Shot. And then equipped his Blaster Mod to shoot down the Demon. "Here's a little present for you." Jak grinned as he continued to blast. "It's pain." 

The Demon snarled, but then vanished. Jak turned around him to see that there were multiple Demons all standing around him. 

"You can't fight all of us at once." The Demons all laughed. 

But Jak had grinned. "You made your last mistake." He said. And he transformed himself into his Dark Eco Form. And it made all the Demons stand back, despite the fact that they were monsters himself. And then Jak jumped up into the air. And he slammed down again, delivering his Dark Bomb attack, and then sending all the Demons into the air and then slammed down disintegrating. Except for one. 

Jak assumed that was the Demon. He equipped his Peace Maker again. And pointed it at the Demon. "Say goodnight, buddy." He grinned as he shot the Demon dead. 

It made Daxter get off of Jak and dance in celebration. Raising a fist into the air, and then doing a backwards moonwalk then twirling around and raising his arm into the air. And right as Jak made his triumph pose. "Can't remember the last time we did that, Daxx." Jak admitted. 

"You and me both, Jak." Daxx agreed. And then they exited the Fade. 

Back in the Physical World. Connor who had been upstairs could feel a surge of darkness leave his body. He was inside the bedroom of his Father, Eamon who was still poisoned and on the bed. And Connor had felt like he had suffered a bad headache. "Oh, what happened?" He asked. "Where am I?" Then he looked at a shadowy figure that was in front of him. "Is... is that me?" 

But the Shadow had quickly evaporated into nothingness. Jak and Daxter had emerged back into the Physical World. "No. It's not you, kid. Not anymore." Jak declared as he sheathed his morph gun back. 

"Who are you?" Connor asked. "Wait... I've seen you before. You were in my dreams. At least... I think it was a dream." 

"It was real." Jak said. "I'm Jak. And this is Daxter. You were... out of commission for a bit." 

"I can't remember a thing." Connor admitted. "The last thing I remember was being in the Great Hall, surrounded by a bunch of knights, my Mother, and some weird Cat like Creature? What even was that thing?" He asked. 

"That was a Lombax named Ratchet." Daxx answered. 

Connor blinked his eyes. "Is that thing talking?" He asked Jak.

"Yeah. He's got a bit of a mouth." Jak answered.

"Hey!" Daxx complained.

"Come on. Let's get downstairs. You've got everyone worried sick." Jak suggested. 

"And Father?" Connor pointed to Eamon who was lying on a bed, looking to be in a coma.

"There's nothing you can do for him, kid." Jak said. 

Connor sighed. 

Jak, Daxter, and Connor had descended down the stairs. Jak walking through first. "How'd it go, Jak?" Ratchet asked being the first to go up to Jak.

Everyone had now looked at Jak.

And Jak had simply moved aside to reveal the now unpossessed Connor. Who was then greeted by his Mother who embraced. "Oh, Connor. I am SO sorry this all had to happen! I'm so sorry!" Isolde had cried. 

"The Demon is no more. We entered the Fade and we kicked the Demon's Ass." Jak informed proudly. 

"Score one for the Trouble Twins!" Daxter declared. 

"I'm just glad that this whole mess is finally over." Alistair said. And Talia had agreed.

The next day was filled with a lot of emotions. The Zombie Menace was eliminated. And the people of Redcliffe had seen to a proper funeral for those that had perished. Archers with flaming arrows had lit boats filled with the dead that were set to burn down at the docks. 

And after that, everyone returned up to Eamon's Room, where Eamon remained comatose. "So it is over." Teagan said in relief. "Connor is back to his old self. He does not seem to remember anything, which is a blessing." 

To prove his point, Connor had run past and was acting like a kid again. 

"Ah, the sweet smell of victory." Qwark declared. "That'll teach those Demons to mess with the almighty Captain Qwark." 

"Oh, I don't remember you doing a thing." Ratchet pointed out.

"Oh, didn't I?" Qwark asked.

"No." Ratchet answered. "Jak was the one to enter the Fade and kill the Demon. And it was Talia who convinced the Mages to come to Redcliffe." 

"And it was me, who is the Captain of this crew. And had a hand in helping." Qwark reminded. 

"Ugh." Ratchet smacked his head. "Does anyone want to throw me out of the window now?" He asked. 

"I suppose we will need to send him to the Circle of Magi's Tower for training, once the war is over. It's so odd to think of the boy as a mage, of all things." Teagan said bringing everyone's attention back to Teagan.

"I'm sure now that the Tower's been cleaned of abominations it'll be safe again." Jak assured. 

"Indeed. I can assure you, Bann Teagan. The Boy will be safe in the Tower." Wynne added. 

"Eamon has much to mourn and rebuild, should he recover. But at least he can be thankful that both his son and wife are safe." Teagan informed.

"I owe you all my deepest thanks." Isolde thanked. "I can scarcely believe that Connor is the boy he once was." 

"Hate to bring up the King Ameboid in the Room, but what are we going to do with Jowan?" Ratchet asked. "He did poison the Arl after all." 

"We will hold him for Eamon to decide his fate. If he doesn't recover, Jowan's fate is sealed." Teagan answered. "I shall have the Mage imprisoned for now." 

That was when Sig received a transmission. "Incoming Message. Looks like it's from Ashelin." He announced.

"Put it through." Jak insisted.

Sig activated his communicator to reveal a hologram of Kleiver. "Kleiver?" Jak asked in disbelief. 

"Hello, Ankle biters." Kleiver greeted. "Looks like we finally established a line with this tech. No thanks to you, you little rodent." He scolded to the Ottsel version of Veger. 

"I told you that I'm not a Technology Expert." Veger tried to protest. 

"You said that you were." Kleiver scolded. "And now you've made me angry." He grit his teeth. 

"What are you doing on the communicator?" Jak asked. 

But that was when Jak heard another voice. "Kleiver! Turn the transmitter around!" Keira shouted. 

"Don't blame me, Keira!" Kleiver shot back. The Transmission turned around to reveal the faces of Keira, Samos, Ashelin, and Torn. 

"Guys!" Jak yelled. "Glad to hear your voice again." 

"We've had one heck of an adventure, if you can believe that." Daxx informed. 

"Such as?" Keira asked. 

"Well, we climbed up a tower, saved a bunch of Mages, and gained their support to help us fight off the Metal Heads, and the Darkspawn." Jak answered.  

"And... we also fought a Demon and saved a kid from possession." Ratchet added.

"Oh yeah. That too." Daxx added. 

"Oh, guys. This is Ratchet." Jak introduced. "And his companions, Qwark and Skrunch." 

"It's Captain Qwark!" Qwark corrupted. "I didn't take a Super Hero Sociology Class in Community College just to be called Qwark." 

Ratchet shook his head. "He probably failed that course." He thought. 

"Nevermind that." Jak said. "Did you guys make it to Ferelden safely?" He asked. 

"We did. Though, safely might be a bit of a stretch." Ashelin answered. "The Locals weren't exactly too pleased to see us coming in. Especially where we landed." 

"Where did you land?" Talia asked. 

"And this is Talia Cousland. A Grey Warden who is helping us." Jak added.

"Near a city called Highever." Torn answered. "We had to take it from a Faction known as the Howes." 

Talia's eyes widened. "You said Highever?" She asked.

"That's correct." Torn answered. "Say, aren't you..." 

"Talia Cousland, yes. Highever is my home!" Talia answered.  

"That's where Qwark and I landed near too." Ratchet noted. 

And Talia breathed a sigh of relief. At least Highever was no longer in the possession of the Traitorous Howes, but instead in the possession of people she was sure could be her allies. It was a strange feeling for her, that she was happier to see Highever in the possession of strangers with connections to Jak. A person she had not known for so long, instead of the Howes. A Family that had been like a second family to her. 

"How were you guys able to take Highever so quickly?" Ratchet asked.

"They had help." The Face of Fergus Cousland had emerged.

And that made Talia gasp. 

"And you are?" Ratchet asked.

"Oh, Ratchet. That's-" Jak started to say.

"FERGUS!" Talia yelled. Her heart filled with joy as she saw her lost brother. Even though it was just in holographic form.

"Talia! You're alive!" Fergus yelled shocked to see his little sister alive and well.  

"I'm alive, Fergus. Jak, Daxter, and Sig told me that they rescued you in the Kocari Wilds." Talia said.

"Yeah. My Scouting Party was attacked by the Metal Heads. I was lucky. Jak, Daxter, and Sig rescued me. I've been recovering in Haven City every since." Fergus explained as he was now wearing Freedom League style Armor. "At least until I took back Highever with their help." 

"Fergus... Mother and Father..." Talia started to say. "And-" 

"I know." Fergus interrupted. "I saw. We buried them with dignity." 

"I'm sorry I couldn't save them." Talia admitted.

"It wasn't your fault, Talia." Fergus assured. "You would've been killed yourself if you didn't flee. I don't think I could've lost you too, little sister. I also feared that you were killed at Ostagar with the rest of the Ferelden Army. And the King." 

"I wasn't. Turns out that you weren't the only ones to be rescued by Jak and Daxter." Talia said. "And um... there's something else you should know." 

"What?" Fergus asked.

"I'm a Grey Warden now." Talia answered. "Duncan recruited me into their ranks." 

"A Grey Warden?" Fergus asked. "My own Little Sister is a Grey Warden now." He pondered that thought. 

"Oh, and Fergus. This is Alistair. A Fellow Grey Warden who survived Ostagar with me." Talia added as she pointed to Alistair.

"Hello, sir." Alistair greeted.

"Nice to meet you. Well in hologram form anyway." Fergus greeted.

It was also at that time that the heroes got back on business. "Jak. You said earlier that you got the Mages of the world to help in the fight against the Metal Heads and the Darkspawn?" Samos asked.

"Yes. We also tried to recruit the Arl of Redcliffe to help us." Jak answered.

"But um... he's kind of Comatose at the moment." Daxx added. 

"And by that, he means that Eamon was poisoned." Sig clarified.

"Oh... that's just great." Ashelin groaned. 

"But on the plus side, we were able to meet his little brother." Qwark said with optimism as he pointed to Bann Teagan. 

"It won't mean much though." Ratchet pointed out. "Eh... no offense, Bann Teagan." He said awkwardly. 

"None taken." Teagan replied. "We'll need my brother now more than ever. With what we're facing." 

"Not to mention that Metal Head raid we encountered enroute to the Circle of Magi." Alistair added. 

It sounded very clear what needed to be done. "We must unite our forces, or we're through." Samos informed.

"Have you made any attempts to revive this Eamon guy?" Keira asked. 

"We've tried everything from the Mages to Healers. But none of them succeeded." Teagan answered.

"You think that Samos' Green Eco could heal him?" Sig asked. 

"I'm not so sure myself. But it could be worth a try." Samos answered. "I fear that we may have to find another source that could save him just in case. From this world." 

"And where would we find that?" Ratchet asked. 

"The Urn!" Isolde suddenly exclaimed. Which made everyone look at her. "The Urn of Sacred Ashes will save Eamon!" 

"Did you understand a word she said?" Daxter asked. 

"I do." Talia answered. "The Urn of Sacred Ashes is a relic which contains the Ashes of the Prophet Andrastae. Although, it's only a legend and my never be found." 

"My husband founded the research of a scholar in Denerim, Brother Genitivi." Isolde explained. 

"Oh, I remember him." Talia realized. "His work was in our Castle Library. I'm a fan of his work." 

"He has been studying the inscriptions on Andrastae's Birth Rock. When Eamon fell ill, I sent the knights to speak to Genitivi. I hoped that he had finally discovered the location of the Urn itself. But they were unable to locate the Brother. In desperation. I sent more knights in search of him or some clue of the Urn's location." Isolde said.

"And you want us to find it, don't you?" Ratchet assumed. He knew how fetch quests worked. 

"I am sorry. Even if I wished to do it myself, I cannot abandon Redcliffe to its own devices." Teagan informed. "If anyone can, it's you all." 

Talia nodded. "And do we have a lead?" She asked. "Anything?" 

"You could seek out the Brother's home in Denerim and see is any clues remain on his whereabouts." Teagan suggested. 

Skrunch started screeching. 

"Um... isn't that the Capital where Loghain is?" Qwark asked.

"That would be the one." Ratchet answered. And he realized what it meant. If they were going to get Eamon back to full health. They were going to have to infiltrate the very place they were so desperate to avoid until later. Denerim. The Capital of Ferelden. 

"That complicates things to say the least." Alistair said. "Talia and I aren't very popular in the city." 

"They'll be looking for Grey Wardens." Jak corrected. "As long as you two don't look like Grey Wardens or announce it, we should be able to fit in without too much trouble. Daxx and I can also blend in well since we're not known to anyone in the city." 

"Um... we might be a problem though." Ratchet pointed out. "Loghain's seen both Qwark and myself. At a meeting albeit. Then again, it's not like he'll be patrolling the streets himself and has Video Cameras everywhere."

"And we've broken into more fortified places than a Capital City, Ratchet." Qwark reminded. "It looks like we'll have to bring out your old disguise. You still have the Mustachio Furioso disguise?" 

"Mustachio Furioso?" Talia asked trying not to laugh, while Alistair was just straight up laughing his butt off. 

"Well, it fooled Tachyon." Ratchet admitted. "We'll check out the Brother's home in Denerim. It could be our only hope to save Eamon." 

"And Sig, perhaps it's best if you stay here." Jak suggested to Sig. Which made Sig raise an eyebrow. "If the Metal Heads conduct a Raiding Party on Redcliffe, we'll need someone to protect the village and Eamon." 

"Fair enough." Sig agreed seeing the logic. 

"We'll also send over Reinforcements to Redcliffe while you guys investigate this Brother Genitivi." Torn informed. "Don't screw this up, Jak." 

And the hologram faded. 

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