Chapter 19: We're in the Market.

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"So... let's just recap." Zevran had said. "There is a Robotic Supervillain known as Dr. Nefarious who wishes to take over all of Thedas. There's also the Blight that we've got to deal with. Which is the reason why Loghain wanted to hire me to kill the Grey Wardens. And on top of that. There is an infestation of creatures that are known as the Metal Heads who are like the Darkspawn except with large gems for their skulls... and... they're also going on the offensive in Ferelden." 

"Summing it all up. Yes." Ratchet confirmed. 

"Well... like I said before. I like living." Zevran replied. "And I certainly like to live past this whole Infestation that this country is in right now. So... may I ask why we're going to Denerim?" He asked. 

"We're looking for a guy named Brother Genitivi. The Arl of Redcliffe is poisoned and the Urn of Sacred Ashes might be our only hope in healing him." Talia answered. 

"Ha. Isn't this ironic? I just came from Denerim and now I will be going back." Zevran chuckled a little. 

"It's not like we'll be going all over the city and that sort of thing." Ratchet assured.

"Yeah." Jak agreed. "We'll go in, find the guy and get out before anyone figures out who we are." 

"Why does it sound like this whole thing is a bad idea?" Daxx asked. "Normally, our plans don't exactly work out like we want to, Jak." 

"Come on, Daxx. This is no different then climbing up to the Baron's Palace." Jak reminded.

"We tripped a few alarms and had to fight the Baron on the rooftop." Daxx countered. 

"And we kicked his ass." Jak shot back. 

"Show of hands... has anyone ever been to Denerim before?" Ratchet asked. 

Zevran, Talia, Alistair, and Leliana all raised their hands.

"My family and I would go to Denerim many times. Or for the coronation of King Cailen, his wedding to the Queen. Or... when my Father took me and Fergus to learn the rule of Ferelden and what was to be expected of a Lord or Lady of House Cousland. We even have an Estate inside of the city." Talia said. "Or... we did."  

"What can we expect from the city?" Jak asked. 

"That in there lies the problem." Talia answered. "Even though it is the seat of the Royal Family, the Capital is considered an Arling. Ruled by an Arl. In Denerim that would be Arl Urien. And his son, Vaughan." She said that name with such vulgar.

"You know that guy?" Ratchet asked. 

"Unfortunately." Talia answered. "Let's just say... Vaughan's got interesting tastes. He likes to parade and pillage up innocent Elves from the Alienage. His Father tried to arrange a marriage proposal between his son and myself. But my Father could tell what kind of man Vaughan would be and refused. It probably also didn't help that I kicked his ass in a Nobels Sword tourney when I was 15." She smirked. 

"So... that's a hard no for any potential help we can get from him, right?" Qwark asked.

"Obviously." Sten answered. 

"But we've got bigger problems than dealing with one Play Boy Arl." Alistair pointed out. "With Loghain as the regent, we'll have to be careful. Guards will most likely be all over the place, and they would like nothing more than to put Talia and I in Prison. Or anyone that might threaten his rule." 

"Then we don't announce that we're Grey Wardens." Ratchet figured. "We went over the plan before." 

"Exactly. We've ditched our Grey Warden attire, so the City Watch should think that we're just simple armed mercenaries or something." Talia said. "The problem is... some might... recognize me. I am a Teyrn's daughter after all."  

"But nobody knows about Daxx and I either." Jak added. 

"I've already got a brilliant plan for that, everyone." Qwark declared while holding a crayon. "While you were all busy squandering with each other. I've made a brilliant plan for how to get inside the city. Behold." And Qwark had presented a piece of paper doodled in crayon.

"First, we shall take one of wagons from Zevran's ambush and pummel Alistair, Talia, Ratchet, Skrunch, and myself inside. Allowing the others... to take us inside the heavily armed gates while Ratchet carries the whole weight of us crushing him potentially." Qwark started.

"WHAT?!" Ratchet asked in disbelief. 

"Please hold your questions until the end of the presentation." Qwark ordered. 

"After infiltrating the city, we will park the cart into a back alley as all cities should have them... eh, they do have back alleys, right Talia?" Qwark continued.

"Yeah. They should." Talia answered. 

"Great." Qwark replied. "Now, as I was saying. We will then look around the city in the hopes of finding the Brother Genitivi or his house."  

"Um... Qwark... I was also hoping that I could find my sister, Goldanna." Alistair quickly said. "She lives in the Market District in Denerim."  

"Then, Alistair will go find his sister. While we find the Brother Genitivi and his house and notes on the Urn of Sacred Ashes." Qwark corrected. "Finally... we get what we need from the Brother. Hop on back into the Wagon and exfiltrate the city, COMPLETELY UNDETECTED!" He announced. "Alright! Let's get to it!" 

Ratchet on the other hand raised his hand.

"Yes? You there in the front?" Qwark asked almost annoyed.

"Um... yeah. Hi. I was just wondering... why do I have to be the one to be on the bottom of the cart as it is moving?" Ratchet asked. 

"Well... I've got to put you somewhere, Ratchet." Qwark answered like it was Common Sense. 

"But why do I have to be the one who..." Ratchet started to argue. "Oh, forget it." He grumbled. As annoying and childly laddish as Qwark's plans were. They usually worked out. 

And then Qwark had grabbed Ratchet and threw him right into the Cart. "After you, Talia." He insisted.

And Talia and Alistair entered the cart, followed by Qwark and Skrunch. And then the wagon had started shaking while trying to support their combined weight. "Oof. Hey! Stop Squirming. Hey! Watch it!" 

When all was said and done. Qwark and Skrunch were on top, while Talia and Alistair were in uncomfortable positions. And poor Ratchet was on the bottom being smothered.

"Let's do it, Jak." Daxx declared while he and Jak led the Cart to Denerim. 

Getting past the Front Gates was easy enough. Especially since Talia, Alistair, Ratchet, Qwark, and Skrunch were hidden inside the cart. "Hello there." Leliana greeted. "We are merchants arriving to the Denerim Market to sell our supplies to the good citizens of this city." 

"You don't say?" A Guard asked. "Seems an odd party to be traveling with." 

"Times are tough all over." Jak answered. "Especially now." 

"What's that on your shoulder?" Another Guard asked referring to Daxter. 

"Travel companion." Jak answered. "I keep him around for good luck." He also already told Daxter to keep his mouth shut. 

"Why does he have pants?" The Guard asked.

"I don't ask you about your social life." Jak answered. 

"If you don't mind... we'd like to get inside." Zevran said.

"Fine. Fine. What kind of stuff are you selling anyway?" The Guard asked. 

"Not much. Just some supplies." Zevran answered. 

"And some of us are actually from the Union." Jak added while getting a thumbs up from Daxx. 

"The Union?" The Guard asked.

"We represent Market workers both domestic and foreign." Zevran answered catching onto Daxter's plan too. "Are you by any chance feeling a little oppressed?" 

"Well... um... we don't even get dental." The Guard admitted. 

"They don't even get dental. Such a tragedy." Jak said. "Well, we're just going to take a look around." 

"Of course. Go right in." The Guard replied. And the Gates opened. 

The Market District itself looked hectic. The party could see all different types of places. Blacksmiths, armorers and merchants selling their craft. 

"Almost reminds me of the Bazaar back in Haven City." Jak commented. 

"You and me both. Mix that in with the Slums area and you would have Haven City. Except more primitive." Daxx added. 

"Dwarven Craft! Fine Dwarven Craft! Direct from Orzammar!" They heard one Dwarf Merchant yell. 

"There's got to be a back alley where we can embark safely." Jak looked around. 

"Oh. You need a place like that? Why didn't you just say?" Zevran asked. "The Market District of Denerim might be a place to do trade and look at the different stands. But I know a place where no one would never ever show up."

The Cart was left behind an alleyway and in front of a shop called the Wonders of Thedas. 

"We've made it. Everyone out." Jak announced. 

Skrunch had gotten out first followed by Qwark who had not donned himself a fake purple mustache. "Ha ha! My brilliant plan of infiltration has worked without flaw." He announced.

"Why do you have a mustache on?" Morrigan asked. 

"Because, Frog Lady. My alias is not Captain Qwark but rather, Steve!" Qwark announced. 

Talia and Alistair in the meantime tumbled out of the cart. "Ugh. We could not have gotten out of that cart sooner." Alistair commented.

"I'd rather take my chances in Prison." Talia admitted. 

"Oh... you two can't complain..." Ratchet grunted falling out of the cart. "I held all your weight on my back." 

"Shake it off, Ratchet. You'll be fine." Qwark told him. "Or rather..." He put a funny glasses and mustache set on Ratchet. "Mustachio Furioso." 

Ratchet glared at Qwark. "Ugh." He sarcastically said. 

"Come on. Quit lollygagging and let's go find Brother Genitivi." Qwark complained. "Oh, and Talia, Alistair. I also got you disguises as well." And he put the same disguise he put on Ratchet on the two Grey Wardens. "Now you are Mustachio Furioso Jr. And Mustachio Furiosa." He announced. "Any questions?"

Talia did not say anything but her face said it all. A look of anguish and disbelief.

"Yeah. Why do I have to be Mustachio Furioso Jr? Make Ratchet the Jr." Alistair asked. 

"The name was already trademarked." Qwark answered. 

"You must come from a world where everyone else is even more stupid than you." Sten commented to Qwark. "What kind of idiot would fall for these disguises?"  

"Excuse me." Everyone had heard a knight approach their way. "Have you by any chance seen any Grey Wardens? They killed my good friend, King Cailen." He asked.

"Um... no." Talia answered. "I'm just a lady with a mustache on her face. Pay not attention." 

"Thank you, trustworthy citizen." The Knight replied. "Good day." And then he walked away. 

Sten just stood there in disbelief. "I stand corrected. Everyone here is an idiot." He said. 

"To give you an idea, Sten. This disguise also fooled the Imperial Fight Festival." Ratchet reminded.

"Look, the point is, these disguises work. Now come on." Jak said trying to get back on track. 

"Where do we start? You have any ideas, Alistair?" Ratchet asked. "Alistair?" 

But Alistair was looking beyond the alley to beyond the market. "There she is." He said. "That's Goldanna's House." 

"It is?" Ratchet asked. 

"Yes. And I want to visit." Alistair begged. "It'll only take a minute." 

And that made Talia sigh. "Okay... fine." She was a very soft shell. 

"Okay... We'll find Brother Genitivi." Ratchet figured. 

"And if anything goes wrong?" Zevran asked. 

"We all run back for the Alley screaming like Wild Turkeys." Daxx answered. 

"And let's go." Alistair said making a bee line for Goldanna's house. 

"I'd better go with him." Talia replied running after Alistair. 

"Remember, Talia. My name is Steve." Qwark reminded. And as soon as Talia was out of reach... Qwark laughed. "Steve my Qwark. Indeed." 

"Can we go find this guy already?" Ratchet asked. 

"Oh, look on the bright side. It's either this disguise. Or you could always use your old Tyhrra-guise. But I don't think that would be a good idea." Qwark pointed out. 

"Let's look around." Jak said. "There's got to be someone who's seen Brother Genitivi." 

"Excuse me... have you seen a Brother Genitivi around here?" Daxx asked a Merchant.

"Is that thing talking?" The Merchant asked. 

"Yeah. We're just trying to find a guy-" Jak started to say.

"Is he for sale?" The Merchant asked. 

"No. We're not merchants." Jak answered. "We're just looking for a guy named-" 

"Hey everyone!" The Merchant had just called all the Merchants in attendance. And all eyes were now on Jak and Daxter. "There's a talking Rat here!" 

"Don't say anything." Jak mouthed to Daxter.

"Well so much for being subtle." Ratchet commented. He turned his head to the Dwarven Merchant who was selling his craft. 

"So... what can I help you with, Mr..." The Dwarf was asking. 

"Mustachio Furioso. And I'm looking for a guy named Brother Genitivi." Ratchet answered. 

"Name's Gorim Saelac. Used to live in Orzammar. But they're were complications." The Dwarf admitted. 

"What kind of complications?" Ratchet asked. 

"It's a long story. As to the man you're looking for... he lives right across from the Gnawed Noble Tavern." Gorim answered pointing to a house. 

"Oh.... well, great. Thanks." Ratchet thanked. "Hey guys!" And he looked deflated when he saw Qwark at a stall selling some stuff. 

"Thank you. And remember. You bought it from Steve!" Qwark shouted. While to his left... everyone was looking around Jak and Daxter. 

"He was talking. I saw him talk." The Merchant who had seen Daxx was saying. 

But Daxx just looked around like he was any other animal. 

"I don't know what you're talking about, man." Jak said to the merchant. "He doesn't speak. Nothing to see here, people." 

And all the people around the Market were looking disappointed. 

"But he does talk. I swear he does!" The Merchant insisted. And then he looked around to see people leaving. And then he grabbed Daxter's face and moved his lips to act like he was talking, but the words were coming out of the Merchants mouth. "I can talk. I love to talk. I'll talk around in circles." 

Jak grabbed the Merchants arm. "Get lost, pal." And then he threw him away. And then walked back to Ratchet. 

"Surprised you could go for so long without talking, Daxter. I thought you would be a blabber mouth." Ratchet commented.

"It's not hard to be a mute. I've seen Jak here be one for years." Daxx replied. 

"Well, if you're ready to keep moving. I've found the Brother's House. He's right over there." Ratchet pointed to the house. 

"Nice work." Jak praised. 

"Qwark- I mean... Steve!" Ratchet yelled.

"And did I tell you about the Personal Hygienator to clean all of you daily needs-" Qwark was starting to say. 

"Come on!" Ratchet yelled. 

And Skrunch had stood on top of Qwark and started screeching. 

"Oh... you found the Brother's Home?" Qwark asked astonished. "Good work, Skrunch!" He praised. "Come along, Mustachio!" He said as he walked past Ratchet. 

And then Ratchet groaned. 

Meanwhile... Talia, and Alistair had walked past the market stalls without attracting attention. And Alistair was trying to think of the right words to say. And at last, he saw a house that was right next to a shop called Wade's Emporium. Talia remembered Bodahn saying something about a merchant who could make some Drake Scale Armor. A Master Smith who lived in Denerim. Talia would go to him first while Alistair would follow. 

"Um... hello?" Talia asked. 

She saw a man behind the counter. And a bald Man by the smith. "Welcome, friends! Welcome to Wade's Emporium. My name is Herren." The Man behind the Counter greeted. "We have the finest armors in Denerim- maybe in all of Ferelden! How may we assist you?" 

"Well... I was hoping if Wade could make something with these Drake Scales..." Talia asked. 

"No, uh, no he can't-" Herren started to say all nervous.

And that made Wade turn a corner. Never once before did he hear of something of that order. At first he appeared disinterested. Until he heard the word: Drake Scale. "Did I hear right? You, you, uh- woman- you. You have Drake Scales?" He asked. 

"I do right here." Talia answered. "Do you think you can make Drake Scale Armor?" 

"Of course I can. Well, I think I can. Won't know until I try, will I? Let me see..." Wade took the scales staring at them like they were a priceless treasure. "Look at this, Herren, it's real. Some never see a single scale in their lives!" 

"Well... great." Talia said a little awkwardly. 

"I must make this. Immediately! Tell the, uhh, customer, is it? I'll drop everything to work on this!" Wade declared. 

"How long will it take?" Talia asked.

"A little while." Wade admitted. "You can't rush a masterpiece, my good mustached faced lady." 

"He's actually believing this disguise too?" Alistair thought. 

"Yes... Yes, that's right. It could take months, years even. You should just leave-" Herren started to say. 

"It won't take that long, Herren." Wade assured. "Unless... Unless I did some inlays. Of, oh I know..." 

"Yes, it wouldn't be complete without the inlays." Herren agreed just wanting to get the customer out of there. "Of course, the customer would have to agree..." 

"Um... yes. Get around to it." Talia said. "How much will it cost?" She asked. 

"Cost?" Wade asked as if Talia was telling a joke. "I should be paying you, friend. For the right, no the privilege-" 

"Pay her?" Herren asked outraged. "No, Wade, no! We'll charge you-" 

"I'll hear nothing of that, Herren." Wade interrupted. "This is my shop, and working on Drake Scales won't cost a bloody Orlesian Penny!" 

"Thank you." Talia thanked. "Just be quick about it." 

"Excellent. You won't regret it." Wade replied. "Think of the possibilities, Herren; think of it!" He yelled out to the Heavens. 

"I'm trying to stop." Herren sarcastically said. 

Meanwhile again...

Ratchet had knocked on the door to the Brother's Home. 

A Young man had opened the door. 

"Hi. Is there a Brother Genitivi here?" Ratchet asked.

"Come in." The Man answered as he ushered everyone inside the small house. Jak, Qwark, Ratchet, Skrunch, Daxter, and Zevran talking the lead. 

"What are you doing here?" The Man asked. 

"We're looking for a guy named Brother Genitivi. Are you... Brother Genitivi?" Jak asked.  

"He looks pretty young if he does." Daxx whispered.  

"No. I am Weylon. Brother Genitivi's butler. When you first came in, I... was hoping that you had news about him. Wishful thinking it seems" He looked down as he said that. 

"What news would that be?" Leliana asked. 

"I haven't seen Brother Genitivi in weeks. He's sent no word. It's so unlike him." Weylon answered. "Genitivi was on the trail of the Urn of Sacred Ashes. I fear he had gotten too close to the truth." 

Skrunch in the meantime was by the side and looking around. Something seemed off about this guy. Monkey instinct. 

"Oh, that's just great." Ratchet complained. "I put on this disguise and get trampled on just to say that he's not here." 

"What do you know about the Urn?" Jak asked.

"I thought it was just a myth until I saw Brother Genitivi's research." Weylon answered. "He devoted his life to finding Andrastae's remains. I wonder if he should have left well enough alone. I pray for Genitivi's safety, but hope dwindles with each passing day. I tried to send help, but some knights from Redcliffe came looking for him not long ago. I sent them after Genitivi and they took have disappeared." 

"Well, how could they have disappeared?" Ratchet asked. "Where did you send them?" 

"No, don't ask me where they went. You'll go after them, and what if ill luck should befall you, too?" Weylon dismissed. "This research is a curse. On all of us. Some things are not meant to be found. I know that now." 

"Uh huh." Ratchet shot back. "Everyone around me says the same thing about Gold Bolts." 

"Look, butler dude. We've come all this way and went through an invasion of Zombies. Don't push it." Daxx warned. 

"What he means to say is that we're not going anywhere until we find the Urn. If there's anything you know about it... you need to tell us now." Jak demanded. 

Weylon sighed in exasperation. "So be it... All he said before he left is that he would staying in an inn near Lake Calenhad, investigating something in that area-" 

But then Skrunch had looked beyond the door to another room. And then started screeching. He started pointing accusingly at Weylon.

"What is it, Skrunch?" Qwark asked. 

Skrunch screeched. And Weylon started sweating. 

"Um... what does... that mean?" Ratchet asked. 

"Either... Skrunch is trying to say that either Ratchet has the ears of a Florana Dung Beetle. Or... that guy isn't the real Weylon." Qwark translated. "You know... I should've known from my many Soap Operas of watching Lance and Janice that the Butler always does the crime." 

"I guess I should be feeling pretty stupid right about now." Ratchet commented. "There's not by any chance... that this guy we've met is actually the Real Weylon and he's already killed off the Imposter?" He asked.

But Weylon started to unsheathe his knife.

"Yeah..." Ratchet sighed. "I didn't think so." 

But before 'Weylon' could have a chance to strike, Zevran had thrown a knife into the Butler Imposter killing him.

"Nice throw." Jak praised. 

"Thanks." Zevran thanked. 

Skrunch screeched again. "Skrunch says that there's more stuff in the next room." Qwark translated. "Never fear. For Captain Qwark will go forth and discover what is in that room." 

But as he opened the door, he could see the room was full of messy papers, and shelves of books. "Okay... slight problem. There's a bunch of books here and that's my Kryptonite." 

"This place looks as messed up as Samos' hut back home." Daxx commented. 

"Well, we're not going to just sit here and stare in disbelief at all this stuff. Let's get to searching until we find something." Jak said.

"I agree with that." Sten agreed. 

And that was also when Zevran saw a corpse hidden under some covers. "That must be the real Weylon." He figured.

"So, who was that guy back there?" Jak asked. 

"Probably some whacko." Ratchet answered. As he looked over some of the records. Until reaching a map. "Hm... that's weird." 

Morrigan looked over. "Hm. Now that is intriguing." She said.  

"What is?" Ratchet asked. 

"This appears to be a location I remember Flemeth speaking about once." Morrigan answered. "An Ancient Map that leads to a place deep in the Frostback Mountains. A Village known as Haven."  

"As in... Haven City?" Jak asked. 

"No. It's just a village called Haven in the Frostback Mountains." Morrigan answered.

"Well, that's a lawsuit waiting to happen." Daxx commented. 

"Well... it's not much, but it's our only lead. I'll upload the coordinates." Ratchet said scanning and uploading the coordinates. "Now... let's pick up Alistair and Talia and get out of here." 

"And we'd better do it fast." Jak added. 

Meanwhile... yet again.

Alistair and Talia walked out of Wade's Emporium. "Well, with that out of the way... now can we go to Goldanna's?" Alistair asked like a giddy school girl. 

"Okay." Talia answered. 

"Do I seem a little nervous? I am. I really don't know what to expect. I'd like you to be there with me, if you're willing." Alistair requested very fast. 

"Um..." Talia hesitated to say. 

"Or we could...leave, I suppose. We really don't have time to pay a visit, do we?" Alistair asked now nervous. "Maybe we should go." 

"No. Alistair. We came this far. We should see it through." Talia insisted. "I'm wearing this stupid disguise that I still can't believe people are buying... just so you don't have to be a coward." 

"That's a fair point. I never thought in a million years that I would see a woman that I care about a lot wearing a mustache." Alistair replied.

"Huh?" Talia asked. 

"Nevermind." Alistair dismissed. "Will she even know who I am? Does she even know I exist?" He asked again. "My sister. That sounds very strange... 'sister.' 'siiiisssster." 

"And now you're babbling." Talia said. 

"Maybe we should go." Alistair insisted. "Let's go. Let's just go..." 

But as soon as Alistair and Talia walked into the house... they were met with a different vibe. "Um.... hello?" Alistair asked. 

"Eh?" A Woman with long red hair asked as she walked up. "You have linens to wash? I charge three bits on the bundle, you won't find better. And don't trust what that Natalia woman tells you either. She's foreign and she'll rob you blind." 

She looked exactly as the vision in the Fade when Talia last saw her.

"I'm... not here to have any wash done." Alistair said as he took off the fake moustache and glasses. "My name is Alistair. I'm... well, this may sound sort of strange, but are you Goldanna? If so, I suppose I'm your Brother." 

Goldanna blinked her eyes. "My What? I am Goldanna, yes... how do you know my name? What kind of tomfoolery are you folk up to?" She asked. 

"Are you sure your information was correct, Alistair?" Talia asked. 

"Yes. I'm sure of it." Alistair answered Talia. Then he turned to Goldanna. "Look, our Mother... she worked as a servant in Redcliffe Castle a long time ago, before she died. Do you know about that? She..." He started to say. 

"You!" Goldanna shouted. But not in a good way. "I knew it! They told me you was dead! They told me the babe was dead along with Mother, but I knew they was lying!" 

"They told you I was dead?" Alistair asked in disbelief. "Who? Who told you that?" 

"Them's at the Castle!" Goldanna answered. "I told them the Babe was the King's, and they said he was dead. Gave me a coin to shut my mouth and sent me on my way! I knew it!" 

"I'm sorry. I... didn't know." Alistair said awkwardly. He half expected Goldanna to embrace him with open arms. But right now, she was being cold and distant. "The Babe didn't die. I'm him. I'm... your brother." 

And all Goldanna just did was scoff. "For all the good it does me! You killed Mother, you did, and I've had to scrape by all this time!? That coin didn't last long and when I went back they ran me off!" 

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." Talia commented. 

"And who is the Maker's name are you? Some tart following after his riches, I expect?" Goldanna asked in an aggressive tone. 

Talia was about to retaliate but Alistair beat her to it. "Hey! Don't speak to her that way! She's my friend, and a Grey Warden! Just like me!" 

"Oh, I see. A prince and a Grey Warden, too." Goldanna shot back in sarcastic tones. But in an insulting way. "Well, who am I to think poorly of someone so high and mighty compared to me?" 

But Goldanna wasn't done yet. "I don't know you, boy. Your royal father forced himself on my mother and took her away from me, and what do I get to show for it? Nothing. They tricked me good! I should have told everyone! I've got five mouths to feed, and unless you can help with that, I got less than no use for you." 

"I... I'm sorry. I... I don't know what to say..." Alistair said awkwardly. 

But Talia could see what was going on. "It looks like all she wants is your money, Alistair." She figured. And was also thinking that this was a far cry from the tea making sister that Alistair had imagined. 

"Yes, it really seems that way, doesn't it? I wasn't expecting my sister to be so..." Alistair was trying to find the right words.

"Bitchy?" Talia asked.

"Yeah. That." Alistair answered. "I'm starting to wonder why I came." But then he turned to Goldanna. "Listen, Goldanna. As soon as I've finished with the Blight, I'll speak to someone and make sure that your family is well taken care of."  

Goldanna chuckled as she rolled her eyes. "Well, don't expect me to hold my breath. Now get out of my house. Both of you!" She ordered.

"We were just leaving." Alistair declared as he walked out the door. "That tea you make sucks by the way!" 

Talia followed him out. 

Goldanna just looked confused. "My Tea sucks?" She asked. "I never served him tea." 

Alistair had already put on his disguise back on. And Talia was on his tail. "Well that was... not what I expected. To put it lightly." He said. 

"Sorry." Talia apologized trying to give her sympathy. 

"This is the family I've been wondering about all my life? That shrew is my sister? I can't believe it." Alistair asked himself. "I... guess I was expecting her to accept me without question. Isn't that what family is supposed to do? I... I feel like a complete idiot." 

That was what families were supposed to do. Talia remembered her family and her loving relationship with them. But this felt different on a whole number of levels. "Well... everyone is out for themselves, I suppose. You should learn that." She said just as angry. 

"Yes, I suppose you're right. I should." Alistair agreed. "Let's just go. We'll rendezvous with Ratchet and Qwark-" 

"That's Steve to you." Qwark corrected as the wagon pulled up. "Now get hopping in, you two. We're blowing this city." 

"Did you guys find Brother Genitivi?" Talia asked. 

"No. He wasn't even the house." Ratchet answered. 

"But we were able to find a potential place on where he was going." Daxx informed.

"And we found a guy who killed Genitivi's butler lying in wait for us." Jak added.

"Oh yeah. That too." Daxx said. 

"What?" Alistair asked. 

"There was a guy who pretended to be Brother Genitivi's Servant who was lying in wait and he wanted to kill us for asking questions. So we silenced him. You're welcome." Zevran answered with a grin. 

"Where did the map say to go?" Alistair asked.

"A Place in the Frostback Mountains called Haven Village. Not to be confused with Haven City." Ratchet answered. "I've got the coordinates all primes up and loaded." 

"Then let's get going." Talia declared. Until she remembered something. "Um... right after I get my order from Wade's Emporium." And she ran back into Wade's Emporium to get her Drake Scale Armor. 

"You're here about your order?" Herren asked. 

"It's done. I made the armor." Wade answered a little disappointed. 

"What's wrong with it?" Talia asked. 

"It's garbage." Wade answered "I wouldn't let a festering swine wear it." 

Talia saw the armor for herself. It looked fine to her.

"Wade, it's amazing." Herren insisted. "I don't see anything wrong with it." 

"Are you blind as well as stupid?" Wade asked. "The leg guards are too tight; it'll chafe. The dye isn't even- look here. I see a splotch. It's garbage, I say." 

"It's fine." Herren said. "Truly. It's a work of art. Here, wear it well. Now kindly leave." He ordered Talia. 

And Talia took the armor with her and went back to the others. Hopefully the Drake Scale Armor would come in handy when arriving to Haven.


"What do you mean you reject Night of the Living Squishes!?" Nefarious yelled into the phone. "You have no taste in fine art! What with your love of making Super Hero Movies all the time! You have no taste in original cinema!" 

The phone blared again.

"Just retell the story of Ratchet and Clank's first adventure?" Nefarious asked in disbelief. "That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard!" And he slammed the phone down. "Who would do something so stupid like that?" 

That was when Lawrence arrived in the room. "Oh. Am I interrupting?" He asked. 

"No, Lawrence. Just some hacks in Holostar Studios who don't understand what true art is." Nefarious answered. "Now what is it? Can't you see I'm busy?" 

"Apologies, sir." Lawrence replied. "But you may want to know that our Metal Head Scouts are tracking the movements of Ratchet and his companions. It appears that they are moving west towards the Frostback Mountains in search of a powerful artifact." 

"What kind of powerful artifact are we talking about?" Nefarious asked.

"I believe it was called an Urn of Sacred Ashes or something." Lawrence answered. 

"And what's so special about THAT?!" Nefarious yelled while standing on his feet. 

"I don't know myself, sir." Lawrence answered. "But it may be that this particular item could be the key to gaining an army." 

"An Army?!" Nefarious asked outraged. "Then Ratchet and Captain Qwark must be stopped! Track them down! Annihilate them! "CRUSH THEM ATOM BY ATTTTTTT-" 

But then Nefarious froze up again and played another episode of Lance and Janice: 'That's what makes it so beautiful Janice. My heart is pounding faster than an anvil. But I can't commit to this love. I must go on the lonely train on its lonely way to lonely town.' Lance has said.

'No, Lance. Do not board the lonely train on its lonely way to lonely town. Who will I love if you and your evil twin brother, Engelbart are gone?!' Janice had said.

"I get the strange feeling that this'll be fixed when I'm busy on Paternity Leave." Lawrence commented. And then he slapped Nefarious. 

"-OM!" Nefarious had finished as if nothing had happened. "Well... you know what to do. In the meantime. I'll be busy working on a new upgrade for our Darkspawn buddies. One that will bring an end to the Squishes of this MISERABLE PLANET!" 

"As you wish, sir." Lawrence replied. And he left the Main Office walking past a group of Metal Heads who were busy constructing a large Spherical Machine. A weapon that Nefarious had used before but was thwarted by Ratchet. And one that would give the Darkspawn a much needed upgrade. 

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