Chapter 3

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Ratchet pov
"Your probably the only man I'll ever meet." She said and I looked at her, for some reason my cheeks felt kind of hot and then her mood changed again "I'm so sorry!" And she began to cry again, grabbing a pillow and covered her face. I decided to let her have her moment and I looked over to see a notebook with a title that said "One choice." I grabbed it and flipped to the first page.
I was about midway through the 10th chapter when I heard snoring. I looked up to see that Victoria had cried herself to sleep. I sat the notebook down and stood, taking her blanket and covering her with it. I grabbed her pillow and gently placed it under her head when a piece of paper fell out. I picked it up to see writing on it from her doctor, it said she only had about a month left to live, and her bucket list below: #1 see the Northern lights. #2 meet someone. #3 have a picnic with that someone under a full moon, out of the hospital. With only a month left to live and no friends or family to visit her, her bucket list will never be complete. "Hm..." I muttered as I folded the paper and put it in my pocket "…don't worry Victoria, I'm going make your dreams come true." then walked out of the room and down the hall.
I drove back to base and walked over to my computer, making sure no bot else was up and around before typing in Northern lights. A picture of  colorful green and pink lights appeared and I began to read the paragraph "Appear only on a certain time of the year..." then I pulled up a side bar looking at the month, remembering the date of the writing which was June 1st. She only had the rest of this month to live and the Northern lights appear on the 6th and today was 4th, so I only had two days to get her some gifts. She is such a sweet girl. Then I headed off to my berthroom.

-next day, mid afternoon-
June drove in and stepped out of her car "Ratchet, I have some bad news." I looked at her as she climbed the stairs and then leaned on the railing. I walked over "What is it?" "Look, I know you've only known her for a few weeks but I just got word from Victoria's doctor…" she paused and the others walked over but I didn't give it any thought "And?" "The medicine they're giving her is killing whatever she has but for a side effect it's affecting her body, she'll never make it to the end of this month, she could go at anytime." June finished and I just stood there with a shocked look before transforming and racing out of the base.

No pov
"I don't think I've ever seen Doc move that fast before." Miko said. "Whose Victoria?" Arcee questioned "Is there something he's not telling us?" Mrs. Darby nodded before sighing and explained all about Victoria. Miko gasped, not really upset with Doc "He's totally crushing! And by the way he sped out of the base, he's crushing hard!!" She smiled then laughed a little. "Crushing hard? Ratchet's not a wrecker." Bee asked and Raf translated. "No," Jack started as Miko laughed at what Bumblebee said, "It's means he has really strong feelings for her." "Wait, what?" The whole group asked quite shocked.


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