Being Taken in

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Your Pov

I didn't speak as I kept looking down, the woman looked at me and said "why don't I take you inside?, It's cold in the rain my dear" she said, your face lit a little as you walked into the home, the scent of cigarettes, odd chemicals, and strange but incredible devices.

"You just sit right there by the fire deary and I'll be right there with some tea" the woman said smiling softly as she lead me to a chair by the fire as she let me sit down on the chair wrapping a blanket around me, I couldn't help but feel tears in my eyes since it's the first time someone's been nice to me.

The woman left into a door which I assumed was the kitchen, I snuggled into the blanket as I felt the warm fire toast my toes.

She came back minutes later, she was holding a tray of cup of tea and biscuits, "here you go deary, I hope you feel comfortable" she said. "Good heavens, I haven't introduce myself, My name is Miss Judson, but call me Judson, what is your name?" She asked with a smile.

I smiled softly and spoke "My name is (Y/N)", Judson smiled and replied "such a beautiful name, I surely hope Mr. Basil will be alright with letting you stay for the night" she said, I looked at her confused "might I ask who is Basil?.." I asked.

Judson's eyes widen, "Deary, surely you have heard of the Great Mouse Detective?, Basil of Baker Street?.." she spoke in shocked.

I shook my head, Judson looked at me confused "haven't you been hearing it from the radio or even reading the newspaper?.." she asked, I shook my head again "we weren't allowed to listen to the radio....and my caretakers wouldn't allow me  to go out...." I said.

"Caretakers? Surely you mean mother or father?" Judson said, I shook my head again. "My mother and father died when I was younger....." I spoke as tears started to form in my eyes.

Judson was shocked, she felt really bad for her, she then hugged me and comforted me, "Now now can stay with me, and you'll fit right in perfectly" she said, I smiled "thank you Judson.." I spoke.

"Your very welcome dear, come now I'll take you in, your living with me now since I basically own the building, Basil lives here as well, although keep in mind, he does not like interruptions on solving cases" Judson explained as I nodded.

Judson took me to a guest room, "make yourself comfortable deary, in the morning I'll explain to Basil for you living here" she said and left you alone.

You looked around the room smiling softly, it was really lovely and beautiful.

I couldn't help but smile as I then change into a night gown that I kept in my suitcase

I then get settled into bed, hoping the other day won't be as bad as my day was. I then started to have a very odd dream.....

No one's POV

You looked around confused as there was a storm outside, you got up from the bed and noticed that you weren't in the guest room anymore, the bedroom was a bit dark.

You then heard whispering from the large door, you made your way towards the door and leaned your head towards it to listen.

You then hear yelling and hear stuff smashing, you opened the door looking around before walking out of there and head to the direction of the noises of objects breaking. You saw a mouse with an orange mustache and glasses, he looked like some sort of mechanic, then a tall figure was standing beside him holding a cigarette holder.

      He puffed it off before blowing it at him, you could see a devilish grin on his face, you looked up and down at him once you got to his tail you realized He is a Rat.

Then suddenly he turned his face towards you as if he had heard you!. He then started to make his way closely towards you, took it as an opportunity to run, he ran chasing you as you got on all fours trying to run faster but he seemed to be catching up to you after he got on all fours. Before you knew it he pounced towards you...


    You woke up scared and you quickly looked around seeing you were back to your guest bedroom. You felt yourself sweating as you were relieved that everything was a dream.

You heard voices from downstairs and decided to get changed to see if there's anyone downstairs.

You changed into this as you then put your hair into a bun before putting on a small portion of make up, you then made your way downstairs until you heard this...


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