Hot Head

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Used to love him when I was little, now he's kinda meh, I still like him though.

Design: He's a giant fire monster thing, with circles on his hands that he shoots fire from. 9/10 pretty neato.

Moveset: It's ok, but I find it slow. He can shoot fire from his hands, but when you turn while doing this it is slow, and doesn't last as long as you hold down the button. He has an oil shot attack, which is somewhat slow, but when you shoot them with fire when they got oil on the it does double damage. Then his fire rain attack, would be so awesome, if it wasn't so slow lol. The rang of Hot Head's attacks are meh. Overall it's not awful, but it could be so much more better lol 7/10

Overall I gotta give Hot Head 8/10 

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