Jet Vac

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He's super popular, maybe even overrated (Actually you know what? He IS overrated lol). But I like him, he's an eagle, eagles are pretty lol. His backstory is so sweet too, I gotta make a rating book about Skylander backstories lol. 

Design: He an eagle, with blue armor, and a vacuum, and jetpack. 9/10 it's cool

Moveset: It's not bad. But it's somewhat weak, at least he's QUICK. He shoots air, sucks ya up with his vacuum, and can fly around for a short period of time. 8/10 it's good.

8.5/10 he's coolio. 

(Fun fact: I used the lightcore art of him instead of the normal lol. A lightcore Skylander lights up when on the portal in certain places!)

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