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Name: Sedgeheart 

Neat! NO ONE EVER. EVEEEERRRRR sees Sedge :)

Age: About 25 moons 

Gender: She-cat 

Rank: Queen (past), rogue (now)

At LEAST not Rouge to Clan

 Clan: RainClan 

Seen it too many times. You were on a roll! What happened :(

Looks: White cat with pale orange stripes on her face, blue eyes (I know it's weird lol)

Interesting. But try to go with something more.... realistic. I'm not saying that you HAVE to, It's only a suggestion ;'D

Personality: Funny, strong, courageous, selfless, but sometimes angered and depressed. When losing a battle, she goes into a pit of rage.


Backstory: Sedgeheart is overjoyed when she has her kits. (3 shekits and 1 tom) But when they run off and stray into MarshClan territory, a mean and hostile warrior by the name of Archstream murders them. Sedgeheart has to watch from a far, heartbroken. When she tells her mate, Kinktail, he is enraged. He tells the leader (Sedgeheart's mother) that Sedgeheart had "murdered their kits" because he didn't believe her, and the leader had no choice but to exile her only kit. Sedgeheart's heart had broken into many pieces. She saw her kits get murdered and then her own mother exiled her?! Now, living as a rogue, she faces many dangers. Meeting strange cats, hunger, rats and dogs, it is her worst nightmare. And Sedgeheart always wonders if someday she will meet RainClan again, in peace--or in battle.

Nice! But, nowadays, NO ONE EVER says about kithood, or apprenticehood, soooooo points off. a point REGAINED by the dramaticniss of "And Sedgeheart always wonders if someday she will meet RainClan again, in peace--or in battle." Yay!

M/C/K: Kinktail (past), unnamed kits (deceased)


Basically you

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