Yulemas: Revisited

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Aelin strolled down the corridor, an ironteeth-witch in tow, and a short stack of books wrapped neatly in colored paper and ribbon in her hand. She had invited the newly-reinstated-King of Adarlan to spend Yulemas in Terrasen since he had hosted her during her time during the King's Champion competition. (Unknowingly, but still.) She knocked on the door before shoving the door open. It was more of a courtesy knock, as she was coming in whether he was awake or not.

Aelin stood in the doorway as Dorian slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. She could feel the pair of golden eyes subtly peeking over her shoulder as the king sat up completely, and the sheets fell away, revealing his lack of clothing. Arms crossed, she sing-songed, "I brought you a gift!" He noticeably perked up, running a hand through the hair. His left eyebrow raised as he spoke in a low, gravelly voice, heavy with sleep, "Oh really?" Aelin rolled her eyes and held up the wrapped books. "Yes really."

A light shing! Could be heard from behind her as the silver haired witch sharpened her nails. Aelin smirked. "Two gifts, in fact."

An animalistic growl echoed low in the king's throat. "Be careful princeling," the witch behind her whispered, "Someone might accuse you of becoming fae."

 The queen almost laughed outright as she felt a pair of invisible hands push her out of the way. "Feel free to unwrap both," she stated with a wink, "You have an hour until breakfast."

With that, she was shoved out of the room and the door slammed shut behind her. There was the slight temptation to stay and tease them about it later, but she figured that she would let them off the hook about it in the spirit of the holidays.

•  •  •

Sorry it's really short but I've run out of inspiration and motivation, but I promised y'all an update, and since so many of you helped with my essay I felt compelled to try and get it up on time. yes, its a day late, but it's Christmas- I've been a tad busy. Again, sorry it's short and probably sucks, but it's the best I could do. 

Also, I probably won't update very much this coming year (until summer) because life sucks ATM.

Special thanks to:




for helping me edit!

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