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Far, far away from here, lives a man. His name is Sherlock. He is quite different from everyone. He is also quite the opposite. He lives his life on his own terms, unattached and not connected with the rest of the world. He created his own world of reality. He calls it his, 'mind palace.' He uses it to store information; only the useful kind. For him, an emotion like love is nothing but just an error found on the losing side.

People think he is a psychopath, but he is often seen correcting them by calling himself, a sociopath instead. Some find him strange, some thinks murdering people is his hobby. 

But there is someone who knows who he truly is. Someone who successfully deciphered him. Someone who knows Sherlock is nothing but an annoying dick head. 

That someone is the only one who knows Sherlock is not a fake. That person knows what kind of a genius Sherlock is. That person became his FRIEND just hours after the two of them met. People might wonder what's the big deal with Sherlock having a friend? 

The thing is, Sherlock is the kind of person who hardly ever makes a connection with anyone, let alone an emotional one. He is the loner kind who unlike others isn't the obvious kind of stupid.

He gets excited when the police find a dead body washed up on a shore. He gets high when a serial killer strikes. He jumps on his feet and cheers like it's Christmas when the police come to him with a case. He lives in an expensive apartment because he got the husband of the landlady executed. This is him being kind.

You still remember the person who is friends with Sherlock, right? His name is Watson, Doctor John Watson or simply John, that's how Sherlock addresses him. John is astounded by Sherlock's deduction skills. When others pulled their hair in frustration, John was the only one who actually appreciated Sherlock's skills and his not so pleasing personality. He never questioned Sherlock's intentions, he never doubted his intelligence. 

Sherlock was such a brilliant mind reader, yet he thought John was gay, funny, right?

John refused to spy on Sherlock, who was still the guy he barely knew. When others warned him about Sherlock, he went back to him with a gun because he thought Sherlock's life was in danger. 

Sherlock took John on one of his cases because Mrs. Hudson took away his skull. John saw him jumping in excitement when he heard about the serial suicides.

A murder, getting threatened, and warned, everything in one day can make a person rethink their decisions. But what really happened was the opposite. John trusted his instincts, he knew Sherlock was extraordinary. His abilities, personality, lifestyle, everything about him reminded John of his past life. He missed it.

He was just an army doctor who fought enemies. Cut him some slack, he had his bad days, too. He killed a man on the second day they met for his new roommate. He tried to save Sherlock's life again by putting himself in the path of danger whenever he got the chance. He could see right through Sherlock unlike anyone ever could.

 He knew all about Sherlock's dizzy spells, him not talking to anyone for days. He even got used to finding a human skull in the refrigerator to test the coagulation of saliva after death. He was used to finding human eyes in the microwave for an experiment. They became more than two roommates and people who solved crimes; they became friends. 

It took Sherlock a little longer to realize and a little more to John to realize that he was Sherlock's only friend. Sherlock always pretended to be strong and having common sense instead of a heart, but John knew it was not true.

Sherlock never allowed anyone in his life, he always had his guard up. He never showed even one teeny tiny sign of emotion or heartbreak. He had his bolt holes, violin, skull and murder cases to fill in the voids in his life until John came in and made him realize that being alone doesn't protect a person, friends protect friends. John always kept him right.

When the time came to protect the lives of his loved ones, Sherlock took a path filled with obstacles. He had to say goodbye to John even though he knew they will meet again, one day. He became unhappy when he thought John wasn't looking at him. He cried when no one was there to see his tears.

Two years later, they met again. Sherlock never wanted anything so badly like he wanted John's apology. He begged for his forgiveness in his own twisted way.  

On the morning of John and Mary's wedding, Mrs. Hudson asked a question to Sherlock. It was a rhetorical one. "Who leaves a wedding early?" 

And, Sherlock said nothing, but we found the answer on the very same night. When Sherlock realized John has moved on and domestic bliss was suiting him just fine, he took a step back. Not wanting to interfere in his life, anymore. While everyone was enjoying and having the time of their lives, he left. He returned to his life of solving crimes and fighting crazy psychopaths. 

Fate reunites them again. They were back to solving crimes, but this time destiny had other plans. Sherlock did what John did for him years ago. He killed a man despite knowing the consequences. He put a bullet through the man's head to protect John and Mary. 

There was also a time when John blamed him for the loss of Mary. He himself didn't know that he was blaming Sherlock out of the guilt he felt for cheating on his wife. His own guilty conscience helped him to figure that Sherlock was still his friend who needed him just as much as he needed him. 

Time went by, and Sherlock was back to where he started. His life when he was a kid. It was the time he lost his best friend, he forgot all about his friend in an attempt to cope up with his loss. 

Meeting John and feeling an immediate connection with him was nothing but fate telling him that John was the friend that was missing from his life since his childhood. This shows life is a circle. No matter how hard a person tries to keep their sentimental side under wraps, everyone's got one because friends protect friends.

The last time I heard about them they were still living in that little apartment. 221 B Baker Street, taking care of John's baby and solving crimes. If Sherlock is the one who solves cases, John is the one who saves lives.

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