| A Shared Den | Chapter Two |

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Raven woke up. She must have fallen asleep while on watch. She looked around, ready to start the day with hunting. She leapt as she saw Moth, curled up in her nest, then remembered the events at sunset yesterday. Moth woke up and groomed her fluffy mane, then stretched and got up.

"Oh!" She gasped, seeing Raven. "Oh, right... I forgot I was here, haha."

"Same.." Raven replied. "I'm going hunting. You stay here."

"Stay..?" Moth asked, crestfallen.

"You're not used to the hills. It's safer in my den." Raven sighed.

Moth nodded sadly and Raven trotted away.

The grass waved in rythym as Raven padded across the hills. They stretched for quite a while, and far off the highstones stood, mysterious and tall.

Far off was the gorge, a crack in the earth where water cascaded down in a huge waterfall. Any fall down there was deadly, even for a RiverClan cat. And beyond the river were forests. Raven shuddered when she looked at them. Not only did forests just not feel right to a cat from the hills, but it was where her parents died...

Hunting. I need to focus on hunting... Raven stood up straight and let the wind blow into her face, scenting each rabbit hidden in the grass. She crouched up on a plump rabbit which was big enough to feed both her and Moth. She was almost close enough and her muscles tensed, preparing to...


The rabbit sped off. Raven whipped around. Moth was crouched in the grass, and a hawk had just taken a dive at her. It dropped a chunk of bloody fur from its talons and dived again, talons aimed for Moth's neck...

Raven sprinted over as fast as she could.

The hawk came closer, talons in position to snap Moth's neck...

Raven kept running...

It came ever closer and was only feet from Moth...

Raven leapt.

She dragged the hawk to the ground and skillfully bit into its throat, killing it. She turned to Moth, who was watching in awe.

"Alright," Raven sighed. "Maybe you need a lesson on the hills..."

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