Chapter 3

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Sorry for the long wait! Here it is!
Raven woke to the sound of rain pattering on the ground. She blinked a few times to adjust her eyes, then looked around. She was still in the strange, hard box the house-folk had brought her here in, since the soft pelt inside it was comfortable to sleep on. Glancing outside the box, she saw quite the dismal scene. The sky was gray, the ground was wet, there were little puddles all around, light rain was falling, and the air was clouded in a gentle fog. It was eerily quiet, just the sound of the raindrops and Raven's own breathing. As if to break the stillness, her stomach rumbled loudly, and she realized that she hadn't eaten today. Or yesterday, in fact; or the day before that. She had lost track of how long it had been since her house-folk had abandoned her by these woods, but she guessed at least 4 or 5 days. With this weather, and her lack of hunting skill, she didn't expect much prey. 'Perhaps I should check those bins that the house-folk put their garbage in.' She thought.
Stepping out of the rigid box, she looked for one of the tall, shiny bins. She soon noticed one nearby which was covered in rain, with streaks of mud near the bottom. She jumped onto a stack of boxes sitting next to the bin, but they were so sodden that they collapsed under her, smearing water and mud on her pelt in the process. She quickly jumped out of the boxes and looked for another way to get into the bin.
'I might be able to knock it over, but if there are house-folk nearby, they'll hear it.' She thought. Scanning the area, she saw nothing that would help much, until she remembered the weird box she had tucked into the bushes. 'I can just push that over here, then I can climb on top of it, and I'll be able to knock the lid off!' She realized.
Running over, she pulled out the stick she had used to keep the swinging side open. The ground was quite soft, so the stick came out easily. Raven went around the box and pushed it until it was close enough to the tall bin. She scrambled onto the top of it, then shook her paw off after stepping in a puddle on top of the box. She examined the bin, then saw the edge of the lid. 'If I can find a way to grab that, then I can get into the bin!'
After several attempts to pry the lid up with her paws, Raven decided to try biting it. Grabbing the edge, she started to pull up the lid. Stretching to reach, she managed to yank the lid off, and it fell onto the collapsed boxes, which made the thud much quieter. Turning back to the bin, she was hit with the overwhelming smell of crow-food. 'How does anyone stand this?' She gasped, wrinkling her nose at the smell. 'Well, let's hope there's something edible in here!'
After quite a while of searching and pawing through far more house-folk garbage than she would have ever wanted to, she finally found a weird meaty thing that seemed edible. She carefully pulled it out and hoped down with the food in her mouth. She landed on a slightly less muddy spot, and climbed back into the weird box to eat. Shortly after she finished, however, a large orange tom padded around a corner and saw her. "Hey, scam! I'm claiming this area, so get out!" He hissed.
"I'm sorry, I was just looking for food!" Raven cried out.
"Well, look elsewhere!" He snarled, ran towards her.
Not wanting to fight, and knowing she would lose if she did, she got out of the box and ran into the forest. The tom chased after her for a short while, but turned back before long. Not wanting to risk staying nearby, she continued to run as fast as she could. After running quite a ways into the forest and making several turns, she found a small clearing. She slowed, then stopped there to catch her breath. Taking a breath, she noticed a strange smell. It reminded her of her siblings, but it was a bit different, and very strong. She suddenly realized what it was, and her eyes widened in shock.
She was in wild cat territory!
Well, there's the new chapter! I hope to be updating a bit more frequently soon. Have a good day!

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