Chapter 7

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Inside the SnowClan camp, all was silent. The full moon hung low in the sky, and images of the Gathering only earlier that night lingered in the black-and-white she-cat's mind as she had nodded greeting to her mother, Clouddapple, who was standing guard, as she squeezed through the thicket entrance leading inside.

The warriors of StarClan were beginning to fade as the first streaks of pinkish-orange dawn light broke through the sky. The sun still did not rise, though it would not be long until it did.

Ravenblaze crept silently down the sloping path leading inside camp and to Darkstar's den underneath the Frostledge, careful not to wake up any sleeping cats, but it was pointless, as every cat sat awake either inside their dens or in the clearing besides Stagpad's body, brought into the clearing, to sit vigil for him; only Quaileyes completely slept besides her dead mate, though Barktail looked close to dozing off too.

Ravenblaze wondered where Thistleblaze was, and saw him in the elders' den, checking Fennelfoot's long-furred and soft ginger pelt for ticks. He truly is loyal, Ravenblaze realized. The tabby tom was spending his time following orders given to him earlier for his irresponsibility during a patrol with his apprentice, Cloudpaw, instead of sitting vigil with the rest of his family. Did Thistleblaze not realize he would be allowed to join Stagpad before his burial, and that his punishment no longer applied due to the sudden death in SnowClan?

Ravenblaze saw Darkstar just outside of his den, silently discussing something with his deputy, Leafclaw. When Ravenblaze approached, the black-pelted leader turned to her, and Leafclaw did as well. "Hello there, Ravenblaze. What may I help you with?" Darkstar inquired, his gaze looking tired from the sleepless night.

"I met a loner on the moor," Ravenblaze informed him and Leafclaw, who listened intently. She explained Russet's sudden encounter and her rudeness, and when she finished, Darkstar nodded, turned to Leafclaw, and told him, "I'll announce Russet's appearance to the Clan after the elders bury Stagpad's body." He sighed as he said the deceased cat's name, but continued with confidence, "Tell the elders to take Stagpad's body it for burial."

Leafclaw nodded and took a few paces to a sleeping Quaileyes, and gave her a gentle nudge. She stirred, blinking her odd brown eyes, and rose to her paws with a stretch. When her gaze once again returned to Stagpad's corpse, she smiled weakly, as if she knew her mate was in a better place now. Barktail rose to his paws as Leafclaw padded off to the elders' den, where Fennelfoot and Horseleg were waiting.

Darkstar and Ravenblaze padded out from under the ledge, and the leader leaped up the rock pile to the top of the Frostledge.

"All cats old enough to walk in a snowstorm gather here for a Clan meeting!" Darkstar's voice rang out strongly across camp. Ravenblaze heard the pawsteps if her Clanmates coming to hear what Darkstar had to say. She felt her good friend Poppytail's gray fur brush softly along hers as the she-cat sat besides Ravenblaze, and the black she-cat watched as Stonepaw teetered over to Ravenblaze's other side and dropped into a sit. His eyes were half-closed; he looked tired.

Ravenblaze flicked her ears as she heard the soft protests of Spiderkit and Darkkit in the nursery. She heard Darkkit wail, "But Athena, we're almost old enough to be apprentices!" Athena replied, seemingly as gently as she could, "You're not even close. You're barely two moons old!" Ravenblaze turned her head and saw Athena draw her kits closer to her flank using her tail, and the two tomkits mewled in annoyance. Spiderkit told his mother, "Ravenblaze can look after us! And I'm sure I can walk in a snowstorm!" He climbed over her tail and began to scramble outside, but Athena leaned over and grabbed him by the scruff, lifted him over Darkkit and placed him between her front paws.

Darkstar coughed to clear his throat once every SnowClan cat had gathered. The only cats not present were Athena, her kits, and the elders as well as Barktail. He must want to help bury his father's body, Ravenblaze decided.

"Ravenblaze has informed me of a loner on our territory," Darkstar began confidently. A few of his Clanmates gasped and muttered, but others just sat, expressionless, as though a loner was as much of a problem as a fly was.

Darkstar continued, "Leafclaw will organize a patrol to scout along the AmberClan border, where the loner reportedly came from. Be on the lookout for a red tabby pelt belonging to a she-cat with amber eyes."

"Didn't you use to be a loner, Athena?" Ravenblaze heard Darkkit excitedly ask his mother. Athena's gaze then looked troubled, and he gently flicked the black kit's flank with her tail tip. Ravenblaze turned back to Darkstar.

"That is all I wanted to address," Darkstar finished, "Clan dismissed!" He leapt down from the Frostledge and landed gracefully on all four paws. Nightflare, his mate, padded up to him and rubbed his cheek with her muzzle.

Ravenblaze looked up at the sky, now covered in early morning dawn light. She yawned, and realized how long she had been awake.

Soon, Ravenblaze found herself at the back of the warriors' den, her thin tail wrapped around her body protectively, her head placed in her front paws. She blinked tiredly, and saw other warriors walk inside: Mosswing, Ebonystripe, Blazetree, Willowstrike, and finally, Poppytail.

The gray-and-black she-cat padded over and curled up besides Ravenblaze, and Poppytail murmured, "What a long day..." before drifting off to sleep.

As the two she-cats' fur touched, Ravenblaze felt a slight wave of happiness—and something else she couldn't quite identify—wash over her before sleep closed her off from the living world.

After a long wait, chapter 7 has finally arrived! And to make up for the delay, I will be holding a contest once this book gets 1k reads!
I'm looking for some new art for the cover of this book! I will hold the contest and announce the rules and prizes after this book gets 1k reads, but to do that, I'll need more readers!
So, I am asking all of you, the readers, to tag a few warriors lovers you know who'd be interested in this book and maybe the contest as well!
I'll tag a few people myself! -EmberWing- _FeatherFrost_ CrazyLilly733
I am sorry if I tagged anyone already reading this!
So, tag away, and the contest will take place soon!!

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