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The day had been very uneventful.

Ravenpaw trained for most of the day and had lazed for the rest of it.

Finally, as sunset approached, it was time for the gathering.

Blizzardstar gathered the cats chosen and began leading them out, all the new apprentices chattering excitedly.

Raven thought.

If she had a split personality with Ravenpaw, then maybe the others were somewhere in their counterpart's minds too.

Raven decided she'd try to contact them at the gathering.

When they arrived at the tree-bridge, the cats crossed without problems. Raven saw this as her chance and spoke to Ravenpaw.

I need to speed with the other apprentices.

Why? came the reply.

If we can figure out a way to get out of here, all of you will have your minds to yourselves again.

A pause.


"Hey guys, come over here," Ravenpaw said, leading her brother and friends towards the edge of the island.

Ravenpaw sat down, then allowed Raven to take over.

"My name is Raven, I need to talk to my friends," Raven said.

The others shared looks, then Wildpaw spoke.

"Yo Mama! Weze gots to get outta here!" came BB's voice.

Wolfpaw spoke next. "Beasty! Yo we're brothers! But still, what the actual heck?"

"Friends! How did we get here in the first place?" Squirrelpaw asked.

Robinpaw spoke up. "Calm down everyone. Raven, what's going on?"

All eyes turned to her, and Raven cleared her throat. "You guys were annoying the hell out of me to I cast a spell out of anger. It sent us here and I'm not sure how to get back, but these cats, Willowleap, Sunclaw, Ivyleaf, Stormpelt, and Flarestar, I think, they said we had to do something, like, complete a mission."

Before anyone else could say something, Ravenfire padded up. All of their personalities changed back.

"Why don't you guys go over there?" he asked, motioning to a group of Apprentices.

"Sure!" Robinpaw said, leading them towards the group.

"Hi!" said a brown tabby she-cat, beckoning the group to join them.

"Hey," Wolfpaw said, sitting down. The others followed.

"I'm Fawnpaw," the tabby introduced. She named the other apprentices. A black she-cat named Darkpaw, a dark brown tabby named Stripedpaw, a white she-cat named Cloudpaw, and a plain gray tom named Stormpaw.

Squirrelpaw and Fawnpaw were immediately friends, both incredibly cheerful and easily finding stuff to talk about. Robinpaw and Stormpaw were chatting and Wolfpaw, Stripedpaw, Wildpaw, and Cloudpaw were showing off battle moves. So that left Ravenpaw with Darkpaw. 

"Those guys are dorks," Darkpaw muttered, rolling her soft teal eyes fondly.

"Tell me about it," Ravenpaw said, laughing slightly.

"I'm Darkpaw, as my sister told you," Darkpaw said, turning to Ravenpaw.

Ravenpaw gave a small smile. "Ravenpaw. It's a pleasure."

"Same." A pause. "So, when did you all become apprentices?"

"Just a few days ago, you?"

"Two weeks. Cloudpaw, Stripedpaw, and Stormpaw became apprentices a little less than a moon ago."

Ravenpaw nodded. "So who's your mentor?"

"Hickorytail, you?"


"And what clan were you from again?"


"Ah, that explains why you're so skinny," Darkpaw giggled. "I'm in ShadowClan."

"That's cool. Is it true that you guys eat other clans' kits?" Ravenpaw asked teasingly.

"Do you really want to know?" Darkpaw shot back with a playful growl.

The two she-cats sat in silence for a moment before falling into a giggling fit.

"You're pretty funny, y'know, for a WindClan cat."

"And you're pretty sweet, y'know, for a ShadowClan cat," Ravenpaw copied.

"Let the gathering begin!" Amberstar yowled.

"All is well in RiverClan. We have two new apprentices; Stormpaw and Fawnpaw!"

"Stormpaw, Fawnpaw, Stormpaw, Fawnpaw!" the clearing chanted.

"Flareheart has also given birth to three healthy kits. And that is all."

"I will go next," Rainstar said, standing up on his branch.

"All is also well in ThunderClan. We have two new apprentices and three new warriors, Cloudpaw, Stripedpaw, Lillycloud, Glazetail, and Froststep!."

"Cloudpaw, Stripedpaw Lillycloud, Glazetail, Froststep! Cloudpaw, Stripedpaw Lillycloud, Glazetail, Froststep," everyone chanted.

"We have no new kits but Flurryheart has moved to the nursery with Yarrowtail's kits."

Murmurs of congratulations to the ThunderClan warrior echoed through the clearing.

"And that is all."

Smudgestar stood up.

"The dawn patrol found traces of badger by the RiverClan border this morning. It was faint but we, thought we'd let you know."

Amberstar dipped her head.

"We have one new apprentice and two new warriors. Darkpaw and Needlefur."

"Darkpaw, Needlefur, Darkpaw, Needlefur!"

"That is all."

Blizzardstar stood.

"I am happy to announce that Honeycliff has moved to the nursery expecting Rippletooth's kits," she announced.

There were murmurs of congratulations through the crowd.

"I am also happy to announce the making of two new warriors and five new apprentices. Tawnyheart, Hazelbreeze, Squirrelpaw, Robinpaw, Wildpaw, Wolfpaw, and Ravenpaw!"

"Tawnyheart, Hazelbreeze, Squirrelpaw, Robinpaw, Wildpaw, Wolfpaw, Ravenpaw! Tawnyheart, Hazelbreeze, Squirrelpaw, Robinpaw, Wildpaw, Wolfpaw, Ravenpaw!"

"And that will be all."

The leaders leapt from the tree and Ravenpaw turned to Darkpaw. 

"I suppose we'll meet next moon?"

"Yeah, and since our clans are across from each other, we can be friends without any complications!" Darkpaw said.

Ravenpaw nodded a farewell and ran to join Ravenfire in the group of WindClan cats.

"Make any friends?" Ravenfire asked.

"I thought Darkpaw was pretty cool," Ravenpaw admitted.

"The ShadowClan cat? Good choice of friends. You know, me and her mentor, Hickorytail, are good friends," Ravenfire said.

"Really?" Ravenpaw asked?

Ravenfire nodded.

I still need to talk to the others, Raven said.

Wait till tomorrow, I'm getting tired, Ravenpaw said, holding back a yawn.


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