Okay Okay

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I have not been updating so sorry. Okay so school and homework and everything have just taken my life over. My phone and drawing and updating have been in my mind but I just don't have enough time I am on breck but my teachers gave me some homework and I have a project due soon and well I just haven't had time. If you noticed my updates are always every couple of weeks or so and well if you noticed all my updates are early in the morning because I do them on the bus. Thunderstar7 and Homestuck_Reader your requests are done not colored so I will decide in my own time if i will color them or not but they are done and my art style is always changing so well new art style. The requests will be posted tomorrow I promise and this is just grrrr. I also have two books that will be updated more its called Henry Danger: Girl Danger and Girl Meets World: New Girl! New Love? And well I might start updating in my old art book and some in here so both are now active so there is that and those are my updated for now.

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