Sure! I would love to!

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Ravenwing sat in the clearing. He really liked Silverfur. "Hey Silverfur, want to go hunting?" Ravenwing asked as she passed by. "Sure!" She purred. As they were walking Ravenwing sniffed a vole. "Do you want to get it?" He asked Silverfur. "No, you can!" She purred. So he stalked it. And he pounced, with one swipe of a paw he killed it. "Wow! Ravenwing, can I tell you something?" Silverfur asked. "Yes" he purred. "I love you" she said. "Y-you do? Well I love you too!" He said. "Want to be my mate?" They both said at the same time. They laughed. "Sure I will Ravenwing" she said. "Let's go back and tell Redstar!" He yelled. They raced back, with Silverfur at the tip of his tail. She had won. "Redstar! Me and Silverfur are now mates!" He said. "What? That can't be!" He yelled. "What? Why?" He asked worriedly. "Because Silverfur is your half sister" Redstar said kind of angrily. "WHAT?" He said. "How, and WHY???" He said with some tears in his eyes. "Ravenwing, your mother was my second mate. And my first mate was Silverfur's mother, Flowerstar. She was the leader of Shadowclan. She gave Silverfur to me to raise as a warrior of my clan" he said coldly. "So that means we can't be mates? Oh why did this happen to me?" Ravenwing yelled. Silverfur looked at Ravenwing with sorrow. "I am so sorry Ravenwing! I didn't know this!" Silverfur nudged him. "I guess we can't be mates, Silverfur, remember this. I will love you so much and I always will" he purred and licked her cheek. "I love you too" she purred

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