31st Imagine...

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Like Father, Like Son

Your P.O.V

I had just finished making lunch for Asia and Travion when I placed the food on the table. "Asia! Travion! You can eat now!" I called. Asia stormed into the kitchen smiling. "What's for lunch?" she giggled. "A turkey sandwich and chips, now sit and eat please" I replied pulling the chair for her. She sat down and began to eat when I realized I was missing a kid.

I walked out of the kitchen and looked around the house looking for him. "Travion? Hello? Boy where are you?" I called out getting annoyed. "He's in here with me!" I heard Ray call out. I rolled my eyes and opened my bedroom door and seen Travion and Ray sitting on the bed.

"What? What did you do to my son?" I asked confused. Travion looked as if he was wearing a white curtain and some black pants. His hair was twisted like Ray's and he was squinting his eyes like Ray usually does.

"What? He looks cool" He laughed at me.


"It not Travion. It's TRENDY Travion" Travion exclaimed with his 3 year old voice.

I looked at Ray annoyed and he laughed.

"Tell mommy your second name" Ray laughed.

"TrayTwice...if ya nasty" he giggled. My mouth fell open and Ray started laughing like crazy.

"Travion! Come on! Ray remind me to never leave Travion with you" I said picking him up and rolling my eyes. Ray smacked his lips and I walked out. I put Travion down and got down to his level.

"You're still my little man even if you act all weird like daddy. Like they say, like father like son" I laughed and then tickled Travion as he started laughing crazy like his father.


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