43rd Imagine...

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Ray P.O.V

"Thank you again for letting me stay over at your house Mr & Mrs (YLN)" I smiled as I walked behind Y/N dad. He was kind enough to bring in my bags from the car.

"Why couldn't you have stayed with family members like normal teenagers do when parents go out of town?" her father asked. His wife hit him on the side. "What, I want to know?" he asked with an annoyed face.

"My family members are scattered all over the place you see, it would be weird to send me off to Atlanta or Chicago or any other place for a whole we" I told her father with a smirk on my face. "Why couldn't you stay at your house all by yourself?" he asked with his eyebrow raised.

"You see how big that house is? We could get robbed! Do you see how skinny I am? Could I really fight back?" I replied, cocking my head to the side. He folded his arms and made his way up the stairs. I looked over at Y/N and her mother standing side by side.

"I, uh, apologize for my husbands questions" she told me with a forced smile.

"Nah, it's cool. I mean, if my daughter boyfriend was staying with them for a week I'd be all curious too" I grinned. 

"You guys do trust Ray, right?" Y/N asked her mom, giving her a look.

"Why yes!" she said looking at Y/N. A smile crept upon my face and hers as she said that.

"We've had dinner with you and your parents to get to know you! You seem like a very responsible, smart young man" she said turning her attention towards me.

"I'm flattered, really" I said with a smile on my face. I looked over at Y/N and she flashed me her beautiful smile.

"Well, it's getting late and if you're tired you know were the guest room is" her mother told me, making her way up to her own room.

"Yes, and thank you again for letting me stay here" I told her, once again.

"No problem, Rayan, no problem" she replied walking up the stairs. I looked over at Y/N who was staring me down and slowly walking towards me.

"Yes?" I smirked.

"Nothing" she mumbled, grabbing my hands. I looked at her and she smiled at me. "I think, I'm going to get ready for bed" she told me.

"Yeah, you need your beauty sleep" I told her. "You're looking kind of rough" I added.

"I hate you" she said trying not to smile.

"Love you too" I replied and quickly kissed her on her forehead. I took my hands away and made my way upstairs to my room. 

She ran in front of me and began talking. "I'll see you in the morning" she whispered then ran upstairs. I shook my head and laughed as I walked up behind her.

1 am.

I tossed and turned in my temporary bed, sweating like a maniac. "No" I said breathlessly in my sleep. "No...nooo...NOOOOOO!" I screamed, jumping up from my nightmare. I looked around the dark room. I clenched my chest and threw my head back into the pillow.

"Shit.." I said, trying to catch my breath. I wiped my hand down my sweaty face.

I heard a door open slowly. My eyes got wide as I threw the covers over my head.

"Rayan.." said the familiar voice.

"Y/N?" I asked still breathing hard.

"Yes" she whispered as she walked into the room. She slowly closed the door behind and came all the way in. She turned on the lamp beside me and the room lit up.

"What's your problem screaming like you've been hurt" she asked, frowning.

"Well, to answer your question" I started. "I was being attacked by your father" I told her shaking my head.

"My dad may not like the fact that you're living with us for a week, but he wont attack you" she laughed at me sitting at the end of the bed. 

"You never know, you never know" I said shaking my head. She poked her bottom lip out, making the puppy dog face. "Awww, yu're afraid of my dad" she said in a squeaky voice.

"Shut up" I snapped, look her up and down. She repeated that over and over again in the same voice. "Y/N I'm serious, shut up" I told her.

"Ok, ok, ok" she said with a smile on her face. "Are you ok now?" she continued.

"Yeah, I guess" I mumbled, falling back into my bed.

"Ok, I'll leave now" she said getting up from the bed and walking toward the door.

"Y/N wait!" I called out. She looked over at me. "Yes?"

"Could...could you like, stay with me until I fall asleep" I said barely above a whisper. I smiled came across her face. "Sure, Ray"

I walked over back to the bed, pulled the covers back and snuggled up next to me. "Why are you so sweaty?" she asked.

"I sweat when I'm sacred" I told her.

"That's why you were all sweaty when we first kissed? It wasn't the summer heat getting to you" she laughed.

"Yes it was!" I exclaimed.

"We were in a car..with air-"

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" I laughed at her.

"Love you too, scardey cat" she smiled at me. She kissed me on the nose and layed her head on my chest.

Hopefully her parents never come into the guest room...


Just a little quick, somewhat cute imagine :3

Hope you enjoyed :)

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