45th Imagine...

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Happy Mothers Day!

Ray P.O.V

6:30 am

I slowly rolled my way out of Y/N and I bed. I tip toed out of the bedroom, trying not to make a sound. I winced as I touched the doorknob and pulled it open. Like always, the door began to squeak. Y/N mumbled and turned on her side and fell back to sleep. I smiled and slipped out the bedroom. I fast walked to the first bedroom I saw, which was Asia's. I slowly opened her bedroom door and seen her laying there, smiling her self.

"What the hell she smiling for?" I said to myself quietly.

"Nathaniel, you're so funny" she giggled and turned on her side. "Oooooh, you like my hair? You wanna play in it? Go ahead" she said in a soft tone. I gave her a stank look as she began to bite on her bottom lip. "ASIA" I said in a deep voice as I got close to her ear. "OHMYGOD!" she quickly said as she jumped up. "What is your problem?" she asked, holding her chest. I squinted at her and shook my head. "Just get up" I said in a stern tone. She did as she was told with a confused look on her face.

We then traveled to Trayvon room, which smelled like fart and hot dogs. "Are you really sure Trayvon is my brother? I can't be related to anyone that smells like this" Asia said, pinching her nose. "I..I honestly don't know what to say" I replied, pinching my nose also.

"UGH, what do y'all want? I'm trying to sleep" Trayvon groaned as he sat up squinting. "Get up and follow us down stairs" I told him quickly and left the room with Asia. 

Finally, everyone was downstairs. Asia and Trayvon sat next to each other, looking at me weird. "Pops, want do you want?" Trayvon asked rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, I need to get back to sleep..bags ain't cute daddy" Asia told her.

"You ain't cute period so why you need to sleep? You just gone look uglier in the morning" Trayvon laughed. "Oh..oh you thought that was funny?" she asked in a bland tone.

"I laughed didn't I?"

"Shut up, you and your breath smell like onions" Asia said backing up.

"Oh..you thought THAT was funny?"

"It's not..it's sad"

"WILL THE BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP SO I CAN TALK?" I asked interrupting their conversation. Finally, they both shut up. "Thank you..now, I called you down here to help me make the best mothers day present for your mother" I smiled, looking at both of them. "We're going to make her breakfast and make her a HUGE card" I smiled.

"Awww this is so sweet! I hope my kids and husband will do this for me" Asia smiled.

"What part of, you're ugly you don't understand? You ain't getting-

"SHUT UP!" I shouted. "Now Trayvon, go design the card while Asia and I begin to prepare the breakfast" I demeaned.

"Alright" they said in unison ans went to their spots to begin working.

- - -

Trayvon P.O.V

I began drawing the cover of our wonderful card for Mom, when I looked over at Asia and seen she was having a good time while mixing the pancake batter. "Ew..Asia being happy" I said to myself. I smirked, sticking my finger in my mouth, getting it nice and wet. I got up slowly, walked over to Asia ans stuck it in her ear.

"EWWWWW TRAYVON!" she screamed, pushing me away. I hurried and grabbed her arm so I wouldn't fall back and before I knew it..pancake batter was spilled all over me some how.

"HEY! WHAT ARE Y'ALL  DOING?" dad screamed looking over at us.



"DIDN'T I TELL YOU TWO TO ACT LIKE MATURE 15 YEARS OLD? NOT 5 YEAR OLD'S?!" he screamed at us. And what do you know, all 3 of us began going back and forth, yelling at each other.





We all looked to our right and seen our mom, looking at us confused..and angry. 

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" she asked, loudly.

All three of us looked at each other then we started yelling at each other again. "SHUT UP!" she screamed at us no longer in her mom voice, but her demon voice. "Will some one PLEASE tell me what's going on?" she asked, folding her arms. My dad looked at Asia and I then over at my mom. "We were trying to give you a nice mother's day present. Asia and I began making a huge breakfast and Tray was going to make you a gigantic card..but two people decided to act like a bunch of little children..and kinda messed..it..up" he told her.

She folded her arms and shook her head. She looked annoyed but then began to laugh. "Why are you guys going this much trouble to give me a  Nice mothers day present?" she asked.

"Because we love you.." Asia and I said in unison.

"We wanted to make sure you knew that" Dad said with a smile.

"You guys give me enough love everyday...you don't need to go all out just today" she laughed. "Save that for my birthday" she giggled, causing us to laugh.

"Come on, give mama a hug" she said with her arms wide open. Asia and dad ran over and walked over, giving her a hug also..and forgetting I had  pancake mix on me.

"What the hell..TRAYVON!" she shouted. 

"Shhhh...shhhh.. we're loving at the moment, ma"

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