Chapter 10: Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

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"Morning, everybody. It's DJ Envy, Angela Yee, Charlamagne The God, and we are The Breakfast Club." DJ Envy introduced, "We got a special guest in the building today! Lady Vengeance, welcome!"

Back in her braids and sporting a simplistic yet stylish attire, Devina sat in one of the seats around the main table. The interviewers of the station sitting around it with her along with a few cameramen recording the footage of the interview for the station's YouTube channel.

"Good to be here. Thank y'all for having me." Devina spoke in a calm and mild manner.

"Good to have you here." Angela said with a smile.

"Hey, you should be here with how much you shook up the game." Charlamagne said and his fellow hosts laughed whilst Devina shook her head amusedly, "It ain't everyday an up and comer gets their first three songs onto the Billboard much less getting two of them into the Top 20."

"Along with receiving hundreds of thousands to millions of streams on all platforms." Angela added.

"How did you manage all of that in just a few months?" Charlamagne asked.

"It's all about the craft to be honest. I found my sound, ran with it, and I guess people fu...mess with that. Can I swear?" Devina asked.

"Not on radio, no." Envy denied.

"Oh, shit. My bad. Fuck, I'm sorry." Devina paused and shut her eyes with a frustrated sigh as the hosts around her laughed.

"It's okay, baby. We'll bleep those ones out." Angela told her amusedly.

"I'm gon' have to limit my general vocabulary today it seems." Devina admitted leading to a few chuckles.

"The Atlanta in you making it hard." Envy comments.

"It truly is." Devina agreed.

"Speaking of Atlanta, you're a long time resident, right?" Angela asked.

"Born and raised." Devina responded.

"It's like a lot of talent just keeps popping up from that city. Gucci Mane, 21 Savage, etc." Charlamagne listed, "And now you. Lady Vengeance."

"That's home right there, man. Best feeling in the world to know you come from a city full of hard hitting expressionists that changed the game in their own ways." Devina praised.

"Lady Vengeance is an interesting name to use as a moniker." Angela comments, "How'd you come to use it?"

"It's from a movie." Devina replied.

"Really?" Envy asked.

"Yeah, an old movie. It's gon' be hard as hell to find it, but if you do then that's where the name comes from. I picked up the name because the character that used it shared the same motivations and convictions I did." Devina explained.

"Must be something brutal to have a title like 'Lady Vengeance'." Angela said.

"It don't hold back with its message, and neither do I. So, pretty much match made." Devina said with a shrug and Angela nodded in understanding.

"So, as you said, you were born and raised in Atlanta." Charlamagne started and Devina nodded, "What was your experience with the city growing up? Can you give us the upbringing of Lady Vengeance?"

"Growing up in Atlanta, I'd have to say it was fair. A lot of people would see it as rough and unfair, but I just see it as growing up with the hand I was dealt with, and making the most of whatever I had." Devina replied, surprising yet impressing them.

"And by rough, would you say that you were less fortunate and grew up around the hood essentially?" Angela asked.

"Yeah, definitely. Like, I come from a big family, emphasis on the big part, and even though our folks did their best to steer us clear of the dangers of growing up in such a negative and unsafe area, it was pretty much impossible for them to keep so many kids away from all the stuff that be happening in the streets." Devina explained, "Life that side matured a lot of us at a young age and I learned early on the difference between monsters and food."


Within a warehouse, Devina stood in front of a large group of street thugs that either stood or lounged in front of her with their attention all on her. Behind Devina was Eli, Keem, Izzy, Rosalyn, Rachel, and RayRay, their attention all focused on her as well.

"I'm sure the news has spread about Darius." Devina started, "Half of y'all are our guys, it got to you quicker. The other half, y'all are what's left of Darius' fallen empire. I ain't call all y'all here to make that divide known, nah, I called y'all to let you know that we taking over from here on out. All y'all work for us now. Work for me. Just because one nigga died, don't mean there ain't money to be made. Now I ain't as sloppy as Darius, so there's gon' be some changes. I have zero tolerance for bullshit. Efficiency is key, and that means more lookouts, more runners, rotations to our spots so they remain unfamiliar to unwanted eyes, but above all things, we gon' make sure that y'all protected. You do good by us; we do good by you. We always got your backs as long as you do what's right. If you have any questions then feel free to voice 'em out now, because I believe what's been established is clear enough."

Devina looked around at all of them as they stayed silent whilst looking amongst each other. Surprisingly enough though, one of them did raised their hands and Devina raised a curious eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, shit, I got one. Why the fuck we gotta listen to you? I ain't ever work for a bitch in my life, and now because Darius gone I'mma have to?" The young man asked with a mocking smirk as he looked around and some were amused by his questioning, "I ain't gon' start listening and glazing you just because you tell me to, but you free to glaze on me if you want."

Some of the thugs smirked and chuckled amusedly at the young man's antics. Devina smiled and chuckled along with them as she approached the young man, hold his shoulder in a friendly manner.

"You real funny, y'know..." Devina stated as she reached behind her back and grabbed her gun, pulling it out and hitting the young man with the back of it on the head, sending him to the ground, "Pretty much a fuckin' comedian!"

Eli and Keem followed suit and rushed the young man, punching and kicking him whilst the rest of the thugs watched in surprise and fear as the beating continued until the young man was bleeding profusely on the ground, his audible groans of pain prevalent to all of them.

"Y'all motherfuckers think this a joke!?" Devina yelled, moving away from the fallen young thug and standing in front of the rest of them, "I don't give a flying fuck what y'all think about me! Love me, hate me, don't matter because I'm in charge now, and you gon' have to respect that or else I'll make you respect it. I'll say it again. I have zero tolerance for any and all bullshit! Y'all do good, we'll take care of you, always. But, you fuck up..."

Devina trailed off as Eli took out his gun and cocked it back, stepping on the young thug's back as he aimed the gun down, shooting him dead on the back of the head.

Devina didn't have to say any more as she continued to glare at all of them whilst they were shocked and appalled at the grisly murder of one of their own, some of them haven't even being witness to a shooting before.

Her point was made abundantly clear to them and she could tell by the now fearful and nervous looks they were all giving her that she made the necessary impression towards her soldiers.


"Monsters and food." Envy reiterates and Devina nods, "What an interesting way to put it."

"What does that mean?" Charlamagne asks.

"The way I can interpret it is that the area you were raised in forced you to be someone that isn't very vulnerable and doesn't allow herself to get taken advantage of, right?" Angela asks.

"Yeah, that's exactly right." Devina agreed.

"So, the streets essentially built you into who you are today?" Charlamagne asks.

"That and a lot more factors. They made me realize what I needed to be, who I am, and who I should be." Devina responded, "I am woman with the confidence in myself to take charge in whatever I desire to do. I have the ego to keep lifting myself up during the best and worst times, but I'm humble enough to give respect to those that deserve it, knowing that I'm the first person deserving of my own respect before giving it out to others, and I have the drive that keeps me working towards my peak."

"You're so confident in yourself, that's so great." Angela praised.

"It actually is." Charlamagne agreed, "Like, we've had a whole lot of guests that were very prideful with themselves and that's great, but not a whole lot of them understood the difference between their confidence and their egos. It's great to see an upcoming artist that adheres to so many positive values."

"A lot of legends in the field shared your mindset, Ms. Vengeance." Envy told her, "Keep moving the way you do now and you just might join them quicker than you would think."

Devina nodded in appreciation to the flattering words, "Thank y'all. Appreciate it."

"You're very welcome, sweetheart." Angela said with a smile.

"So, with your values in mind, and going back to your previous statement about monsters and food." Charlamagne started, "I'm guessing you don't fall into the food side of the statement?"

"Your guess would be correct." Devina confirmed.

"Does that mean you a monster, Vengeance?" Envy asked.

"All I gotta say is...if we are not monsters, we're food." Devina stated, "And I could never be food."


A woman takes a deep hit of a blunt rolled up with Stars within it. She breathed out the smoke and moaned in utter euphoria at the cosmic feeling, falling back onto the man she sat on the lap on.

"Yeah, now she feeling it." The man comments with an amused smirk as he rubbed the woman's back.

He sat on an old couch with a few of his constituents sitting around the living room, rolling up their own blunts and lining up their own lines of Stars. The living room they sat in had a table in the middle and on top of the table were some scraps of weed, cocaine, and the main one being a fanny pack full of Stars.

"Aye, Lo, how they cooking?" One of the men asked.

From the kitchen, a woman's voice replied in frustration, "I keep trying something new, but these things ain't turning out right. Argh! These fucking Stars just don't wanna be cooked!"

"Well, keep trying, we can't just rely on this pack forever." The main man said, referring to the fanny pack.

"We could go after their youngin's again. Jump 'em and take whatever supply they holding." One of the men in the sitting room suggested.

"We do it too much they become aware and start looking for us." The main man told him, "We lucky that crazy ass family ain't been made aware yet."

A knock to their front door interrupted their vibe and most of them perked up in interest. The main man gestured for one of his goons to answer it and he stood up reluctantly, pulling out his gun as he slowly approached the door.

"Aye, who it is?" The man asked warily.

"Hey, I'm from Amazon. Got a delivery that needs to be signed for as Loraine?" A woman's voice asked from the other side of the door.

"What the...? Lo!? You order something?" The man asked and Lo, peeked out from the kitchen.

"Yeah, that probably the new pots and pans I ordered." Lo said with a nod.

"When the fuck you had time to order pots and pans?" The man asked.

"Better question, why the fuck you order pots and pans? Whose money you use, bitch?" The main man asked.

"I had to get more because trying to cook these fucking things boiled through the ones we already got. You want your Stars? You'll need a functioning kitchen." Lo argued.

The main man rolled his eyes, "Fucking...aye, man, just collect those pots and pans and tell the deliverer to fuck off already."

The man put his gun back in his pants, before opening the door, only to be shot directly in the head and chunks of his skull and brain flying to the ceiling as his body fell to the ground.

"Oh, shit!" One of the men exclaimed in shock and one of the girls they had screamed in horror.

The house was rushed by RayRay and Eli who held the rest of them by gunpoint whilst Devina ignored the chaos and calmly stepped in with Rachel by her side.

"Search the house." Devina ordered and Rachel walked past her, travelling deeper into the house.

"Ah, ah, I wouldn't try that shit, nigga." Eli warned aiming his gun at the main man once he noticed him reaching to his waist.

Eli reached for it instead and grabbed the gun the main man had, pulling him up and dragging him towards Devina.

"Calvin Tomes?" Devina asked and the main man, Calvin, nodded fearfully.

"Heard you and your boys got to one of ours yesterday." Devina started, looking over her shoulder behind her, "This the one?"

A young man nervously stepped into the house, doing his best to not get sick of the dead body at the doorway and stepping over it to stand behind Devina.

"Y-Yeah, that's him." The young man told with a nod as he glared at Calvin.

"L-Listen, we...we didn't mean no disrespect, really-" Calvin was cut off by as hard slap to the face, and before his emotions got the best of him, Devina pressed the barrel of her gun to his forehead.

"I don't think I ever told you to fucking speak, did I?" Devina asked and Calvin slowly shook his head, wary of the gun, "You speak when I allow you to speak. Just like how I'm going to allow this sleight of yours this one time, understand?"

Calvin nervously nodded in response as Rachel returned to the living room whilst pushing Lo forward to join them.

"Found the bitch tryna cook Stars. Ain't that some shit?" Rachel asked with a laugh while Lo silently cried in fear for her life, "Bitch are you crying? Damn, y'all really ain't shit."

"I think I'm starting to get the picture here." Devina says as she takes notice of the fanny pack of Stars and turns to look at Calvin, "Y'all trying to run us out of business."

"N-No, it ain't like that! I swear-" Calvin's denial was interrupted by Devina pointing her gun at one of Calvin's men and shooting him multiple times.

Calvin's men watched in shock and horror as they watched another one of their own slump to the ground and succumb to death.

"Didn't allow you to speak that time as well." Devina told him, "Wonder what's gon' happen the next time you try that shit."

Calvin took a shaky breath as RayRay picked up the fanny pack of Stars and started counting them. Zipping it up and tossing it to the young man they brought along with them once he was done.

"We got three packets missing and a few remnants scattered around the table." RayRay informed.

Devina nodded, "Alright, here's the deal. From here on, you work for me. I don't give a fuck if you want to or not, because after the shit y'all dumb motherfuckers pulled, this is a mercy. You complying now and resisting later makes no difference to how easily I could wipe you out. We clear?"

One of the girls in the room, nervously raised her hand and Devina rose an eyebrow at her.

"What?" Devina asked.

"Ma'am, my friend and I aren't part of Calvin's group. We were just called to chill with them." The girl informed.

The girl's friend nodded in agreement, "Y-yeah, we didn't know the drugs belonged to you. Honest."

"We ain't in this kind of life. We go to school and stay outta trouble, we swear." The girl told her.

"Y'all go to school?" Devina asked and the two girls nodded, "Well, congratulations. Now you get to pursue your education and work for me."

The girl's faces dropped at the disheartening news whilst Rachel laughed in amusement.

"Everyone in this room works for me. You ain't got no one to blame but yourselves for the decisions that led you here and now this is the result of 'em." Devina told them, "Calvin, you and your friends gon' meet one of our guys at the basketball park tomorrow and he gon' show you the ropes. You do good work and I'll take care of y'all, but if you don't..."

Rachel walked around them and held her gun to her head, imitating it firing and her head exploding as a result.

"Or something of the like." Devina added to Rachel's imitation, "Understand?"

Calvin nervously nodded in response and Devina nodded as she took a glance at their young dealer, and looked back at Calvin.

"Calvin, this is Tyson. Y'all jumped and robbed him yesterday. What do you have to say for that?" Devina asked.

"I-I'm sorry." Calvin apologized.

"Tyson?" Devina asked, looking at him expectantly.

"It's cool, man." Tyson said.

"There we fucking go. Both sides are happy, meaning the boss is happy." Devina told them as she put away her gun, and gave Calvin a friendly smack to the arm although he flinched, "Let's keep making money, yeah?"

Calvin nodded as Devina took her leave with the rest of her people following behind her.


"Lady Vengeance popping off and hitting us all with powerful statements on this fine morning." Envy stated as he shared a laugh with his fellow hosts whilst Devina shook her head amusedly.

"All she seems to do is pop off because your music is certainly a testament to that." Angela praised.

"And I'm guessing you're benefitting greatly from all the traction you're receiving?" Charlamagne asked.

"You could say that, yeah." Devina agreed.

"You only got three singles out so far, and they're all great. Could you take us through the journey of those three?" Angela asked.

"Well, I've got a lot of songs cooking up, but starting off my repertoire with 'Never' just felt right to me." Devina said.

"It's been a popular track that spread around the underground scene too." Charlamagne added, "A lot of people appreciate it for its relatability."

"That's dope. Really, it is, because I expected it to be relatable to at least someone." Devina said with a nod, "There a lot of people out there who've had little to nothing and many still do, unfortunately. I made 'Never' back when I was there. With little to nothing. It's a track that shows hungry for success I was, and still am."

"And the track after that is your most popular one, 'Alright'." Charlamagne said and Devina nodded, "What a track."

"It really is. Ain't ever heard a single like that in a long time." Envy praised.

"I really connected with it on a spiritual level." Angela admitted, "It's produced so well, and your words on it are so impactful."

"Thank you." Devina said, flattered by the praise yet again.

"You should be proud. It's been like a month since its release and its only gotten more mainstream over time." Charlamagne told her.

"Currently sitting on #5 on the Billboard as we speak." Envy informed after checking the chart.

"Wow, it moved up two spots?" Angela asked in surprise.

"Hell yeah it did. Should be higher in my honest opinion." Envy said.

"How that make you feel, Vengeance?" Charlamagne asked.

"I'm honestly surprised it's still in the top 10." Devina admitted.

"Why? It's an amazing song." Charlamagne asked amusedly.

"It's alright." Devina said with a shrug, but then she lowly groaned whilst the rest of them laughed at her accidental pun, "Nah, but I am proud of it though. I'm happy that so many people listen to it."

"Does 'Alright' also have a story behind it that relates to you just like 'Never'?" Angela asked.

"Not really a story, but more of a message that lets everyone know that everything is going to be fine. It's a reassurance to myself that there will be trials and tribulations along the way, but there's always going to be a light at the end of the tunnel waiting on me." Devina explained, "Struggle comes with success and sometimes you just need that reassurance to remind you that the world hasn't ended yet so you still got time to succeed. That's the baseline message of the song, and there are deeper meanings if you look into them."

"You got such a positive outlook. It's really inspiring." Angela praised.

"I'm honestly just a realist with some slight optimistic tendencies." Devina admitted.

"Call it how it is, see it how it is." Charlamagne said.

"And see it how it could be." Devina added.

"Y'all listening? See it how it could be. Manifest that future!" Envy announced to the listeners.

"Now, onto the last and most recent track, 'Dance Now', which is currently sitting at #13 on the Billboard at the very moment." Charlamagne announced, "Be honest with me, Vengeance. You make some kind of deal or something, because you just keep releasing hit after hit. You are literally 3 for 3 right now!"

"It ain't about trying to make something that's a hit. It's about creating something with passion and dedication to the craft. I want my music to my art, and what it means to me as an artist. 'Never' was about my hunger, 'Alright' was about my reassurance, and 'Dance Now' is about my enjoyment. It's showing y'all how I'm enjoying the fact that I found my sound whilst sticking to where I came from." Devina explained, "I think the songs are hits because not only are they great sounds, but also because my sound is something to be heard."

"I can see why you were hyping her up now." Charlamagne said to Angela with a grin.

"Right! Vengeance is something else." Angela agreed.

"I gotta ask though, with all these hits you're making and the success you've built up, why hasn't there been any news of you signing to a label yet?" Envy asks.

"Oh yeah, you are still an independent artist right?" Charlamagne asked.

"Yeah, I am." Devina said with a nod, "I haven't signed to anyone yet because none of the deals I've been offered convinced me to sign. Like, I know my worth, and the labels that offered me deals clearly don't. The right deal might show up later on, but as of now, staying independent is very beneficial to me."

"I can respect that you want to do things your own way and stay independent, but you sure you ain't dismissing all the money to be made by signing?" Charlamagne asked.

"Right now, I'm making more than enough money for me and my people." Devina told them, "The music is bringing in revenue and the work I do back home does as well."

"Can we ask what kind of work it is that is on par with song revenues?" Angela asked.

"I just handle business, that's all." Devina simply responded.


Keem opened his stove and pulled out a tray of Stars, quickly moving them to the sink and dropping them inside. He pulled down his mask and wiped the sweat from his brow whilst opening the tap, fully pouring cold water onto the closed sink leading to a plume of smoke rising from the sink.

"Oh yuh, you know he made 'em right when that musty dusty smell hits you." Eli said from the living room.

"That could be it or maybe it's just your dirty ass, lil' nigga." Keem proposed and he smirked in amusement once he heard Eli's scoff. He waited a bit before reaching through the smoke and picking up one chunk of Stars, analyzing it to see if the batch was successful, "Fuckin' beautiful."

He picked out the rest of them from the cold water of the sink and placed all 8 chunks back onto the tray. Then he picked up the tray and stepped out of the kitchen to dining room where Eli and Izzy were already cutting up another batch and sorting them into packets.

"Special delivery." Keem said as he placed the tray on the table.

"What'll be special is you taking a shower. Cooking this shit up got you smelling like a urinal, nigga." Eli said as he cringed at his presence.

"Let it be known that Eli actively hangs around so many urinals that he can associate the smell in a snap." Keem said as he snapped his fingers.

"It ain't that hard to know what piss smells like, motherfucker." Eli argued.

"I'm not surprised an R. Kelly fan is telling me this." Keem retorted and Izzy laughed whilst Eli sent Keem a glare.

"Man, fuck y'all. The nigga weird, I get it, but his music still fire. Trapped in the Closet still better than all y'all personal bests." Eli told them.

Izzy placed his hand on Eli's shoulder and gave him a sincere look, "If there's something you want to admit to us, Eli. We won't judge."

"Fuck y'all!" Eli exclaimed, slapping Izzy's hand away from his shoulder as the two older brothers laughed at the younger brother's expense.

"Alright, alright, we cut up enough. Get out there." Izzy told him.

Eli rolled his eyes as he picked up his backpack and pushed the finished pile of packets they had cut up into the bag.

"In a bit." Eli told them as he zipped up the bag and slung it over his shoulders before leaving the apartment.

"Aight, two more batches." Keem said with a tired sigh.

"You sure all this work ain't taking a toll on you?" Izzy asked.

"I cook all day on Monday and Thursday. The rest of the week, I'm off. I'll be aight." Keem told him.

"You think we should get more cooks to make it easier?" Izzy asked.

"The only people that know how to make Stars is me and Devi. It's better to keep the product everyone fiending for amongst a select few, and I ain't the one that does the selecting, Izz." Keem said with a shrug.

"I'll talk to her about it." Izzy told him as he started cutting up the new batch.

"Good luck." Keem told him before going back to the kitchen.

Eli reached the bottom of the stairs and exited the front doors of the apartment building, walking down the road towards a car that seemed to be waiting for him.

The window rolled down and inside was Rosalyn who widened her eyes at the sight of him.

"Oh...Oh my God! Is that I bitch I see!?" Rosalyn exclaimed.

"Ayo! Is that a hoe I've encountered!?" Eli exclaimed in response.

The two grinned at each other and Eli stuck his head through the window to share a brief, but tight hug with his sister.

"You good?" Eli asked.

"Better than ever." Rosalyn responded, "You?"

"If you good, I'm good." Eli replied as the two pulled away and shared a smile.

He handed the backpack to her and she took it, placing it down on the passenger side of the car.

"How's Keem and Izz?" Rosalyn asked.

"Being bum ass niggas as usual." Eli said with an eye roll.

"Eli." Rosalyn said as she gave him a pointed look.

"They fine. Just annoying the fuck outta me." Eli told her.

"The littlest thing annoys the fuck outta you, babes." Rosalyn retorted.

"That ain't true." Eli argued.

Rosalyn smiled amusedly, "Sure, buddy."

"Ros." Eli said and she looked at him, "It's good to see you smiling again."

"It feels good." Rosalyn replied and they shared a smile once again, "Aight, I'mma hit you up later, cool?"

"Bet." Eli replied as the two dapped each other up.

Rosalyn's window slid back up and she drove off whilst Eli started walking back to Keem's apartment.

She drove through the town until eventually ending up in front of an apartment building. She stepped out of the car with the backpack slung over her shoulders and entered the building, travelling up the stairs until she reached the right floor.

She walked down the halls of the floor until she stopped in front of a door, banging on it and awaiting for whomever was inside to open.

It took a minute, but the door was opened ever so slightly by a tall man who briefly widened his eyes at the sight of her.

"You gon' keep me waiting?" Rosalyn asked with a raised eyebrow.

The tall man opened the door for her and stepped aside to let her in, shutting it behind her once she was inside. She walked down the hall to the living room where she found RayRay smoking by the window whilst a group of their men sat around the couch playing video games.

"Hey, Ros." RayRay greeted once he took notice of her. He got up and walked to her, giving her a hug. Once he pulled back he looked back at his men with an expectant look, "Don't y'all be rude now. Show some respect to my sister."

The men in the room greeted Rosalyn in their own respectful way whilst she briefly acknowledged them. She then opened the bag and poured all the Stars onto the table in front of the couch for all of them to see.

RayRay whistled at the batch, "Keem cooked up a storm, huh?"

"That's Keem for you. Above and beyond." Rosalyn replied.

"Bless his fucking heart." RayRay comments as he pointed at one of his men, "Get the stuff."

The man got up from the couch and headed into another room, returning with two large black trash bags and placed them in front of the rest of the men sitting on the couch.

"Aight, game time over. Get to work." RayRay ordered.

One of the men opened the bags to reveal old soda cans that had been trashed and thrown away. Each of them grabbed a can and went to work by placing a packet of Stars inside the can and crushing it. Once the can was crushed they handed it to another man who tossed the crushed cans into an empty trash bag.

"Y'all good?" Rosalyn asked in reference to the work they were doing.

"This shit gon' take a while, but we'll get it done." RayRay responded.

"I know you will." Rosalyn said, giving him a hug before she took her leave, "See y'all."

The packaging process did take some time, but the job did eventually get done.

RayRay took the trash bags containing the packaged Stars down the apartment building and stepped out, walking to his car. He placed the bags inside the trunk and shut it before stepping into the vehicle and driving off.

He drove to a poorer part of town and stopped at a busy marketplace. Stepping out and taking the trash bags from the trunk, RayRay then walked into the marketplace until he stopped at the center where multiple stands surrounded the area along with an assortment of people.

He placed the trash bags down near a wall where two men stood, nodding to them and they nodded back at him. He walked to the other side if the center where Rachel sat and lounged nonchalantly with another group of their dealers standing around her.

"Beauty." RayRay greeted.

"Beast." Rachel greeted, as she dapped him up.

"How's it going?" RayRay asked.

"Making bank as usual." Rachel responded with a smile, "Niggas know better than to try us at this point."

"Bodies?" RayRay asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Only three this week, Ray." Rachel said with an eye roll.

"That's better than last week. Proud of you." RayRay said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah." Rachel said as she folded her arms.

A poor woman in raggedy clothes walked up to one of their men and took out some money, holding it out to them.

"T-Two?" The woman started.

The dealer swiped the cash from her and pocketed it, "Other side of the square. Tell the nigga near the trash bags that you want two."

The woman nodded and hobbled over to the other side and spoke to the man she was directed to.

"Aight. Just don't fuck around." The man told her and they watched as the woman went to the trash bags and picked out two cans before quickly hobbling away.

"Could be a homeless hoe or a restaurant manager from down the street, the range of customers we be getting is crazy, Ray." Rachel said with a smirk.

"As long as we feed the streets what they want then it don't matter what walks of life they from." RayRay said with a shrug.

"Boss is here." Rachel said with a smirk once she took notice of Devina's car slowly stopping in front of the marketplace, "Take over for a bit, yeah?"

"Bet." RayRay agreed with a nod.

Rachel stood up and skipped her way over to Devina's car, opening the passenger side door and hopping in with a smirk.

"Hi, sexy." Rachel greeted with a smirk.

"Morning, Rachel." Devina greeted, "You got it?"

"Always." Rachel said as she reached into her bra and pulled out a wad of cash, handing it to her, "Been out here for like 2 hours and we already made 5K."

"We made more than that." Devina said, taking the money and putting it in her coat pocket, "The other spots gotta be collected from, remember?"

"Anyone skimping out on us?" Rachel asked.

"Not yet." Devina replied, "But when they do, you'll be the first I call."

"I know that's right." Rachel said with a smirk.

"Aight, get back to it. I gotta get back to collecting." Devina ordered her.

"I fucking love when you tell me what to do~" Rachel said with a sultry breath as she kissed Devina on the cheek before stepping out of the car.

Devina shook her head at her sister's antics and drove off to collect from the next area their product was being sold.


"So, since you're independent, Vengeance. I'm assuming you work with a small team that help with your career?" Charlamagne asked.

"Yeah." Devina replied with a nod, "I prefer working with a small team of people I can trust to do the jobs that are required of them."

"Like the classy gent over there that came with you?" Angela asked, referring to Dame who had been observing the interview away from the cameras.

"Oh yeah, that's Dame. He my manager." Devina confirmed as Dame tipped his hat to them, "Wouldn't be here doing this type of thing without him."

"That's dope. That's what's up." Envy comments sending Dame a respectful nod.

"And your producer, is someone that goes by the name Crystal?" Charlamagne asked, "You referenced him in your most recent song."

"Yeah, Crystal is my producer/engineer. The reference was him testing out a new tag he's been trying, and it worked well so we left it in." Devina explained, "He's really a golden goose 'cause the man's a youngin', but he understands his way around music so well. Proud to have someone like him and Dame by my side."

"Talent draws in talent it seems." Angela praised.

"I guess so." Devina said with a shrug.

"It's dope you've got such a trusting and tight knit group of individuals with you, Vengeance." Charlamagne praised, "I wonder though, has there been a time or times when you had to cut people off from your team or space?"

"I've cut people off, yeah. I ain't going around firing people if that's what you're thinking." Devina informed them, "Nah, it's just because my relationships with them ran their course."


During a vibrant midday, Devina leaned by her car with Rachel and Santiago by her side as the three of them waited in an abandoned construction area outside of the city and closer to the barren desert.

A car soon arrives and stops a distance away from them. RayRay steps out of the car and sends his sisters a nod. The two nodded back as the three of them watched RayRay move to the back of the car and open it, dragging Santiago's wife and daughter, Carmen and Ana, out.

"Papa!" Ana exclaimed, running to him with Carmen behind her.

Santiago sighed in relief once he saw they were safe and walked to his family, meeting them halfway and wrapping them up in an embrace. The family cried together as they lovingly reunited.

Carmen took notice of Devina and Rachel standing behind them and warily held onto her daughter in fear of what they might do. Santiago noticed this and whispered for his family to go to his truck and wait for him there.

They were reluctant at first, but listened nonetheless and made their way to his truck whilst Santiago turned to face Devina and Rachel.

"That settles it, yes? Our business together is done?" Santiago asks.

"Yes, Santiago. Our business together is done." Devina confirmed with a nod.

Rachel smirks as she pulls out RayRay's combat knife and stabbed Santiago in the chest. He widened his eyes in shock as Rachel pulled the knife out and stabbed him again, pushing him down to the ground and climbing on top of him, stabbing him over and over again.

Carmen and Ana screamed and wailed in horror as they watched the gruesome execution take place.

While Rachel released her anger and kept carving the now bloodied man, Devina dug into his pockets and pulled out his car keys. She walked past Rachel and towards Carmen and Ana who were frozen in fear, Carmen doing her best to quiet a wailing Ana down.

"Santiago deserves what he got." Devina tells them, as she dangled the keys in front of them, "Y'all on the other hand are innocent in all of this so we ain't gon' touch you."

Carmen reached for the keys and took ahold of them, but once she did so, Devina grabbed her arm and pulled her forward so that she was face to face with Devina.

"Just because y'all are innocent don't mean we can't get to you. Think about getting back at us for this and I promise you that I will find you and I will carve you just like we did with Santiago." Devina told her, "Might start with your daughter to get my point across, understand?"

"Y-yes..." Carmen stutters in fear and Devina releases her arm in response.

"Y'all have a nice day now." Devina said kindly as she walked away from them.

Carmen and Ana watched as Devina stopped Rachel from her mutilation, stiffening once the woman covered in her deceased husband/daughter's blood looked at them and smirked in amusement.

She got off Santiago's dead body and followed Devina back to the car whilst RayRay walked past them towards the body with a shovel in hand.


"On the topic of relationships, social media's been buzzing with sightings in and around Atlanta of you and none other than the superstar herself Ariana Grande" Charlamagne mentions, "Could you dispel the rumors by enlightening us on what's been going on there?"

"Before you answer, just know that there are quite a good amount of pictures and recordings of you two together and each one shows y'all being very affectionate towards one another." Angela informed.

"Personally, I don't see the hype since it's been known that Ariana is into men, right?" Envy asked, "We obviously don't know your preference, but with her it's been apparent."

"I ain't gon' disclose who or what I'm into if that's what you hoping for." Devina let them know, "With regards to Ariana and I though, I don't think I can say anything that's going to change people's minds. Rumors are always going to spin around, and while yes we are friends, some people are just going to see more than what's there."

"So, the two of y'all are just friends at the moment?" Charlamagne asked.

"Yeah. You could even say close friends with how affectionate we are, but that's all it is." Devina stated, "Ariana and I are just friends."


Within a hotel room, Ariana and Devina could be found in bed together. Devina laid on her back as Ariana rested by her side, cuddled up to her with her legs sprawled over Devina's.

The two of them laid in silence, just taking the time to enjoy each other's presence. Devina absentmindedly played with Ariana's hair and They've been around each other for long enough to reach the point of this comfortability around one another, and eve if Ariana could tell that Devina was still guarded around her, she was happy to have peeled enough layers to have reached this point in their relationship.

"I have to leave soon." Ariana let out and felt Devina pause from stroking her hair.

"Why?" Devina asked.

"I have to fly back and see my family back home. It's been a while." Ariana tells her.

"Oh, okay." Devina said as she went back to playing with her hair.

"Is that okay?" Ariana asked.

"Why wouldn't it be okay?" Devina asked.

"I don't know..." Ariana said with a shrug, "I just don't want you to think I was using you to pass the time while I was here or something."

"Were you?" Devina asked.

"No." Ariana responded.

"Then you weren't." Devina confirmed, "I know the kind of person you are, Grande and using people just isn't in your nature."

"What kind of person am I?" Ariana asked.

"You're the sweetest, kindest, most compassionate, beautifulest-" Devina listed, but she was cut off.

"Beautifulest isn't a word, baby." Ariana interrupted.

"See. There aren't even words good enough to describe you." Devina said and Ariana let out a giggle in response.

Ariana lifted her head and gave Devina a soft smile, "Well, Devina, you're the goodest, betterest-"

"My God, you're illiterate." Devina pointed out and Ariana gave her a shocked expression much to Devina's amusement.

"Baby! You're so mean!" Ariana exclaimed, slapping Devina's chest whilst the rappers chuckled in amusement.

"Okay, okay," Devina said, stopping Ariana's assault by gently grabbing her hand and giving her knuckles a kiss, "I'm sorry."

"You're a jerk." Ariana said with a pout.

"And you're the beautifulest woman I've ever seen." Devina responded whilst rubbing her hand, leading to Ariana blushing with a smile as she laid back down on Devina's chest.

"That was illiterate." Ariana pointed out.

"Following your flow, Grande." Devina retorted leading to another soft smack to the chest.

They entered a moment of silence once again and Devina directed her attention to the tattoos on Ariana's hand as she brushed over her knuckles.

"I might get more tattoos soon. Maybe some on my hands like yours." Devina voiced out, looking over the tattoo designs.

Ariana's head snapped up and she looked at Devina with wide eyes, "You have tattoos?"

"As far as I can tell, yeah." Devina responded.

"Can I see?" Ariana asked excitedly, "Please, baby, please!"

Devina smirked amusedly, "Fine."

She sat up along with Ariana and the singer watched in utter enamorment as Devina unbuttoned her shirt and stripped it off, letting Ariana get a good view of more skin than she had ever seen of Devina.

'To the father, the son, and the holy spirit, thank you for sending her to me.' Ariana thought, doing her best to refrain from drooling at the sight of seeing Devina in just a bra, 'Her skin looks so smooth, and she's so fucking toned. Why the fuck is she this hot? How the fuck is she this hot?'

"Grande, you done objectifying me yet?" Devina asked, snapping Ariana out of her thoughts, "There she is. You can stop staring at my tits now."

Ariana gulped with a blush as she looked away from Devina's body and back into her eyes.

"Can you really blame me though? You're!" Ariana emphasized.

"Now you know how I feel." Devina replied amusedly and Ariana gave her a confused expression, "What? You think you the only one that be staring? I said it once before and I'mma say it again, you make it hard to keep my eyes off of you, Grande."

Ariana bit her lip, but then she widened her eyes when Devina grabbed her by the hips and lifted her up, moving her onto her lap.

She blushed profusely once she realized that she was now straddling Devina.

"Thought it might be easier for you to see 'em this way." Devina said.

"Your tits?" Ariana asked.

"The tattoos you horny fuck." Devina retorted.

"Oh, right." Ariana giggled as she looked over the tattoos, tracing over one on Devina's right arm, "This one's beautiful."

It was a tattoo on Devina's right arm, near her shoulder. The design was of a woman with a vibrant afro with flowers adoring her and a line of leaves and flowers cutting her off from the upper stomach down.

"I think it's my first one. Had it for so long, I don't really remember anymore." Devina admits.

"When did you get your first tattoo?" Ariana asked.

"11." Devina replied.

Ariana widened her eyes, "What the fuck?"

"Bad ass kids, remember?" Devina reminded.

"That's for sure." Ariana agreed as she moved to the next one, "Oh my God, who was your artist? This one is so good?"

The next one was on Devina's left arm. A flower design travelling over her shoulder and down along her arm.

"Just lucky I guess." Devina said with a shrug.

Ariana looked for more and spotted another one on Devina's left forearm, tracing over the design as with keen interest.

The tattoo was a design of a person's upper part of their head breaking apart to reveal planets, stars, and a moon.

"Your body really is a work of art, Devina." Ariana admits.

"You hyping me up too much." Devina dissuades.

"Maybe, but I'm speaking the truth too." Ariana said with a shrug.

"Appreciate it, Grande." Devina says with a flattered smile.

"Any others?" Ariana asked.

"I got another one on my left thigh, but seeing as how you reacted to how I took my shirt off, I'mma refrain from taking off my jeans." Devina told her.

"Okay." Ariana responded.

"That's it? No complaining or whining to see it this time?" Devina asked.

"Nope." Ariana responded, 'I'm gonna see it eventually anyway.'

"And you say you can't figure me out." Devina said amusedly, but then Ariana took notice of another one behind Devina's ear.

"Baby, look, I found one." Ariana said as she reached for it and held the side of Devina's head, leaning closer to see it better.

The tattoo was located just under Devina's left ear. The design of the tattoo was of a rose with a spider's web, having a spider travel down the web.

"Oh, shit, I tend to forget about that one. Nice catch." Devina praised, "Not the biggest fan of it."

"Why not? It looks as great as the other ones." Ariana asks, rubbing the tattoo.

"Because I remember it hurting like a bitch when I got it." Devina admits and Ariana giggled.

She leaned in and placed a soft kiss where the tattoo was located, pulling back with a soft smile, "There. Maybe now you'll think about it in a different way."

"Yeah...maybe..." Devina muttered as she looked into Ariana's eyes, hers glancing down to the soft lips she just felt moments before.

Ariana took notice of how close they were, their faces merely inches apart at this point and soon enough she felt a tight knot in her stomach that led to her gulping nervously at what their precarious position could entail as a result.

"Can I kiss you, Grande?" Devina asked lowly.

Ariana looked into her eyes and felt a whole new sense of arousal as she took notice of the way they darkened. It was the first she's ever seen her eyes this way and she could tell those were the eyes of someone that wanted to take whatever they wanted, asking was merely a courtesy.

"Kiss me, Vengeance~" Ariana responded.

Devina jumped at the opportunity and crashed their lips together, gripping her feverishly by the hips whilst Ariana wrapped her arms around her neck and shoulders with the same feverish energy.

The kiss was passionate and it was apparent the two of them were hungry for one another with how well they moved in unison. The more they went the stronger it got and Ariana felt Devina's tongue graze her lips, asking for permission to enter which she gladly allowed.

Their tongues soon fought for dominance, but Devina made it apparent who was in charge then and there, claiming dominance over her and beginning to explore the crevices of her mouth. Ariana moaned in ecstasy, practically almost reaching an orgasm at the experience.

They pulled away from each other once the need to breathe made itself known. The two of them breathing heavily whilst staring into each other's eyes, both calming down from the intensity of their first kiss.

"That was the best fucking kiss I ever had." Ariana admits.

"Yeah?" Devina asks.

"Yeah." Ariana nodded and the two crashed lips once more.


'Y'know there's been a lot of praise to your name, Vengeance. It's well deserved too." Charlamagne admits, "Not only are you an up and coming rapper, but you're an up and coming female rapper that a lot of people, me included, feel is a breath of fresh air compared to the other ones that just focus on their raunchiness and vulgarity."

"That's right. You actually have something to say with your lyrics and flows." Envy adds.

"Appreciate the praise, but I gotta ask y'all to stop putting them other female artists down to boost me up. I got my own style and they got theirs. Whatever an artist chooses to create is how they want to express themselves." Devina stated, "I listen to a lot of genres of music for inspiration, and a lot of them are just vibes even the vulgar and raunchy ones. Y'all may not be fans of 'em, but seeing as how popular it's become, it's clearly a sound meant for someone. I may not be an artist that makes that type of music, but that doesn't automatically make me better than them."

"See, now that's the reason why you quickly became one of my favorites." Angela praises.

"I can respect it." Envy adds.

"Me too, but now I can expect something like this to have some sort of controversy." Charlamagne says, "Many might not like your view on it. You gonna be okay with any form of backlash your statement might stir up?"

"I'm fully aware that there will be people that disagree with me, and if there are people that want to come at me and mine for what I have to say or do then let 'em." Devina said with a shrug, "I'm more than capable with dealing with them."


Deep into the night at the abandoned construction area where Santiago's execution took place, a single car waited on the dirt path. The driver inside took a nervous breath once he saw two other cars arriving and parking in front of his, all three cars' headlight being the only illumination to be seen.

Devina stepped out of her car along with Rosalyn and took a few steps forward, awaiting the meetup to occur. Detective Marshall stepped out of his own car and gave Devina and Rosalyn a nervous yet steady stare to which Rosalyn just briefly met with a glance.

Luka stepped out of the car that had been awaiting theirs and took a few nervous steps forward.

"You get it done?" Devina asked and Luka nodded, "Then let's see the nigga."

Luka followed orders and walked around his car, opening the trunk and pulling out a tied up Lenny. He shrieked in pain as his recovering foot touched the ground, groaning and gritting his teeth as Luka dragged him towards Devina, Rosalyn, and Marshall, tossing him to the ground once he reached them.

", you fucking're a bitch made, nigga, y'know that?" Lenny asked tiredly, but he was ignored.

"T-There. I'm pardoned now, right?" Luka asked.

"Finish the job." Devina ordered.

Luka widened his eyes, "W-what?"

"You want your pardon? Finish the job." Devina told him.

"N-Nah, man, fuck that. You told me to bring him here, and that's what I did." Luka argued.

"Either you do it so I know you're willing to prove yourself or you both dead." Devina said as she pulled out a knife and tossed it to Luka, which landed on the ground in front of him.

"Luka..." Lenny let out from the pain of his leg.

"That wasn't the deal." Luka argued.

"Well, it's the deal now." Devina stated.

"Luka, c'mon man...!" Lenny yelled and Luka looked down at him hesitantly.

"Aye, man, I understand this ain't an easy ask. I know." Devina said as she pulled out a wad of cash and tossed it to Luka who caught it and looked down at the substantial amount of money in his hands, "Plenty more where that came from. We can use men who know how to handle themselves. Future could be bright."

Luka still looked hesitant, but temptation of the money in his hands and the prospect of the more stacks he could make was winning him over.

He knelt down and picked up the knife much to Lenny's chagrin.

"Aye! Aye! Luka! Don't...don't you do this shit for her..." Lenny warned.

"Running wasn't an option, man. It was either you or me, you knew that." Luka told him.

"You ain't never gon' forget this shit, Luka! I'm your brother! Your own fucking brother, nigga! This is wrong and you know it!" Lenny yelled as Luka moved closer to him, "Luka! Look at me! This ain't you! C'mon man!"

Devina pulled out her gun and held it against the back of Luka's head, "C'mon, Luka."

"Luka, wait, c'mon man! Don't do this, please, lil' bro! Please!" Lenny begged.

"You or him, Luka." Rosalyn reminded, and he looked at her with tears in his eyes, "Decide."

"Luka!" Lenny yelled.

"Do it, motherfucker!" Devina yelled, pressing the barrel of the gun against the back of his head.

"Alright! Alright!" Luka cried as he quickly knelt down and slit Lenny's throat.

He stumbled back in shock as he watched the blood flow out of the cut and Lenny fall to the ground, gurgling and struggling to breath.

Devina put her gun away and looked down at the dying Lenny with a stoic expression, "For Eli, motherfucker."

Luka was frozen in shock, dropping the knife as he watched his brother's body become lifeless.

Rosalyn looked towards Marshall and sent him a nod, leading to the man sighing and pulling out his handcuffs.

"Luka Lemont. For the murder of Leonard Lemont, I hereby place you under arrest." Marshall stated as he moved behind Luka, and cuffed him.

"W-what? N-no! No! What the fuck is this!? I wasn't the one..." Luka yelled in shock, but paused when he watched Marshall dig into his pocket and pull out the wad of cash, pocketing it for himself, "What the fuck...?"

Devina and Rosalyn just watched as Luka continued to scream and yell in resistance as Marshall dragged him back to his car and shove him in the back.

He moved to the driver's side and opened the door, looking back at the two women watching him, giving them one lasting look of shame before entering the vehicle.


"If you know how to deal with people coming at you then what about vice versa?" Angela asked, "How would you deal with people that want to work with you or want to come to your defense?"

"Yeah, besides Ariana, you making any other industry friends?" Envy asked.

"I've met other artists." Devina confirms with a nod, "We may not be as close as Ariana and I are, but we chill and I can tell that the relationships I'm forming with 'em gon' be very fruitful."


Devina's car was parked in front of Tree Sound Studios and inside Devina sat in waiting, working through emails on her phone.

The door to the passenger side door opened and Kid Cudi stepped inside with a suitcase in hand. He gave Devina a smile as she put away her phone and sent him a nod.

"Top of the morning." Devina greeted, "You aight?"

"Better than that." Cudi said with a smirk, "I'm just ready to see the Stars."

"You'll see 'em, I just need the reason why I gotta show 'em to you." Devina told him.

Cudi nodded in understanding as he opened the suitcase and showed the contents to Devina. It was filled with stacks of money that had been neatly packed in rows.

"200K." Cudi stated, "You can count it if you want, but it's all there."

"I know it is." Devina said, as she sent him a narrowed stare, "I'd make sure you were aware if you cheated me."

"Right..." Cudi said a bit nervous by what the words alluded to.

Devina reached for the backseat and picked up the fanny pack sitting next to the gun on the car mat. She sat back and handed the pack to him, watching as he quickly opened it and smiled as he counted the Stars inside.

"Hell fucking yeah! Thank you, Vengeance!" Cudi said gratefully seeing as all 10 were there.

"Don't waste 'em all in one sitting." Devina warned.

"Believe me, I won't." Cudi said with a nod, "You cool for doing another deal for the next month? I can pay."

"You a customer. Of course I'm willing to do another deal." Devina said with a nod and Cudi grinned excitedly, "Just hit me up when you want to get it done, yeah?"

"Bet. Bet. Bet." Cudi said enthusiastically, "I'mma see you, yeah?"

"Have fun, man." Devina said dapping him up.

He exited the car and Devina closed the case, putting it down on the mat before reversing out of the lot and driving away.


"So, you got friends, maybe some competition, what about the topic of mentors? Anyone that's been guiding you and keeping you steady?" Charlamagne asked.

"People that been keeping me steady is and always will be my family. They keep pushing me to do right by them, and I'm trying to do that." Devina stated, "Guiding me though...I'd say there have been a few OG's that have been and are in my life to give me some and advice here and there. They gave me a chance when they didn't have to, and for that I'm grateful."


Devina stood in front of Gong's mansion with the owner himself, the two of them watching as Gong's men made round trips from the house to the car, packing multitudes of keys of coke into the trunk of the car.

"You've come a real long way, kid." Gong comments with a smirk, "I'm proud to see it."

"Wouldn't have gotten this far if you ain't taken that chance." Devina tells him, "Thank you for that."

"Ah, don't sweat it. Business is business after all." Gong said with a shrug, "And because of you, it's booming!"

"Storm's gone after all." Devina stated.

Gong paused and hummed, "About that...listen kid, the storm's never gonna go away. When you're in this as long as I have been, you just learn to keep pushing through it, until you eventually sit in the eye."

"There's gon' more of 'em." Devina says, "More Darius'"

"A lot more, and maybe a lot worse." Gong says with a sigh as he turned to look at her, "The longer you live...the more mistakes you make, and eventually if you're not careful...they catch up with you. Never get too greedy, Devina. The minute you do that...they found your weakness and you lost your advantage. Always keep the advantage, my friend."

Devina took heed of his words as she nodded in understanding, feeling a sense of foreboding that awaited her future.


"Well, that concludes today's interview." Charlamagne announced, "Lady Vengeance we here at The Breakfast Club would like to thank you for showing up and giving us an insight as to who you are as an artist and a person."

"You just made three new fans today." Angela tells her.

"A lot more than three. I'm sure we got people who've been listening and mess with you now." Envy told her.

"Thank y'all, really. I appreciate the kind words and the great interview, for my first one, it's been pretty fun." Devina says appreciatively.

"For your first interview, you handled it like a champ." Angela told her, "Proud of you, girl."

"Any parting words before you go?" Charlamagne asks.

"Well, if any of y'all listening are fans of me and my music then I'm glad to announce that my mixtape gon' be coming out pretty soon so expect that release. It'll be a combination of my current songs and newer ones." Devina explained, "If any of y'all are in or around Atlanta then pull through to Dame's bar, because I'll be having a chill sort of concert to debut the mixtape. Details of the event will be on mine, Dame's and Crystal's socials so keep an eye out."

"Guess I'm going to Atlanta." Charlamagne says and the hosts laughed in agreement.

"A mixtape from the hit maker herself? That's gonna be lit." Envy says with a grin.

"What's the name of the mixtape going to be, Vengeance?" Angela asks.

"Sympathy for Lady Vengeance." Devina responded.


It was the night of the concert and Dame's bar was more packed then it had ever been. Many people from around the community in Atlanta had shown up to the event, and many others from out of town took the chance to join in on the debut.

Ariana and Nicki were surprise appearances to many, and they were soon led to a VIP booth with a good view of the close curtained stage as well as the rest of the bar.

"This is a bigger turnout than I thought." Nicki comments as she looked around to see some familiar celebrity faces and many others she knew from around Atlanta.

"V seems to have that sort of pull with her community." Ariana said with a proud smile, looking around as well.

"And how are you and 'V' doing?" Nicki asked with a knowing smirk.

"We're good, like really good." Ariana tells her with a bright smile, "These past few weeks have been one of the best, because of her."

"Y'all really are close now, huh?" Nicki asks and Ariana nods, "More than friends, perhaps?"

"Nicki." Ariana tells her with a pointed look.

"What? There have been rumors flying around and I thought as your closest friend I'd get the real scoop while I can." Nicki says with a shrug.

Ariana sighed, "Okay, but you gotta promise to keep it hush."

"I promise." Nicki said, "Now, spill, baby girl."

"We...we kissed." Ariana says quietly.

Nicki widened her eyes with a bright smile and let out a joyous squeal whilst hugging Ariana, "That's my fucking girl right there!"

"Okay, chill! Keep it hush, remember?" Ariana reminded and Nicki calmed herself down, but still keeping a bright smile on her face.

"So...y'all kissed, huh? How was it?" Nicki asked.

"It was the best fucking kiss I ever had, that's for sure." Ariana told her, "Like, we didn't just kiss, we were making out for a really long time."

"Oh?" Nicki asked with a raised brow and knowing smirk, "Already moved to making out, huh? Next you gonna tell me y'all already making love."

Ariana remained silent after Nicki said that and Nicki widened her eyes in surprise as she looked at her friend.

"Ari!?" Nicki asked in surprise.

"We didn't. It never went past anything more than making out, but..." Ariana trailed off as she covered her face with her hands embarrassingly.

"But what? What happened?" Nicki asked.

"You're my friend, right?" Ariana asked and Nicki nodded, "So, you promise not to laugh when I tell you this, right?"

"Depends." Nicki said with a raised brow, "What happened?"

"I...kinda..." Ariana trailed off as she sighed embarrassingly, "I kinda...came once or twice."

"From just making out!?" Nicki asked in surprise and Ariana slowly nodded, leading to Nicki laughing boisterously.

"Fuck you, Nicki!" Ariana cursed.

"Fuck me? Girl, you didn't even have to fuck her!" Nicki laughed and Ariana covered her face with a groan.

"Evening, ladies." Kid Cudi greeted as he joined them at the VIP section.

"Cudi? What you doing out here?" Nicki asked.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm a fan. Came to experience Lady Vengeance's new tracks firsthand." Cudi explained, and Nicki nodded as he took notice of Ariana embarrassed state, "What's with her?"

"You aren't the only one that came to experience Vengeance, Cudi." Nicki said with a smirk, earning multiple smacks to the arm from Ariana to which she responded with humorous laughs.

Cudi was confused by this, but quickly shrugged it off as he heard people chattering and gasping with pictures being taken. All of theirs and the rest of the bar's attention was quickly gotten by the arrival of the real VIP's of the event.

The Kenyatta family had arrived and all of them were clearly dressed to impress as they moved through the bar towards the large VIP table near the stage that had been cordoned off from everyone else.

"Damn...this city's got some beautiful people, huh?" Cudi asked and both Nicki and Ariana nodded in agreement.

"Dame's sitting with them too." Ariana pointed out as she watched the family sit down.

"Vengeance's manager, Dame?" Nicki asked and Ariana nodded, "They might be connected to her in some way then."

Ariana counted 9 of them in total and widened her eyes with a gasp, "Oh my God..."

"What?" Nicki asked.

"I think that's V's family." Ariana informed them, "I remember her telling me how big it was."

"I'm sure she did." Nicki teased with a smirk, earning another smack to the arm.

"If Vengeance is related to them then that family won the lottery in the gene pool." Cudi admits, admiring each of their looks.

"Ain't that the truth." Ariana said with a nod of agreement.

"How the fuck? All of them fine as hell." Nicki says, wowed by the Kenyatta family's appearances.

Whilst they weren't the biggest fans of the attention they were garnering, some like Eli and Rachel were eating it up, they were happy to be regarded as VIP's for an event such as this, although quite a few of 'em were confused as to what the whole thing really was about.

"You still haven't told us anything, Dame. Why we gotta attend this thing?" Precious asked.

"Like, we grateful you invited us and your bar popping off, but what we gotta do with it?" Keem asked.

"Oh, she hasn't told y'all yet?" Dame asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Told us what?" Rosalyn asked.

"Just wait and see." Dame said with a smirk, "Y'all gon' love this."

The bar's lights started to dampen down and the stage lights illuminated as the curtain was pulled to reveal Devina sitting on a stool with a mic in front of her and a band backing her up behind her on stage.

"Girl, what the hell!?" Rachel exclaimed in surprised as the rest of the family, besides Dame, looked on in surprise and were supremely shocked.

"Ayo...?" Keem asked as he blinked in surprise.

"Since when does Devina sing?" Royal asks.

"She can do a lot more than that." Dame informed, "Trust."

"Evening y'all." Devina greeted, "Y'all doing good?"

The crowd of people around the bar let out hoots, hollers, yes's, and cheers in response.

"That's great to hear. Fuckin' great." Devina said with a nod and she looked back at her band, nodding to them and confirming if they were ready or not, which they were, "Alright y'all, let's get started. Let's get into it."

(0:22, Galaxy)

Forever can't be too far away
From never, stay where you are, you are
Everyone's a star, every day's the move
Everywhere you are, pray it gon' rescue you
Everyone's a star, every day's the move
Everywhere you are, pray

(0:57, Workin' Out)

Take your heart, don't let me break it in two
I'm sure that I could possibly do nothin' for you
I'm nearly on the edge, I'm bout to jump in the fuel
I'm really not afraid of nothin'

One more time, okay

Take your heart, don't let me break it in two
I'm sure that I could possibly do nothin' for you
I'm nearly on the edge, I'm bout to jump in the fuel
I'm really not afraid of nothin'

Look on everything, I gave everything and got nothing back
Ain't looking for no pat on backs
That ain't how we got where the fuck we at
Mama call, "Where the fuck you at?"
"On the road, and I ain't coming back
Until my hundred stacks make a hundred racks
And that hundred racks bring a bundle back"
I was blowin' gas like the Honey Badger
Lady V, bitch, the money snatcher
C'est la vie, shit I'm coming after everybody
Don't get the bloody splatter
I'm fly and I got my niggas fly too, shit is like buddy passes
I wanna cry cause I'm numb inside
If you wonder why, ask, "What's the matter?"

'Cause I been working hella hard, shit ain't really working out
I been praying to the Lord, shit ain't really working out
I been looking to the stars, keep my head up in the clouds
Shit ain't really working out, shit ain't really working out
Shit ain't really working out

Don't explain
What is there to gain

(3:37, Off da Zoinkys)

I'm so grateful
There was a man
Enough for me
And I'm, I'm so glad
He opened up my mind
And eyes to see

I'm so grateful

Lady V and...
Y'all niggas need to lay off the drugs
Some of y'all need to lay off the dope
My niggas getting it straight off the boat
Pure cut, put it straight to your nose
I ain't nosy, but I know what I know
Mr. Know It All, oh here he go
I'm the GOAT, I never go with the flow
Throwing shots boy, blow for a blow
I'm the nigga kick the do' with the dough
I'm the nigga fuck the hoe with the hoe
I'm the nigga lit the blunt with the blunt
I'ma get it 'cause I want what I want
I'ma say this shit again and again
I'ma go and put the shit to an end
I'm the sickest with the pencil and pen
Hit the blunt and mix the Hen' with the wait
I'ma go ahead and lay off the Xan's
I'ma fall back sipping the lean
I gotta make sure my vision is clear
Oh God, no, it's not what it seems
Six, five, four, one, two, three
.45 toe, you know me
You don't what smoke, so what it's gon' be?
Gotta watch what you say when you looking at me
Looking at God, looking for leaders
Looking for keys, look at the pain in your eyes
Nigga, look where we been
Look at our wins, look at our sins, and look at our skin
I've been on a frenzy binge trying to get me a Benz
Your fuzzy ass dance won't fuck up the ends
Oh God, no, where are my friends?
Lord forgive me yeah, I need to repent
My blood need to lay off the drugs
Yeah God, they ain't praying enough
Niggas dying, we ain't saying enough
Cops fire, stockpiling Rottweilers
Tell my little niggas lay off the stuff
Ronald Reagan, I can't thank him enough
Nah, I'm playing, nigga racist as fuck

"Damn." Devina says once the song came to an end and the crowd within the bar clapped and cheered.

"She really ate that shit up." Rachel said with a surprised smile.

"I had no idea V could rap, much less rap that well." Izzy said with a chuckle.

"She been having the potential, now we just seeing it come into fruition." Dame told them.

"I ain't gon' lie, Ari, your girl's killing it." Nicki told her.

"She always kills it, now she's just doing it live." Ariana said with a happy smile sent towards Devina, 'My girl...'

"Let's keep it rolling." Devina said to her band and they continued on with the next sequence, "Before we continue, I'd like to introduce and personally thank these great people behind me. To the left we got Taisha, mah boi Grady, Allen, Mike, the homie Sam, big man Vonte and the beautiful sirens next to me are Gene and Sheena, here helping us out on the vocals. I'm very thankful to them, we only put this together in like a couple of days, and I happy with the way we sound right now."

"My baby's so humble." Ariana muttered with her heart warmed, it's not often the bands supporting the artist are mentioned or given their dues. She was happy Devina was a person that cared enough to do so.

"Aight, let's get into some more gangsta shit." Devina announced.

(7:03, Never)

"This like the throwbacks of throwbacks." Devina told everyone, "Day 1's know what I mean."

Okay, never been shit, never had shit
Never knew shit, never out, never do shit, damn
But a nigga never gave two shits, damn
Never been a bitch, never had a Rollie on the wrist
Never had shit, I'ma take
Never asking, "Give me this, give me that shit
Okay, okay, look, again
Never been shit, never had shit
Never knew shit, never out, never do shit, damn
But a nigga never gave two shits, damn, damn
Never been a bitch, never had a bezel on the wrist
Never had shit, never take
Never asking, "Give me this, give me that
Okay, okay, look
Never had a real dollar to my name, bruh
Shit been lame, bruh
I ain't even in this shit for the fame, bruh
It's the pain, bruh
Most of the niggas I came up with
Haven't came up
And doin' the same stuff
But I haven't came up, this really ain't none

Niggas thinking that they fucking with V
Ya'll got the game fucked up
Tremendously, can't fuck with the mind of a mental fiend
Who dig deep in the depths when he in too deep
I crept on the steps where the demon sleeps
And yell, belch, tell my Lord what he means to me
"Oh, my God, don't be mean to me"
In the ride with a bean or three
And it's not what it seems to be
I can die, I can fly, I can try very easily

I'm a guy and a giant, she's a vivrant thing, I prolly won't buy it
Bird bitch, take flight, no pilot
Serve dick, curve bitch, no bias
Back up, back up, chick, bad timing
I got to get on stage, you better get on page
I have you looking out the windowpane
Or in the rain or anything but in the way
And if I say that's what it is, forget the lip
Now, what's my point, now I forget-, damn, this bitch

Got me fuckin' up my script, fuck this shit, I got this shit
Gettin' to the point where everybody say they from the block and shit
With glocks and shit and poppin', pimpin', trappin', sippin' lean
Ya'll niggas fall for anything
You got the plug in Medellín?
Kingpin? You a pen king (kingpin? You a pen king)
Bye bye niggas, 'N-Sync, try I? Nigga, risky
Fire, fire from the wrist piece, niggas shootin' like the '60s

Never been shit, never had shit, never knew shit
Never out, never do shit, damn
But a nigga never gave two shits, damn, damn
Never been a bitch, never had a Rollie on the wrist
Never had shit, I'ma take
Never asking, "Give me this, give me that
Okay, okay, okay

The crowd clapped once the song ended whilst Devina took a sip of water to rehydrate herself

"My sister a fuckin' superstar!" Eli exclaimed and Rachel cheered much to the bar's amusement as they laughed at their antics.

"Love, fam. Much love." Devina said to them, "Aight, so now we gon' get into some stuff we've been working on. Some new stuff for the mixtape and eventually the Album in the future. It's a quick little version of a song called Sistanem."

(9:50, Sistanem)

Look, you told me never let this get ahold of me
You hate to see me hurt you want to hurt someone for me
Way too down to earth, don't do no dirt for me please
I don't need nobody else takin' a deal or a plea
God know what I'm doin' he gon' deal with me
Niggas ain't cut like that, but you'll kill for me
And I don't care if we don't speak for like a million weeks
You right there when I need you
But I know these ain't your kind of people
I finally bought a home to raise my family
I'm done with all the hoes and they anatomies
I tried to call yo' phone again, you said it wasn't on
And by the time you got my letter I was long gone

Back on the road, gone with the wind blows
Packin' the shows, hoes and the nymphos
Platinum and gold, you know how this shit go
When family's gone, you don't know what you here for, uh

Just remember, remember who I am, mmh
Mommies, daughters, martyrs, callers
Ballers, fathers, all the fallen
Mommies, daughters, martyrs, callers
Ballers, fathers, all the fallen

Why do I get so damn high that I can't feel my face?
Try and try to free my mind but I can't find a way
Why do I get so damn high that I can't feel my face?
Try and try to free my mind but I can't find a way

Mommies, daughters, martyrs, callers
Ballers, fathers, all the fallen

The song came to an end and the crowd clapped once again, having enjoyed the melodic and melancholic tone, although the people it affected the most were Rachel and Rosalyn, both feeling as if the song was intended for them.

"That felt good, right?" Devina asked, looking back at her band they agreed, "We pretty hot, guys. We pretty fuckin' hot. Alright, um...let's try it. This one's still experimental, but let's do it."

(12:45, Surround Sound)

I know I can't afford to stop for one moment
That it's too soon, too far-

Push the fucking pack off of the porch or break a pound down
Get this strap, if it happen to blow, it makes surround sounds
Pussycat on my lap, push it back and go to town down
Putting rap on my back, and I'm blackin', snatchin' crowns

I done came back around like a nigga sellin' crack in pounds
I got a bag now, but it's nothing to brag 'bout
Gun blast in the background, I'm a black man with the bloodhounds
Mac 10 making love sounds to a bad chick, she from uptown
I'm from down South, not a loudmouth, we can fuck around (whoa)

Hit the music, baby, cut it down (whoa)
Hit a doobie while you do me indubitably
I feel like I'ma bust now (whoa)
I feel like a bust down when I shine bright
Blind niggas is up now (whoa, shit)
In the cut, big black truck, pack sacked up
You can pick it up now, nigga, fuck it, okay (ayy)

Push the fucking pack off of the porch or break a pound down
Get this strap, if it happen to blow, it makes surround sounds
Pussycat on my lap, push it back and go to town down
Putting rap on my back, and I'm blackin', snatchin' crowns

Pu-pu-pussy cat in his face 'cause he stay off Cheshire Bridge
Then I took it back, now he sayin' that he shakin' and he shiverin'
Like the way it taste, and he ain't ate it in a minute
They call me Yung Baby, but I still got hella chil-

Sorry in advance for my bros
They'll whoop a nigga ass, what you whippin' up? (Whoa)
JID in the bag, if you lookin' for that dope
Niggas got it in the bag, 'cause we trappin' on the low
And I'm the shit with the flow, huh, give me a joke
Heard a nigga say that you the next? No, no, no
I'm the best, tell 'em bitches stop the motherfuckin' press
Press stop, fuck a top-five list, get 'em a vest, he get lopsided
Fuck the cops, we was runnin' from Rottweilers
Most of my partners ain't have poppa, just a popped condom

Couple kids with Alzheimer's, .40 on his side
Boy you Mike Alstott, he on the block violent
Robbin' niggas in the hood and then swap genres
Green light, line a nigga up, stop sign him
Keep drivin', you will not find him
I'm a, I'm a, I'm a normal anomaly, I turned into a rapper ironically
And ran the bag up, back up, niggas is onto me
Niggas should honor me, if you think that I'm a wannabe
It's pretty comedy, I'm melancholy and cool
So calmly bustin' moves, my truths carry velocity

Same posse since OshPosh B'gosh, pussy clart
Treat the rap like I'm pushin' rock
On the stove with the Pyrex pot
The door stay locked, it don't say knock
We on they block, we own they block
It's Monopoly games, we stole they properties
Smooth talkin' and moonwalkin', same lil' niggas
Small pond, but a pool shark, I aim, big stick
Knock, chalk off cue balls, bang this shit

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang

The crowd cheered and clapped once again as the band took their small reprieve in preparation for their final song of the night.

"If y'all ain't heard or followed Lady Vengeance yet then what the fuck y'all doing?" Nicki asked as she went on live on her Instagram to address her fans, "This a quick reminder to lock in, because she really coming for all our crowns out here and as she should! I promise y'all the music she releases gonna rock your world."

"You didn't have to do that, y'know." Ariana said with a smile.

"As if you haven't been hyping her up on your Twitter and Instagram." Nicki said with an eye roll, as she exited her live, "And besides, the queen's a fan now, and she gonna do what she gotta to show support."

"Alright, we got one more for y'all. It's another one from the mixtape, and um...I'm gon' be doing a lot more singing on here so I'mma just have to ask y'all to bear with me if I get a little pitchy, but if I don't then you're welcome, I made your nipples hard tonight." Devina said jokingly and most laughed, "Alright, let's do it."

(16:20, Kody Blu 31)

Doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo (uh, uh)

And, uh, as I lay myself to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
The pressure makes me, the journey takes me
To places where history can't stop or break me
You know it rains for somethin', you know the pain's for somethin'
I hope a change is comin', just keep on swangin' on

Swang on, swang on (oh, swang on), swang on, swang on (swang on)
Swang on, swang on, swang on, swang on (swang on)
Swang on, swang on (swang on), swang on, swang on (swang on)
Swang on, swang on, swang on, swang on (uh)

Swang on, swang on (oh, swang on), swang on, swang on (swang on)
Swang on, swang on, swang on, swang on (swang on)

Keep on swangin' big' sis, keep swangin' big' bro
I'm 'bout to swang on Terry Payne because he said my sister ho
Gettin' high from Swisher Sweets, chariots are swingin' low
Swastikas and the police, hang a nigga, swangin' rope
Peewee tried to swang on me
But I was with like fifty folks and he ain't know
But what was worse, I aint't even want no beef with bro
We was toted, we was soldiers, we was soulless
We was sold and sayin' somethin' 'bout his set
Nigga, that who he swangin' for
Swear you bitches don't know shit about our stress, about our woes
And my obsession with success by definition of my own
Sure as death is waitin' on our flesh and bones
Demon callin' my spirit, had to click the phone
Couldn't get to Courtney quick enough to give her warm big hugs
Told her, "You like the strongest woman on the fuckin' globe"

Rosalyn silently gasped, knowing that Courtney was her middle name. This confirming to her and the rest of the family that the song was specifically intended to her.

I watch my momma lose her momma
Go through drama and trauma but had to keep her head high
So we don't fuckin' know, I'm gettin' older
So when the world's feelin' enormous on your back and on your arms
And your feet just as heavy you been draggin' through the storm
Starin' at the city, but you trapped inside a hole
Get your back up off the ropes, keep swangin' on (yeah)

Swang on, swang on (swang on), swang on, swang on
Swang on, swang on, swang on, swang on (swang on)
Swang on, swang on (swang on), swang on, swang on (swang on)
Swang on, swang on, swang on, swang on

Swang on, swang on (swang on), swang on, swang on
Swang on, swang on, swang on, swang on (swang on)
Swang on, swang on (swang on), swang on, swang on (swang on)
Swang on, swang on, swang on, swang on

With the song coming to an end, the crowd cheered loudly and clapped as the lights were turned back on. Many people congratulating and hyping up Lady Vengeance's concert.

Rosalyn covered her mouth as she silently cried, the smile on her face breaking through. Eli draped his arm over her shoulder and hugged her, whilst the rest of the family were happy and holding one another.

"Alright everybody, that's our damn set. I'm glad to have y'all join us today and I'm glad to have made it this far with y'all. I truly appreciate you and expect me and mine to keep elevating ourselves. That's the truth. Bet on it." Devina stated to them and they cheered even louder and clapped for Lady Vengeance



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