Chapter 4: We Gon' Be Alright

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The early morning of the day brought a calm and vibrant air to the city, this having been enunciated by the monotony of people on the streets that went about their day in a peaceful fashion.

Royal walked down the street on the way to the church in preparation for an early morning sermon. As usual, he would give his best smile to anyone he walked by, greeting them on the way.

His smile was gone though and slowly replaced with a frown as he spotted a whole mass of homeless people squatting in front of the church building. They were either aimlessly wandering around or many of them were sleeping and sitting by the church walls in a long line.

"Hey! Hey, y'all can't be here, alright?" Royal told them, but he was ignored, "I'm going to have to ask all of you to go somewhere else. We can't be having y'all dirtying the area like this."

His complaints were completely dismissed and ignored by them, which agitated him quite a bit. His removal tactics became more aggressive as he grabbed one of them and shoved them off the wall, pushing a few away from the church entrance.

"Move! Get out of here!" Royal shouted, shoving more of them and dragging off the sidewalk and onto the street.

He attempted to grab another, but then he noticed a pool of blood surrounding this one. He paused as he looked the man over, noticing that one of his legs looked mangled, one of his arms bent in in the wrong way and he was scratched up with gashes that were covered with dried blood. The man Royal was staring at in shock was Ricky.

"Oh my...Hey! Hey, are you okay!?" Royal asked urgently as he knelt down next to Ricky, noticing that he was in fact still conscious, but his breath was heavy and ragged. So, in a quick manner, Royal took out his phone and went to dial 911 for the dying man in front of him, "Hold on, alright? I'm going to call you an ambulance."

"...N-Need..." Ricky breathed out painfully.

"W-what?" Royal asked, leaning closer to hear him.

"I...need t-them...I need t-to see them again...please..." Ricky begged, grabbing onto Royal's arm, and tightly gripping it in desperation.

"S-see who again?" Royal asked in confusion.

"...The... Stars..." Ricky breathed out with wild eyes and a manic grin as he coughed and laughed in pain.

Ricky's laugh slowly died down and he laid back down, his grip on Royal loosening as his eyes blankly stared up at Royal.

Royal was shocked, confused and mortified at the sight. The man before him had succumb to his wounds. Ricky was dead.


Sitting on the white couch of a recording studio was Ariana Grande in all her glory. She was currently mid-conversation with a close friend of hers that sat on an office chair across from her near a large soundboard.

The close friend was also a person of immense popularity. With light brown skin, an appealing voluptuous figure, currently long orange-brown hair, full lips, and black eyes. Wearing a yellow top with black leather pants, yellow heels, a silver 'BARBIE' chain around her neck, a Rolex on her left arm and a diamond ring on her ring finger. This was who you would commonly refer to as the queen of Rap, Nicki Minaj.

Next to Nicki was a man that was preoccupied with tuning the soundboard and setting up beats and mixes for the female rapper next to him.

"All this talk about a mystery lady, Ari, and you've yet to tell me her name, baby girl." Nicki told her.

"That's the thing. She didn't tell me her name either." Ariana said with a frustrated roll of her eyes, "It's like she just popped up out of nowhere, completely blew me away and left without a trace."

"Completely blew you away how?" Nicki asked with a smirk, "She making you switch teams now?"

"Jokes on you, I'm perfectly capable of playing both teams." Ariana retorts, "I just stuck with one, because that's what I usually prefer."

"But mystery lady could break that streak, right?" Nicki asked.

"Look, it's not like I'm looking for anything right now anyway." Ariana said with a shake of her head, "My relationships are clearly doomed to fail so at this point I'm too tired to pursue anything that'll eventually end in another sinking disaster."

"No, no, girl. Don't do that." Nicki said with a wave of her finger and Ariana raised an eyebrow at her, "Okay, so you've had a few bumps in the dating game, that doesn't mean you have to completely give up and forget about the one waiting for you out there."

"Every guy I've been with ended up in a breakup. I've gotten engaged and I've gotten married. Heck, I've even made a whole ass song detailing how much of a mess my dating life has been." Ariana said exasperated, "After so long, can you really blame me if I got tired of looking for Mr. Right?"

"Then aren't you glad that a potential Mrs. Right just popped up out of nowhere?" Nicki asked with a knowing smirk.

"A Mrs. Right that I probably will never see again." Ariana said with a shrug.

"You must've gotten something at least? Any little info can go a long way to finding someone especially in this day and age." Nicki asked.

Ariana pondered for a moment and tried to remember more about her and Devina's interaction. Though she did personally cringe at her ill planned flirtations, but then she perked up with wide eyes and gasped.

"Ooh! Uh, she was with someone. A guy. He was calling her back and he called her...uh..." Ariana thought and snapped her fingers as she remembered, "Vengeance. He called her Vengeance."

"Vengeance?" The producer next to Nicki asked, perking up at the mention of the word.

"You know her?" Nicki asked, and Ariana looked at him with interest.

"Well, not personally, no, but there has been a Lady Vengeance making a name for herself in the underground rap scene." The producer explains as he opens Devina's Spotify, "She's only got one song out right now, but a lot of people are seeing her potential and like how lyrical her stuff is. Check it."

The producer connects his phone to the studio speakers and starts playing 'Never' for them and they sit and have a listen to the song. Nicki bops her head to the song, listening and showing that she was getting more impressed by the song as it went on while Ariana also bopped her head to the song and shut her eyes with a smile at the sound of Devina's voice again.

"And the flow switch too?" Nicki asked with a surprised and impressed smile as the producer nodded in agreement to how well her flow was, "This girl really does have potential. Like genuinely."

"You said her name was Lady Vengeance, right?" Ariana asked and the producer nodded.

She took out her phone and immediately searched for Lady Vengeance, immediately following her Spotify, and subscribing to the YouTube channel she had found.

"Ah, girl, not you starting to stalk the poor girl." Nicki said with a laugh.

"It's not stalking. I'm just taking an interest in her potential, just like everyone else." Ariana said, scrolling through her phone, "She doesn't seem to have a Twitter or an Instagram..."

"This is Joe Goldberg behavior, Ari." Nicki teased, "You obsessed for real."

"She's a mystery, Nicki." Ariana tells her, putting her phone down, "I'm genuinely just interested in the type of person I met yesterday."

"Well, going off the song lyrics, thank you Genius, she sounds like someone that's looking to make it in life. The song is telling us that she didn't or still doesn't have much so this must be her way of putting in the work." Nicki analyzed with a smile, "Look at me starting to like her too."

"You're not funny." Ariana said in a dry and unamused tone.

Nicki laughed, "All right, chill. I just got jokes."

Ariana rolled her eyes, annoyed that Nicki's little joke really had her feeling some type of way.

"Like, she sounds different from any other upcoming female rapper we be getting nowadays. I can understand why there's so many people taking an interest in her, but you still haven't given me a concrete reason as to why you're interested, Ari." Nicki told her, "If she ain't supposed to be Mrs. Right then why are you on her like this?"

Ariana thought about the question and thought back to yesterday's interaction with a reminiscent and happy smile.

"She's a mystery. When I told her that I was Ariana Grande, y'know what she did? Nothing. She didn't acknowledge or seem to care that the famous pop star that everyone praises and worships was speaking to her. She didn't even seem like she pretended to care for meeting people in general. She didn't smile or express much of her emotions, and I was only able to catch a smirk from her because she had fully caught my attention. I took the time to watch her, and I don't know why, but off of that one interaction, she just had it all for me. She's fucking beautiful, Nicki. Her looks, her voice, how she carried herself, fuck, was it mesmerizing." Ariana let out, her thoughts fully focused on Devina, "She had me mesmerized."

After Ariana was done speaking, she seemed to snap out of the reminiscing and looked back at Nicki, noticing that the producer was smirking at her, and Nicki was giving her an ecstatic smile of pride and happiness.

"What?" Ariana asks, "Why are you both looking at me like that?"

"Ariana...I don't think I've ever seen or heard you express any interest in a person in a way you had just done for this girl. I hadn't seen it with the men in your life in the past, but I see it now, that look you had right there." Nicki spoke, genuinely excited for her friend, "That look, the way you described her, that's the same damn way I would talk about the love of my life."

Ariana blushed with a small smile, "Meaning?"

"Meaning that this Lady Vengeance is pretty damn special." Nicki responded with a smirk.


Hovering above a boiling pot was a jar being twisted and the person holding the jar was none other than Keem as he cooked up more rocks as he wore a tube mask. Sitting in the living room was Devina and Eli who were busy cutting up and sorting Crack and Stars separately for them to mass produce.

"I don't get it, V. Why are we still selling rocks when we got them Stars?" Eli asked.

"We can't turn a profit on the Stars since no one knows what the fuck they are. We gon' need the Crack as a way to draw in the market and the Stars would be a free gift that we'll give out, so they get a taste. The next time, when they're hooked on the Stars instead of the rock, is when we fully focus on turning a profit for our product, no Crack needed as a selling point." Devina explains.

Eli looked at her and nodded in understanding as he chuckled, "Shit, V. Them colleges on the other side were good for something after all, huh?"

"Learn as much as you possibly can, Eli. That's the only way you win in this game." Devina told him.

"Which game?" Eli asked.

"Life." Devina responded as she finished sorting out the Stars in packets.

"Aye, if this is our last brick, where the fuck we gon' get more?" Keem asked from the kitchen.

"That's the next problem." Devina said with a sigh.

"We need a plug." Eli said and Devina nodded.

"Especially one that can get us pure product like these bricks." Devina said, "I got them from Kendrick's emergency stash, but now we're going to be high and dry soon, so we have to get ahold of his old plug."

"Ain't it been like 15 years? How the fuck are going to find them?" Eli asked.

"It's not the finding that's the problem. I already have that part covered." Devina explains, "I got the hookup off of Kendrick's burner phone. It was with the stash, and it had the number for the plug."

"That's good right? They know you can do business with them then. Just get the coke, we make the Stars then get the money." Eli summarized.

"They won't do business with us." Keem said, exiting the kitchen and putting the Crack rocks down in front of Eli, "They knew Kendrick, but they don't know who the fuck we are."

"That's why we have to make ourselves known. I'll go meet them and find a way to partner up with them so they can front us some bricks or keys at the very least." Devina told them.

"You want us with you on this?" Eli asked.

"Nah, I need y'all here, selling and getting Stars out there." Devina told them, "I'll get something set up with the plug in the meantime."

"You sure you want to go there alone? People who provide the drugs people deal are dangerous, especially when dealing with shit like Coke." Keem asked, worried for her.

"At least let me come with you." Eli told her.

"The fuck you gon' do?" Keem asked.

"I'mma kill any nigga that tries us." Eli said as if it was the most obvious way to go about it.

Keem scoffed, "You'd be dead because they tried you."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, nigga. Just 'cause yo scary ass can't do shit when times get tough don't mean I can't." Eli stated with a smirk, "Me? I'm a motherfucking warrior."

Devina smirked in amusement at that as Keem laughed. Eli started laughing along with them, playfully shoving them, and telling them that he just spoke the truth.

"Just focus on the Stars right now guys." Devina ordered, "I'll handle the plug."


At the local police station, Royal stands in line, awaiting his turn to speak to the secretary at the front desk of the busy office space. Every so often he would look at the clock on the wall to check and reconfirm how long he'd been in the building.

What he didn't expect to witness in the station though was the sight of his sister Rosalyn leaving another section of the station with a large and tattooed man that was cuffed and escorted by a police officer.

The officer uncuffed the intimidating man who just glared at the officer the entire time and he took his leave. The both of them started leaving by heading towards the front doors.

"Rosalyn?" Royal asked.

Rosalyn stopped and the man did as well, the both of them turning to look at Royal. She rolled her eyes with a low sigh, whispering to the man next to her.

He nodded, taking a glance back at Royal before leaving the station without her as she approached Royal.

"Hey, Royal..." Rosalyn greeted albeit reluctantly.

"What are you doing at the station?" Royal asks in concern.

Rosalyn took notice of his worried state, "Relax, I was just bailing a friend out."

"You friend, huh?" Royal asks and she nodded, "That guy looked real friendly. Intimidating glare and all."

"Yeah, well, you wouldn't really like my friends." Rosalyn retorts, "...Just as much as you don't like me."

Royal quickly shook his head with a frown, "Rosalyn, even though we never seem to see eye to eye, and we live completely different lives, doesn't make you any less my sister. If you ever need my help with anything, then you could always come to me. We're still family after all."

Rosalyn was quiet for a moment, wanting to share her troubles with him and finally let it all out, but she held herself back, knowing that it was best to keep her family away from the dangers that was her life.

"Royal-" Rosalyn let out, but she was cut off by the station's secretary.

"Next." The secretary called out.

Royal was the next one to be called and he looked at the secretary waiting for him, but then he looked back at Rosalyn, expecting her to continue talking.

"Forget it and try to forget about me...I ain't worth it." Rosalyn told him as she started leaving.

"Rosalyn wait-" Royal tried to say.

"Next, please." The station secretary reiterated.

Royal looked back at her and back at Rosaly who was already on her way out of the station. Royal sighed in frustration as he stepped up to the secretary.

"Hi, I'd like to file a civil complaint on squatters in my area..." Royal told her.


Devina shut the door to her car and locked it as she walked up to the driveway of a mansion. She walked up to the large double doors and knocked, holding tight onto the straps of her backpack. She quickly ducked and looked around when she heard the sound of a gunshot coming from the house.

The door opened to reveal a tall man with an M16 slung over him. He looked down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm looking for Gong. I called earlier looking to do business with him." Devina informed, showing the man Kendrick's burner phone.

The man looked her up and down with wary and suspicious eyes, but he stepped aside, letting her into the house.

Immediately as soon as she entered, another man came into view and grabbed her bag, searching it. Once he was done, he started searching her, looking for any signs of a weapon or wire. Finding nothing though, the man shoved the bag back into her hands and gestured for her to follow him.

Another gunshot rang out and this time she could identify that it came from the backyard of the mansion. Her assumption was proven right when she saw another man wearing a bulletproof vest as he nervously stood in place and in front of another man with a gun.

The man with the gun was quite old being of Asian descent with a short demeanor, short black hair, black eyes, and apparent wrinkles on his face. He wore nothing but a red robe with black flower designs travelling around it, a red speedo, and velvet tinted sunglasses with a golden gun in one hand and a drink in the other. This man was commonly known in the criminal underworld as Gong.

"You fucking moved again, pussy boy!" Gong cursed in Chinese as he aimed the gun at the nervous vested man, "You said these were top quality vests, right? Per your recommendations, right? Then you do not have to worry about a single fucking thing when we test them! You move again and I will not even aim for the vest next time."

"Gong." The man that escorted Devina called out to him.

"Huh?" Gong asked, looking at the man as he gestured to Devina, "Who the fuck are you, black girl?"

"My name's Devina, and you're Gong, the man I needed to see for good product." Devina stated.

"Hmm," Gong hums as he finished his drink, walking up to her and putting the cup on the head of a statue, "What product?"

"I'm looking for Snow." Devina responded, noticing that all eyes were on her and all of them were armed in some way, "I'm willing to sell it to my area. You'd get a new client base, a new revenue stream. I'd make some good money for you and take a small percentage for my troubles."

Gong started to laugh, and he looked around at his men who either smirked or laughed along with him. He stopped laughing and stepped closer to her, looking her in the eyes.

"I do not know what you heard or who lied to you, but I am just an old man enjoying his retirement. So please do me the favor of getting the fuck out of my house before whomever you are expecting to go back to never sees or hears from you again." Gong tells her, turning and walking back to his original spot to continue his endeavors.

"Kendrick only had you as a source." Devina states and Gong paused in his stride, slowly turning to face her, "A trusted source."

Gong raised an eyebrow as he slowly nodded, "And what did you say your name was?"

"My name is Devina Kenyatta." Devina stated, "Kendrick Kenyatta was my uncle."

Gong let his jaw drop as he stared at her with wide eyes. He took off his sunglasses and laughed in disbelief.

"Fucking really!?" Gong exclaimed in Chinese as he walked back to her with a smile, "Well, why did you not say so earlier!?"

"Are we good to do business now?" Devina asked.

Gong hummed again and clicked his tongue as he slowly started walking around her.

"Kendrick Kenyatta was an old friend. Someone who knew how to handle business. Someone that showed me true initiative. That man never failed to impress me." Gong stated as he stopped in front of her, "To do business with me, you will have to show me the same initiative he had. Can you do that, Baby Kenyatta?"

Devina looked him in the eye with an unwavering gaze, "What do I have to do?"


The community basketball park was once again filled up with different people from the community hanging around. Whether it actually be playing basketball, watching people play, shooting dice or in Eli's and Keem's case, dealing drugs to anyone in need of them.

"Aight, baby girl, here's your rock, and a special gift from yours truly." Keem said to a girl who had bought some Crack from him. He handed her the product she paid for and a Star.

"The fuck is this?" The girl asked, looking at the Star in confusion.

"When that old news you got runs out, that's when you'll be ready to see the stars that new shit finna bring." Keem explained vaguely and the girl scoffed, walking away from him with both the Crack and the Star.

"How you do it?" Eli asked.

"Do what?" Keem asked, lighting a cigarette.

"Live life being such a bitch?" Eli asked.

"Can't ask questions you already know the answer to, little nigga." Keem retorts, earning a playful shove from Eli.

"That voice sound familiar to you?" Eli asked, picking up on the song that was played on the radio for the basketball park, it was Lady Vengeance's Never, "Lowkey sounds like V."

"Nigga, you know Vina ain't no rapper." Keem said with a laugh, "She don't talk much to us anyway, she'd much less talk a whole lot more to an audience."

"Yeah, I'm probably buggin'" Eli said as he shook his head, dismissing his thoughts.

"Yeah, you probably are." Keem said as he sold to another person.

"Eli and Keem, what's good baby?" A man said as he walked up to them with a smile.

"Check it out, Eli, Lil' Luka decided to grace us with his presence." Keem said, dapping Luka up.

"Nigga somehow got shorter from the last time I saw his ass." Eli said and Luka laughed.

"Nah, you just tall as fuck with your Stringbean Mansa Musa lookin' ass." Luka retorted and Keem laughed as Eli glared at him.

"Aight, nigga, fuck you want?" Eli asked.

"Heard y'all are frontin' for the community. Wanted to be an appreciative customer." Luka said, taking out some money.

"Bet." Keem said, taking out a rock and a Star, making the transaction with Luka.

"Appreciate it, appreciate it. Aye, y'all gon' be at Omarion's cookout tonight? I know quite a lot of people buying from you here will be there looking for more." Luka asked.

Keem looked at Eli who looked back at him and gave him a subtle shrug.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll think about it." Keem told him.

"Good looks tho. Appreciate it." Eli told him and Luka nodded.

"An appreciative customer always strives to have an appreciated dealer." Luka told them, "I'll be seeing y'all."

"Aight, nigga." Keem said, turning to look at Eli who was on his phone, "We should probably let Vina know."

"I'm trying, but she ain't answering her phone." Eli notified.

"She still must be busy with the plug." Keem assumed.

Eli scoffed, "Shit's taking too long. Like, how long could asking for Coke be?"


Devina stood at the opposite end of the pool of Gong's backyard now wearing the bulletproof vest as Gong aimed his gun at her. Although she was anxious about what would happen next, she steeled herself and stared at him with unwavering eyes.

"Just in case," Gong said, "Any last words?"

Devina took a steady breath and looked at him determinedly, "Make it count."

Gong started to smile and nodded.

It was tense as the two seemed to be at a momentary standstill. That is, until Gong fired, shooting the glass he had placed on the head of the statue near her. It shattered and Devina slowly turned to look at the statue and the shattered glass, looking back at Gong with wide eyes.

"You got balls, kid." Gong stated as he waved her over.

Devina immediately took off the vest and placed it on the ground, walking around the pool to Gong. Once she reached him, he placed his hand over her shoulder and looked her over.

"I was not sure at first, but I am." Gong stated, "We can do business."

"What convinced you?" Devina asked.

Gong smiled, "When I first met Kendrick, I had a gun pointed to his head. I was going to kill him that day, but he was not scared. Not scared of me, not scared of the gun, not scared of death. When I asked him what his last words were, he just told me to make it count."

Devina nods in understanding as Gong tells one of his men in Chinese to go and fetch the product for her. He let go of her shoulder and moved to pour himself a drink in another cup as the man returned with two keys of Coke.

"There is your product." Gong tells her, "I expect 10,000 dollars from you by the end of the week or else I will find you and next time I would really make it count, understand?"

Devina nodded as the man handed her the keys and she put them in her backpack.

"Alright, get the fuck out of here." Gong said as he waved her away.

Devina started to leave with a guard escorting her out, she slung her backpack over her shoulder and subtly smirked in victory.


A Star was placed onto a coffee table and in front of it was Rachel and RayRay who sat on their couch with two of their men standing before them.

"The fuck is that?" RayRay asked.

"It's the new talk of the town. A lotta people are starting to use it and apparently, it's better than Crack or any other drug out there." One of their men explained, "It's called a Star."

"I've seen it myself. One hit and you hooked. The high ain't even that long, but a lot of people say it was the greatest experience they ever had." The other man told them.

"And where the fuckity fuck did yo black ass get it?" Rachel asked.

"Eli and Keem were out there frontin' it and some Crack this afternoon." One of them men told her.

Rachel and RayRay looked at each other and back at the Star, Rachel picking it up and staring intently at it.

"You think this was Devina's plan? Creating a whole new drug?" RayRay asked.

"If it is...then it was a stupid ass plan to begin with." Rachel said with a scoff, tossing the Star back onto the table, "The motherfuckers just made off color Crack and Devina managed to convince Keem and Eli's dumbasses that this shit was their way of getting rich. Ignore this shit and let it die out as fast as its rising."


Devina emptied out a container full of Stars onto their kitchen table as Keem and Eli stood around it with her. They already cooked up one of the keys Gong fronted them, keeping the last one just in case they needed to just cook up some rocks to sell.

"That's a lot of Stars." Keem comments.

"A whole galaxy." Eli adds.

"Not exactly, but I can see the vision." Devina said with a shrug, "How much y'all make from today's sales?"

"Around 2,000 dollars." Keem responded.

"We're gonna need eight more to make sure Gong don't pump us full of lead by Sunday." Devina stated.

"How about the cookout at Omarion's?" Eli asked, "If that nigga Luka was telling the truth, then, we'd make some cash from there."

"You sure this ain't about just getting turnt up with free food?" Devina asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean..." Eli said with a nervous smile.

"Go." Devina told them.

"For real?" Keem asked.

"Y'all did good today. Go have fun, and if you can make more of a profit from it then I don't see a problem with it." Devina told them.

"I legit thought you'd tell us that we were wasting time, or we needed to focus on the business or some shit." Eli said.

"I guess you can say I'm in a good mood." Devina told them with her ever-neutral expression.

"Yeah, we could tell." Keem said sarcastically and Eli chuckled.

"So, you driving or...?" Eli asked.

"I ain't going." Devina told them, "Y'all enjoy your night your way, I'll enjoy it mine."

Eli and Keem looked at each other. Keem shrugged and Eli chuckled, "Say less."


Upon arriving at the party, Eli and Keem took notice of how busy and lively it was. A mix of hip hop tracks was being played loudly and a lot of people were just having fun in general.

Though when they did arrive and people took notice of them, a lot of eyes were suddenly shifted to them. It was scary to say the least as almost the whole party gathered around them, many eyes looking at them with desperate and hungry eyes.

"Aye!? The fuck y'all staring at!?" Eli asked, looking around nervously, ready to swing on anyone that tried anything.

"Y'all the niggas with goods, right?" One man asked from the front of the crowd.

"Who's asking?" Keem asked, glaring at them.

"Listen man, we ain't here to jump you or nothin'" Luka said, stepping forward from the crowd, "Everyone here just wants to buy more from y'all."

"I guess we can spare some rock." Keem said with a slow nod.

"Nah not rock," Luka said with a shake of his head, "We looking for the Stars, man."

Multiple people from the crowd let out hoots and hollers in agreement as Keem and Eli looked at each other with unbelieving looks. Eli started smirking and stepped froward.

"Aight, then! Y'all want Stars!?" Eli shouted and the crowd let out some 'yeah's' in response, "I asked y'all if y'all want some motherfucking Stars!?"

"YEAH!" Multiple people from the crowd shouted and yelled.

"Aight then," Eli said with a smirk, "Let's do bidness."


Late that night, in a recording studio, Crystal finished setting everything up on his end as Devina stood in the booth, humming to herself with her eyes shut as she got ready to record their next big hit.

"You ready, Lady Vengeance?" Crystal asked and Devina stopped humming as she gave him a thumbs up and put on her headphones, "Aight, pop off."

Alls my life I has to fight, nigga
Alls my life I
Hard times like, yah!
Bad trips like, yah!
Nazareth, I'm fucked up
Homie, you fucked up
But if God got us then we gon' be alright

Nigga, we gon' be alright
Nigga, we gon' be alright
We gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright

Dame stood behind the counter of his empty bar, cleaning the cups, and sorting the alcohol. He paused when he heard the song on the radio, turning it up at full blast and as he recognized his baby sister's voice. He continued to fix up his bar as he listened and grooved to the song with a smirk on his face.
Nigga, we gon' be alright
Huh? We gon' be alright
Nigga, we gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright

Precious and her son start to dance together at the song that played on their radio. Even if she was exhausted from a late shift at the hospital, she wouldn't pass up the chance to enjoy her life with her son in such a moment.

Uh, and when I wake up
I recognize you're lookin' at me for the pay cut
But homicide be looking at you from the face down
What MAC-11 even boom with the bass down
Schemin'! And let me tell you bout my life
Painkillers only put me in the twilight
Where pretty pussy and Benjamin is the highlight
Now tell my mama I love her but this what I like
Lord knows, twenty of 'em in my Chevy
Tell 'em all to come and get me, reapin' everything I sow
So my karma come in heaven, no preliminary hearings on my record
I'm a motherfucking gangster in silence for the record, uh
Tell the world I know it's too late
Boys and girls, I think I've gone cray
Drown inside my vices all day
Won't you please believe when I say

Izzy practices alone at night on the school football field. He heaves tiredly as he tries multiple times to kick the football over the posts, but he just kept completely missing his shots. About to call it quits, he angrily kicks the ball again, but this time it actually hit the posts instead of fully missing and he stared up at what he had just done in surprise.

Wouldn't you know
We been hurt, been down before, nigga
When our pride was low
Lookin' at the world like, "Where do we go, nigga?"
And we hate po-po
Wanna kill us dead in the street for sure, nigga
I'm at the preacher's door
My knees gettin' weak and my gun might blow
But we gon' be alright

Ariana sits alone in her hotel, writing her lyrics and listening to Lady Vengeance's new song. It didn't take long for her to leave the writing of her lyrics behind as she got up and started dancing to the song, enjoying the sound of Devina's voice once again and the song she had made.

Nigga, we gon' be alright
Nigga, we gon' be alright
We gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright
Nigga, we gon' be alright
Huh? We gon' be alright
Nigga, we gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright

Rachel and RayRay sit in their living room as they watch TV in silence, although for a while now, Rachel had been staring at the Star on the coffee table, regrettably interested to see what it would have in store for her.

"Fuck it..." Rachel mutters as she reached for the Star and started preparing to be smoked.

She pauses and shares a look with RayRay who just shrugged and went back to watching TV. She shrugged as well and smoked the Star, entering the galactic high.

What you want you, a house? You, a car?
40 acres and a mule? A piano, a guitar?
Anything, see my name is Lucy, I'm your dog
Motherfucker, you can live at the mall
I can see the evil, I can tell it I know when it's illegal
I don't think about it, I deposit every other zero
Thinkin' of my partner put the candy, paint it on the regal
Diggin' in my pocket ain't a profit, big enough to feed you
Everyday my logic, get another dollar just to keep you
In the presence of your chico ah!
I don't talk about it, be about it, everyday I see cool
If I got it then you know you got it, Heaven, I can reach you
Pat Dawg, Pat Dawg, Pat Dawg, my dog, that's all
Bick back and Chad, I trap the bag for y'all
I rap, I black on track so rest assured
My rights, my wrongs, I write 'til I'm right with God

Keem sat around a table, playing cards with people as well as talking and flirting with different women. Eli came up to him and lowered his tone to whisper in his ear.

"Taking the haul back to the house." Eli notified.

"Aight, ma boy. Stay safe." Keem told him, dapping him up before he watched Eli leave the party with a full backpack though he wasn't the only one.

Wouldn't you know
We been hurt, been down before, nigga
When our pride was low
Lookin' at the world like, "Where do we go, nigga?"
And we hate po-po
Wanna kill us dead in the street for sure, nigga
I'm at the preacher's door
My knees gettin' weak and my gun might blow
But we gon' be alright

Rosalyn stands at a corner as a luxurious white jeep pulls up to her, playing Lady Vengeance's song, as the windows roll down at the back. Rosalyn steps up to the car and takes out a large lump sum of money from her coat and hands the money to the person inside. As the person reached for it though, she teasingly pulled her hand back with a smirk, but the person was less than amused.

He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head inside, grabbing the money from her and slapping her for good measure. He shoved her out of the car by the hair and chucked a couple of hundreds at her that fell to the ground before the windows rolled up and the jeep drove off, leaving her there to pick up the fallen bills.

Nigga, we gon' be alright
Nigga, we gon' be alright
We gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright
Nigga, we gon' be alright
Huh? We gon' be alright
Nigga, we gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright

Eli continues his way home from the party, smirking in happiness and victory to himself from all the money they just made.

"Yo, Eli!" A voice called out from behind him.

He turned around in confusion to only be met by a swift punch that knocked him down to the ground. As soon as he was on the ground, two guys began stomping him out, but he tried to fight back by punching and kicking at them.

He held his own for the most part though that was until they pulled a gun on him, and he stopped fighting as they grabbed his backpack and pistol whipped him to unconsciousness.

I keep my head up high
I cross my heart and hope to die
Lovin' me is complicated
Too afraid of a lot of changes
I'm alright and you're a favorite
Dark nights in my prayers

The police line up in front of the church in riot gear and announce to the homeless squatters that they were to be removed from the premises at that instant and force would be used on them. After the announcement, they proceeded their assault and attacked.

They began shoving, kicking, grabbing, battering, choking, and hosing them down. Royal burst out of the church, looking on at the sight in horror.

"Hey! No! stop! You can't do this!" Royal shouted, as he tried to grab one of the officers, but he was shoved away and fell to the ground.

"Back off!" One of the officers shouted as they continued to attack the homeless people.

"This ain't right!" Royal shouted as he got up and grabbed at one of the officers again.

This time he was knocked to the ground, and they proceeded to include him in the battering and beating.

I remembered you was conflicted
Misusing your influence, sometimes I did the same
Abusing my power full of resentment
Resentment that turned into a deep depression
Found myself screamin' in the hotel room
I didn't wanna self destruct, the evils of Lucy was all around me
So I went runnin' for answers



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