Chapter 8: Storm Chasers

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Devina placed her backpack onto the poolside table with Gong sitting across from her and watching as he sipped on a Martini. She unzips the bag and pulls out cleanly wrapped stacks of money much to Gong's pleasant surprise. He smiled a satisfactory smile as he watched her stack the money onto the table for him until the set amount was reached.

"$10,000. Signed, sealed, and delivered as promised." Devina stated.

Gong chuckled, "You really surprised me, kid."

"Didn't think I could do it?" Devina asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you had to." Gong replied, "Otherwise more unfortunate outcomes would have to be followed through."

"Then let's just make sure the only outcome to be followed through is the good business we can cultivate from each other." Devina stated.

"As you wish." Gong said in Chinese as he downed the rest of his drink and called one of his men over, "Take Devina's end of our deal and get her 2 more keys."

The guard nodded as he picked up the stacks of money and took it inside with Devina watching him disappear into the mansion whilst Gong watched her with interest.

"New haircut?" Gong asked and she looked at him, "It looks nice."

"Don't get used to it. I'll be going back to the braids pretty soon." Devina told him with an eye roll.

"Your body, your choice as they say." Gong said with a chuckle, "So, how'd it go for your first week? Any complications?"

"I'd be more surprised if there wasn't any, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle." Devina stated.

Gong hummed with a nod, "I like that. That kind of mentality and assuredness in yourself is definitely needed in this type of life. You're going to especially need it to face the coming storms ahead of you, and you're going to need it to conquer them as well."

"You speaking from experience?" Devina asked, "Get the feeling you've done your fair share of conquering with how long you've been in this."

"I am and I have. I had to. The price of success is conquering the storms that come your way." Gong told her with a smile, "Though, I'd like you to keep this in mind, Devina. Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path."

Devina considered his words and the meaning behind them knowing that Gong was a man with experience and with experience came wisdom especially when it came to this line of work. She could interpret his words in a metaphorical sense, but she could also understand the literal meaning behind them.

Gong could see the gears turning in her head and he smiled, because once again she had reminded him of Kendrick.

"As the king makes his return, the kingdom shall bask in his wondrous fortunes!" A booming voice stated jovially as Darius joined Devina and Gong by the pool with Gong's men following him.

"Must you make so much noise for my neighbors in the morning?" Gong asked as he stood up from his seat and Devina turned to look at Darius in mild surprise.

"As if your target practice doesn't do that already." Darius stated with a smirk, but then he rose an eyebrow and chuckled as he noticed Devina, "Well, well, isn't this a surprise. You following me around, little lady? There are easier ways to get my attention y'know."

Devina didn't respond as her expression turned stoic when she stared Darius down. Gong took notice of the subsided yet volatile look in her eyes and wondered how her and Darius were connected.

"You two know each other?" Gong asked to try and cut the rising tensions.

"We've met." Darius told him.

"Briefly." Devina adds.

Gong chuckled amusedly, "Well, I'm very glad that two of my business associates are getting along so well."

"What better way to do good business than to play nice with each other?" Darius asked with a laugh.

"You work for Gong, stranger?" Devina asked.

"Darius Kincaid." Darius informed her as he took out a card from his pocket and handed it to her, "And no, I don't work for Gong. Haven't worked for anyone in a long time and I plan to keep it that way."

Devina looked at the business card in her hand and silently scoffed at the tackiness of the design.

"Darius is business partner. A beneficial one at that since he essentially runs Atlanta." Gong informed her.

"Really now?" Devina asked in a rather disinterested tone.

"Real estate proprietaries, managing and marketing musical artists, as well as allowing beautiful women to explore their sexual endeavors in my favor, supplying exclusive events with Gong's pure and refined product along with regulating the streets of Atlanta for the community and tourists." Darius bragged with a smirk, "I'm very busy as you can imagine."

"Anything for the almighty dollar, right?" Devina asked, looking up from the card and at him.

Darius chuckled, "That's right. Now, my question is, what are you willing to do for the dollar?"

Devina looks into his eyes with her own narrowed and undeterred ones, tilting her head ever so lightly. The two continued to stare each other down as Gong looked between them. They were soon interrupted by the arrival of Gong's guard with the cocaine Gong had requested for Devina in hand.

"That's my cue." Devina tells them as she takes the coke and puts it into her bag, zipping it up and slinging it over her shoulder, "I'll be seeing you, Gong."

"Hang on, kid. I'll walk you out." Gong tells her as the two start to leave together with Darius keep a keen and interested eye on Devina.

Devina and Gong continue walking together and only stop when they reached the gates where Devina's car awaited her.

"Same deal as before, understand?" Gong asks.

"Expect the cash by the end of the week." Devina told him and Gong hummed with a nod.

"Devina." Gong calls out to her and she stops to look at him, "That look in your eye. I've seen it before, and I truly advise against it."

"And what would make you say that, Gong?" Devina asked with a tilt of her head.

"Darius Kincaid is a very powerful and very dangerous piece on the board. One that is better left alone than be challenged." Gong tells her.

"Sounds to me like you're scared." Devina tells him.

"Scared for me? Fuck no, I've faced too many demons to even see someone like him as a threat." Gong says with a chuckle, "But for might say I'm terrified."

"I've been thinking about what you said to me before, about the storms." Devina tells him, "Maybe Darius is my storm."

"You think he's here to clear your path?" Gong asks.

"I think he's the one blocking it, and if my path needs to be clear..." Devina stated as her eyes darkened in resolution, "I'll just have to get him out of the way."


That morning, the basketball park was turned into a crime scene. The area was taped off with multiple officers of a different pedigree roaming the area whilst the local community around the area had gathered into a crowd that was kept at a distance from the gruesome scene of Darnell and Tjay's corpses.

Detective Marshall arrives at the crime scene, sniffing heavily and rubbing his nose as he walks up to Detective Weston who was kneeling by the bodies and looking them over with a notebook in hand.

"Alright, who are our unlucky losers today?" Marshall asked as he sniffed and cringed at the sight of the bodies, "Yikes, emphasis on the unlucky."

"Take this seriously, lad. Two people are dead." Weston told him as he stood up straight and looked at his partner, raising a brow at his current spastic and energized state, "You feeling alright?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, yeah, don't worry about it. Think I might be catching something, but I'll be alright." Marshall told him as he waved his concerns away nonchalantly, "What do we got?"

"Well, both victims suffered multiple stab wounds to the stomach, chest, and even the neck. They most likely died of blood loss or from damage to an important artery." Weston informed.

"This a random attack or was it gang affiliated?" Marshall asked.

"Not sure on that part. They weren't sporting any colors that affiliated them to any gang in the area, although one of them did have a firearm." Weston told him.

"Of course they did." Marshall said with an eye roll.

"Our next move should be asking around the area for any information on our victims and if anyone has a clue on what happened before, during, and after the attack." Weston told him as he closed his notebook.

"You don't think that's a waste of time, sir?" Marshall asked and Weston raised a brow at him, "I mean come on, you know as well as I do that an area like this isn't really police friendly. These kind of people don't care for talking to people like us."

"And what kind of people were we, Aaron?" Weston asked.

"You know what I meant." Marshall responded as he sighed.

"Look, whatever gripes you seem to bare for these people is not proper conduct nor is it acceptable. Two people died and it doesn't matter what color they are, because our jobs are to make sure their community felt safe and the person that had done this was brought to justice." Weston told him sternly, "It doesn't matter to me if you care or not for them, because as long as you wear your badge, it's your job to care, and as my partner I expect you to care."

"Why?" Marshall asked with a clenched jaw.

"Because I care." Weston stated, "Do we understand each other?"

Marshall rolled his eyes and nodded, "Yeah, whatever you say."

"Good. Now let's get to the bottom of this by asking around. We should start with any nearby businesses." Weston tells him and Marshall nodded reluctantly.

The two start to leave to do their jobs, unknowing of Izzy standing within the restricted crowd who had watched and heard their conversation. He watched the two detectives leave with an interested gaze.


Rosalyn sat at Keem's dining table as she anxiously tapped her foot and kept checking the time every so often. RayRay sat across from her, rolling up a blunt and Eli sat on the couch, fiddling with his chain to pass the time.

Keem steps out of the kitchen with a plate of food in hand and places it on the table in front of Rosalyn, "All that stressing ain't good for you, especially on an empty stomach."

"I'm not hungry right now." Rosalyn said with a shake of her head, but the loud rumble from her stomach told them a different story. Rosalyn sighed in annoyance, especially from the smug looks her brothers were giving her, "Fuck y'all."

Eli chuckled in amusement as RayRay smirked and Keem gave her a comforting squeeze on the shoulder.

"Y'all niggas food's almost ready." Keem informed Eli and RayRay as he walked back to the kitchen.

"Man, where the fuck V at?" Eli asked in annoyance.

"She on her way. Just shut up and wait." RayRay told him.

"I don't fucking understand y'all. Ray you know as well as I do how dangerous Darius is, why the hell are y'all still wasting time here when you could use this opportunity to get out of town while y'all still have the chance." Rosalyn told them once again.

"Because," RayRay said with a shrug, "I ain't our call to make. If Devina want us to get outta dodge then we get the fuck outta dodge, but for now we wait on her call."

Rosalyn shook her head in disagreement as Eli angrily stands up and joins them at the dining table.

"Yo, why the fuck don't we just find that bum ass pimp and beat the shit outta him for what he been doing to Rosalyn!?" Eli asked angrily.

"Like I already told Izzy, it ain't as simple as going in for some kind of street brawl. He'll kill you and he'll make sure everybody that knows and loves you hears about it." Rosalyn told him.

"He'd make an example outta him." RayRay summarized.

Rosalyn nodded, "I've seen the disgusting and demonic shit he's done to people that crossed him. It always brings me to tears, especially when he lets their families know. That's why I want y'all to run. I don't think I could bear to see any of y'all end up like that..."

RayRay and Eli watched in sympathy as their sister hugged herself and shivered at the memories of witnessing Darius torture a person. Man, woman, child, she's seen him hurt all types of people physically, mentally, and sexually.

They were about to console her, but the sudden bursting open of the front door drew their attention.

"Motherfucking pieces of shit. I'll kill them. I'll fucking kill all of them!" Rachel shouted as she stomped into the apartment with a duffle bag in hand.

"Hey, what's wrong?" RayRay asked as Rachel slammed the duffle bag onto the table in front of them, "Rachel, what happened?"

"Darnell and Tjay got killed. They got their asses murdered last night!" Rachel shouts angrily.

"Darnell and Tjay are dead? For real?" Keem asked in surprise as he joined them.

"Yes, nigga! They got killed at the fucking basketball park! Police done found them mutilated!" Rachel shouted.

"Basketball park? Ain't that the place we usually sell at?" Eli asked as he looked Keem who nodded in confirmation.

"It must've been Santiago then. He must've thought your boys were Eli and Keem so he went after them." Rosalyn deduced, "I told y'all you should've left."

Rachel unzips the duffle bag to reveal an assortment of guns and ammo, "I got the rest of our stash as soon as I heard. If those Mexican motherfuckers think they gon' come after our boys and live to see another day, then they got another goddamn thing coming."

"You want to go after them? Now?" Keem asked in surprise.

"Rachel, just wait-" Rosalyn was about to say, but she was cut off.

"No! Don't fucking "Rachel, wait..." me, bitch! Darnell and Tjay were our boys! Our people!" Rachel yelled with tearfully angered eyes, "They been with me and RayRay ever since we started doing this whole thing! They been the first ones to join us and they been the most loyal ones we had! I don't give a fuck who sent who to take 'em out, I'm gonna find the motherfucker responsible and I'm going to make sure to carve Darnell and Tjay's names into him with every bullet I got!"

"Hell yeah, I can get behind that." Eli agrees as he went to pick up a gun of his own.

"Are y'all serious? Ray, stop them!" Rosalyn demanded.

"She's right, Ros. Darnell and Tjay were our boys. We can't just let niggas know that it's okay to come at us like this." RayRay told her.

"That's my fucking man right there." Rachel said in approval as all of them started to equip and load up on artilleries for their attack.

"Y'all really just going to go out in broad daylight and shoot up the Southside just to find one guy?" Keem asked.

"We shoot it up, draw the gangs around the area which draws an OG like the Santiago motherfucker out too." RayRay strategized, "We only end it when he's dead."

"Can y'all just calm down and wait for Devina first!?" Rosalyn shouted.

"Fuck Devina!!! She don't wanna be here to fight with us then we'll do this shit without her!" Rachel shouted.

"Let's go." RayRay told them and Rachel and Eli nodded once loaded up.

They started to leave, but Rosalyn ran and got in front of them with pleading eyes.

"Wait! Wait! If y'all do this, then more people are going to die! Innocent people are going to die! Y'all are going to die!" Rosalyn shouted.

"Maybe, but we gon' make sure a lot more of them are taken out before they can get to us." Rachel told her, and shoved past her, "Get the fuck outta my way!"

"Wait, no! Please, just wait for Devina!" Rosalyn shouted as she watched her siblings start to leave.

"Fuck you, and fuck Devina!" Rachel shouted as the door was slammed shut behind them.

"We gotta go stop them, Rosalyn." Keem exclaimed, but Rosalyn just remained stiff as she started to cry, "Rosalyn!"

"I know...I know..." Rosalyn cried out as she quickly wiped her tears and grabbed her phone in a desperate attempt to get a hold of Devina.


Detective Weston exited yet another store and let out a sigh as he closed up his notebook. Yet another person who didn't see nor hear anything.

His phone started to ring and he answers as he starts walking down the sidewalk, "Please tell me you got something."

"Nothing on my end. Told you this was a huge waste of time." Marshall told him through the phone.

"Any effort we make is still a step in the right direction." Weston told him as he walked, not noticing Izzy following him, but keeping a short distance as to not be noticed.

Weston hadn't taken notice of him at first, but he soon did when he noticed the man following him from a nearby car's side-view mirror. He paused for a moment, but kept walking, now aware that he was being followed.

"Hey, Marshall, I'll call you back, alright?" Weston asked.

"You find something?" Marshall asked.

"Maybe." Weston replied as he ended the call and turned down an alleyway.

Izzy quickened his pace after having lost sight of Weston, but as soon as he turned the corner to the alleyway, he was grabbed and pushed against the wall by Weston.

"Well, then, you've gotten my attention, son." Weston told him, "Now tell me why you were following me and be sure to tell the truth, because I can take you in for much less."

"Alright, chill. I wasn't planning on doing anything to hurt you. I just want to talk." Izzy told him with his hands up.

"Talk about what exactly?" Weston asked.

"I might know who was responsible for today's stabbings." Izzy told him, and Weston narrowed his eyes as he searched Izzy's expression for ill intent that could not be found, so he let him go and stepped back.

"I'm listening." Weston said with interest.


Rachel, RayRay, and Eli sat in the twins' car within an unfamiliar neighborhood.

At a distance away, across the street was a local corner restaurant with a lot of people of Hispanic descent. From gangbangers that were hanging out with each other to families that included the elderly and children, all populated the store within and outside.

"Yeah, this a good place to start. Let's light that bitch up." Rachel told them.

"Hold on, Rachel." Eli told her.

"Hold on!? What the fuck do I gotta hold on for!? We came here to light up some motherfucking Mexicans and there they are!" Rachel yelled.

"We came here to get revenge for Darnell and Tjay." RayRay reminded, "I'm down for shooting up gangbangers, but there's families in there. Kids."

"Nigga, fuck them kids!" Rachel yelled, but RayRay and Eli remained resolute in their inaction and she took notice of it, leading to a disappointed scoff, "Oh, I get it. Y'all too soft."

"It ain't like that, Rachel." RayRay argued.

"It sounds exactly like that, Ray." Rachel said angrily as she cocked her gun, "It's fine though, I'll do this shit myself. Let me out the car."

"Nah, Rachel, you buggin'" Eli said as Rachel tried to open the doors, but they were locked.

"Let me out the fucking car!" Rachel shouted.

"Calm the fuck down, Rachel!" RayRay yelled.

"You shut the fuck up!" Rachel yelled back, "Let me out the fucking car, Eli!"

"I ain't killing no fuckin' kids, Rachel!" Eli shouted and the two started going back and forth as they swore and argued with each other.

Suddenly a loud bang on the rooftop of their car broke them out of their argument and alerted them. They turned to look and were surprised to see Devina crouched and glaring at all of them at RayRay's side of the window.

"You dumb motherfuckers." Devina stated angrily, looking at each and every one of them with a livid expression as Rosalyn stood behind her with her arms folded, "Wrap this shit up. We outta here."

And with that, Devina stood up straight and started walking back to her car. Rosalyn shook her head at them and followed her, leaving the three siblings in the car disgruntled.


"Just a few more steps. Ooh, you almost there, sweetheart." Precious said encouragingly as she helped Lenny out of the bathroom and back to his bed.

"Argh, this shit hurt! Fuck!" Lenny cursed as grit his teeth through the pain and sighed in relief once he reached his bed, quickly sitting down.

"Whoo! See, you did it, Leonard. You keep this up and that leg is going to be as good as new in no time." Precious said with a smile, "I know it hurts right now, but the pain only means the leg is still working. It just needs it's time to heal."

"You really enjoy it, huh?" Lenny asked.

"Enjoy what?" Precious asked confusedly.

"Helping people." Lenny stated and Precious smiled in response.

The door to the room opened, leading to both Lenny and precious being surprised to see detective Weston, and detective Marshall followed by Izzy enter the room and march towards them.

"Leonard Lemont. You are under arrest for aiding and abetting in the double homicide of Darnell Wilkins and Tyler James Morris." Marshall stated.

"What? What the fuck?" Lenny asked in surprise.

"What's happening?" Precious asked.

"It's okay, Precious. They've got it handled." Izzy said as he held onto her comfortingly.

"Ayo, what the fuck is this!? I ain't aid and bet on nobody!" Lenny shouted.

"Well, we've got a witness statement telling a different story. Apparently you spoke to a man the previous night, and gave him the exact locations the murder had taken place." Weston explained, "You can deny it, but the funny thing about hospitals and their cameras is that they are everywhere."

"What the fuck? How the fuck..." Lenny paused and widened his eyes as he looked at Izzy, then he his expression turned to one of anger, "You fucking snitch! You dirty ass rat!"

"Yeah, yeah, bud. I'm sure this outburst of yours is going to help swimmingly in court." Marshall said with a smirk.

"Fuck you." Lenny swore with a glare.

"Now, Lenny, lucky for you I'm a man of fairness. So, here's my preposition." Weston said to him, "You could either give us everything you know about your hitman and get charged with basically nothing, or you could let him go free and allow him to kill more people while you go down for homicide."

"Well, hot shot? You up for recovering in a prison hospital?" Marshall asked with an ever growing smirk.

Lenny glared at all of them as he considered his options and shook his head shamefully, "Aight...I'll talk..."


Devina stomped up the stairs to Keem's apartment with her family members in tow. The tensions between them was clear along with the amounting stress and anger they were harboring over the recent developments.

"The fuck is wrong with you people? You just gon' go out in the street and start shooting cause' you got a phone call!?" Devina asked angrily as they walked through the hall towards Keem's apartment.

"Not just a fucking phone call, I don' seen 'em, they really dead." Rachel told her.

"So you gon' go and kill the first Mexican you see?" Devina asked, turning to face her.

"That's what you do, Devina! You make 'em understand by sending the loudest fucking message you could send! Daddy taught us that, remember?" Rachel argued, "They hit you, you hit them back!"

"And you just out here with your M-16 backing this shit up!?" Devina asked as she turned her anger towards RayRay, "Did your maturity and critical thinking fly out the fuckin' window or something!?"

"They killed one of our goddamn folks, aight!? I overreacted!" RayRay argued.

"That's still just hearsay. You don't just go out there-" Devina argued, but she was cut off.

"Devina, Darnell and Tjay are fucking dead-" Rachel cut in.

Devina cut Rachel off with a swift turn and a glare that silenced her as Eli and Rosalyn watched all three of them silently.

Devina moved past Rachel and stepped into Keem's apartment with all of them following behind her. Keem stood up from his couch in surprise, but he didn't say a word when he took notice of Devina's angry expression.

"You already lost two people, and now you put three more in jeopardy, because y'all couldn't calm your dumbasses down and think about the consequences of going in guns blazing like that!?" Devina asked as RayRay and Rachel moved past her to put the guns down on the table with Eli shutting the door after Rosalyn stepped inside.

"Darnell and Tjay were doing exactly what they were told and pitching at the basketball park in Keem and Eli's place." RayRay told her, "Now, they're dead because the motherfucker that went after them were really after my little brothers! So, yeah, fuckin' excuse me for getting pissed off about this whole shit show!"

"You would've known all of this and got our point of view if you didn't just leave us high and dry all day yesterday." Rachel remarked with a snide glare.

"That's because I had previous engagements that needed to be attended to, and when I do attend to them, I expect y'all to hold the motherfucking fort down and keep things running smoothly, no matter the problem." Devina told them.

Rachel scoffed, "Previous engagements? Getting your hair did seems real fucking important right now."

"Because that's the fucking job, Rachel! That's the fucking job! All of this! The drugs, the hair, the family is all part of the job!" Devina shouted, "You want to know why I was gone yesterday? I was doing what I do here, and what I do out there. I was working! I made strong ass connections and made sure the Stars reached a new clientele that could lead to a potential pay out that we've never fucking seen! So, let me ask you, Ms. Morale, while I was busy working, what the fuck were you doing?"

"What was I doing?" Rachel asked stepping up to Devina with a glare, "I was here to find out that our people are dying since you're too goddamn busy for that."

"Well, I'm here now." Devina stated as she matched her sister's glare, "And I'll make sure y'all get your revenge, but we doing it the right way."

"How?" Keem asks and Devina pulls out Darius' card, tossing it onto the table for all of them to see.

All of them, besides Rosalyn, were surprised to see the name on the card, recognizing it from either their own experience or from what Rosalyn had told them.

"Rosalyn caught me up to speed on all of this and now we gon' make our move." Devina told them.

Eli picked up the card, "We going after him?"

"No, not now at least. We going after the ese that took out our boys." Devina stated.

"Hell yeah." Rachel said with a smirk.

"How though? Santiago ain't exactly the type to be on call especially for someone that isn't Darius." Rosalyn informed.

"Darius got police on his payroll?" Devina asked, and Rosalyn nodded, "Can you get in touch with them?"

"A few know me well enough as Darius' main-" Rosalyn was about to say, but Rachel cut her off.

"As his main bitch." Rachel stated.

Rosalyn sent her a glare as she cleared her throat, "Yeah...that. I can get in touch with one of them. Why?"

"I want you to get your officer to get us information on Santiago. I want to know what they know. Who he is, who he was, who he knows, and most importantly, where he lays his head at night." Devina told her.

"Wouldn't it better to get information on Darius instead?" Keem asks.

"That might tip the cop off, and he might snitch to Darius, putting Rosalyn in danger. Like she said, Santiago only answers to Darius and as an OG in a Mexican gang, you can expect he'd be less than friendly to niggas he didn't need to associate with." Devina explained, "Santiago is a necessary stepping stone towards Darius."

"As long as I get to slit the bitch's throat, I don't care what we have to do." Rachel said, still angry, but now it was more calm.

"What do you want us to do?" RayRay asked as Rosalyn left to go call the police officer in the kitchen.

"Stay here, and calm down." Devina told them.

"What the fuck-" Rachel was about to yell, but Devina cut her off.

"I get it. You're angry, and you have a right to be, but being angry won't help you get your revenge. I will. Listen to what I say and do what I tell you so that you can get your revenge, and get out alive while you're at it." Devina told all of them, "I haven't led y'all astray before, I ain't going to do so now."

The siblings were quiet as they took in Devina's words, finding truth in her statement, and understanding that she compromising for them, so the best they could do is see how things would play out.

"We good." Rosalyn announced as she returned from the kitchen, "He'll get us the information, and meet us at the spot I usually go to meet him."

"Aight, then. I'll head out with you." Devina said and Rosalyn nodded, "Hand me a piece."

Rachel picked up a gun from the table and walked up to Devina, handing it to her, but as Devina reached to take it, Rachel didn't let it go as she glared at her.

"You better be right about this." Rachel warned.

"Give me the gun." Devina ordered and Rachel clenched her jaw and let go of the gun for Devina to take.

Soon enough, she left with Rosalyn while the rest of them remained within Keem's apartment.


That afternoon, under an empty bridge, two cars were parked at opposite ends of the road. One being Devina's with the owner leaning against it as she spoke on the phone, but kept an eye on the meet up that was occurring across from her.

Rosalyn was handed a folder, by detective Marshall to which she graciously accepted to keep up a façade of friendliness with him.

"Thanks a lot, Aaron. Darius is going to appreciate this so much." Rosalyn told him, "Just remember to keep it on the low though, he don't want a lot of people catching word of this."

"Well, it won't be easy, because the man he wanted info on is a contracted killer of some kind." Marshall told her, "Just got a confession earlier today that he was hired by someone to kill two people which he seemingly followed through on."

"Sounds dangerous." Rosalyn comments.

"Yeah, it definitely is. Not surprised someone like Darius would want a file on him." Marshall said with a chuckle.

"Y'know him, always keeping tabs on his city." Rosalyn said with a fake smile and Marshall nodded in agreement.

"So, who's that? She's been on the phone, but watching the two of us like a hawk." Marshall asked as he referred to Devina.

"Oh, she's new. I'm just showing her the ropes this time." Rosalyn lied.

Marshall nodded, "Damn, well, that's unfortunate. She's a pretty one too. Hopefully Darius doesn't mess her up too bad."

"I mean, I'm still standing." Rosalyn said with a shrug and Marshall chuckled once again.

"That you are." Marshall said in agreement.

"And I wouldn't worry about her." Rosalyn said as she looked at Devina with a small smile, "She can take care of herself now."

"I'll take your word for it. Don't need to know more about what you people do than I already do." Marshall said to her.

Meanwhile, as Devina watched Rosalyn and Marshall talk, she was having her own conversation on the phone. Finding the timing of the call both fortunate, and unfortunate.

"So, what are you doing now?" Ariana asked over the phone.

"Handling business." Devina replied.

"You literally went to a party yesterday, and you're already back to work?" Ariana asked in surprise.

"I'm always working." Devina told her with a shrug.

"You're the definition of a workaholic, Devina." Ariana told her.

"If I knew you were going to use my name to call me things then I wouldn't have made the decision of letting you know it." Devina said.

"Yeah, well, too little, too late, Devina. I'm one of the lucky few that know it now, Devina. And I really like the way it rolls off of my tongue when I say it, Devina." Ariana said and Devina could feel the smirk the woman wore as she repeated her name over and over again.

"You've made your point, Grande." Devina admitted in mild yet amused irritation.

"Have I? Sorry, I just can't seem to get you out of my mind, Devina~" This time the way she said it was in a tone that certainly peaked Devina's interest to the point that the rapper let out a low breath to keep her composure, "Actually, speaking of not being able to get you out of people's mind. Kid Cudi's been blowing up Nicki's phone all day yesterday and asking over and over again if she knew someone that fit your exact description. Poor guy sounded desperate too. Know anything about that?"

"Yeah, I do." Devina replied.

"Really? What?" Ariana asked with interest.

"Simply put, Grande. That brother starving." Devina stated and subtly smirked when she heard the angelic sound of Ariana's laugh over the phone.

"Glad you can recognize the amount of people starting get obsessed with you." Ariana said with a smile.

"Does that include you?" Devina asked, and Ariana remained quiet for a moment, leading to Devina think that she may have been too bold in her approach, but that line of thinking was cut short, by Ariana's next few words.

"What do you think?" Ariana asked, and Devina couldn't hear air of humor in her tone, wondering how seriously that question was meant to be taken.

"I think..." Devina paused as Rosalyn started walking back to her as Marshall stepped into his car and started driving off, "I think I have to get back to work."

"For real?" Ariana whined.

"Yeah, I'mma hit you up later." Devina told her.

"When's later?" Ariana asked.

"Soon." Devina responded.

"When's soon?" Ariana asked teasingly.

"Ariana." Devina said and couldn't help, but feel a sense of joy after hearing the sound of Ariana's laugh once again.

"Bye, Vengeance~" Ariana bid her goodbyes

Devina shook her head amusedly as she ended the call and put away her phone, her expression returning to stoic as Rosalyn walked up to her and handed her the file.

"Cops already got eyes on Santiago. Whatever you planning, you better do it quick." Rosalyn informed her.

Devina opens the file and starts reading through it and nodding to herself as she found out more and more about Santiago.

"Call Rachel and RayRay, let 'em know to get strapped and meet me at this address." Devina told her as she showed Rosalyn the address on the file.

"You making a house call?" Rosalyn asked in surprise.

"Something like that." Devina replied, "After letting the twins know, I want you to stay at Keem's. I'd take you with us, but I don't want to tip Santiago off on how you're involved with this."

"Devi, what exactly are you planning on doing?" Rosalyn asked.

Devina shut the file and looked at her with an enigmatic expression, "Setting up some insurance."


That night, a car drove up to a driveway and came to a halt as it parked. Santiago stepped out of the car, and looked at his home, confused to find all the lights off, even the ones for the patio.

He locked his car and walked up to the front door, taking out his key to unlock it, but as soon as he tried to do so, he was surprised to find it unlocked, which confused him even more, and made him wary.

He entered the dark household slowly and turned on the living room lights as well as the kitchen lights, looking around in confusion, because everything looked to be untouched.

"Carmen?" Santiago called out only to receive no response, "Ana?"

Again, there was no response. A part of him assumed the logical and rational explanation was that they were already asleep, but a part of him felt something was wrong.

He continued to walk around the house and switch the lights on, moving upstairs once most of the lights downstairs were on.

He finds the hallway lights unsurprisingly off, but he soon sighed in relief when he spotted the faint glow of his daughter's night light and he could hear the sound of a woman from within it.

He smiled knowing how his wife would read his daughter stories to help her go to sleep. He made his way over to the room, opening the door to greet his family, but he froze and widened his eyes in utter horror at the sight before him.

"And soon, little red figured out that it was not granny waiting for her, but the big bad wolf itself." Devina stated as she stopped reading and looked at Santiago.

His wife, Carmen, sat on their daughter's bed as she cried to herself and was frozen by fear. Fear of not only Devina, but of RayRay who stood next to her with a gun pointed to the side of her head.

And sitting across from them at the chair he would usually read his daughter stories was Devina who had his petrified 6-year-old daughter, Ana, sitting on her lap. Ana held the story book Devina was reading to her while Devina kept a gun pointed directly at Ana's chest.

"Santiago, right?" Devina asked and Santiago was still frozen in shock and fear for his family, while Devina gestured to the bed Carmen was sitting on, "Take a seat."

"You fuck-" Santiago was about to say as he reached to pull something from his back pocket, but he stopped when he heard a click behind him and slowly turned to see Rachel holding a gun to his head with a furious glare.

"I insist." Devina told him.

Rachel searched Santiago and confiscated his knife and the gun he had, pushing him into the room and towards the bed.

"Give me a reason. Give me one fucking reason, motherfucker." Rachel said lowly as she forced Santiago to sit on the bed alongside his wife and held the gun against his head the same way RayRay had been doing to Carmen.

"Now, to make sure I've got the right guy, you are Santiago Guerrera, right?" Devina asked, but Santiago was reluctant to answer, so Devina switched the safety of her gun off and moved it from Ana's chest to her head, much to the two parent's horror, "Right?"

"Yes! I am Santiago Guerrera! J-just, please don't hurt my baby girl." Santiago begged.

"M-Ma'am, please, we don't have much, but we'll give you whatever you want, just let us live. Please!" Carmen begged and cried.

"Mama!" Ana cried desperately, reaching for them, but she was held in place by Devina.

"I ain't here for your money or any material possessions y'all got. No, I'm here to set a precedent and make sure Santiago understands his place in the world." Devina tells them, "You probably have an idea as to why I'm here and why this is happening right, Santiago?"

"Y-yes..." Santiago said with a slow nod.

"You came after my people. Killed my men. I can't just take that lying down." Devina stated seriously.

"You're here for revenge...?" Santiago asked.

"Partly, but I'm actually here for something more important." Devina tells him.

"W-what? What do you want?" Santiago asked hesitantly

"I want you tell me everything you know about Darius Kincaid." Devina stated.



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