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It was commonly known that strong empires invaded weaker empires from time to time, not to take its throne, but to take some of its properties. My empire was the strongest empire among all empires because I was the strongest vampire that had ever been created.

My powers made me the strongest and they made others fear me. However, I have learnt to be extra cautious, because when you are strong, people always want to get closer to you, either to bring you down or to take advantage of your powers, so I made sure to keep my enemies close and my friends closer- if you can even call them friends- I have learnt not to trust anybody easily, I have learnt to be ready all the time. I made the mistake of trusting people once and I paid the price.

After I finished invading the empire of that idiot who thought that he could never be defeated, claiming that his three powers can easily surpass my five powers, I took a walk in his castle with Roland, the supreme general of my army; Eleanor, the witch who always accompanied me in my invasions and a few soldiers.

According to the law, the vampire emperor was allowed to take a witch with him in his invasions after the witch gave the consent. However, the witch shall not be hurt under any circumstances or the emperor would face the consequences and also the one who hurt her would definitely face consequences as well.  So we all know better than to harm a witch.

As we were walking around, searching for anything we can take, not because I needed anything, but I wanted to take away his precious possessions, so he could learn not to challenge me again, I saw a door that looked firmly locked. I stopped in front of the door and tried to open it by kicking it or pushing it; however, it did not budge. I looked at Roland, and gave him the way to use his extra strength power. Roland tried opening it, but he also failed. It was something weird because Roland was so strong and nothing like that has ever been an obstacle in front of him; his power of extreme strength helped him to be chosen as the supreme general.

"It's locked with a spell, give me the way," Eleanor told us and we all moved aside, letting her do her magic tricks. She placed her right palm on the door and started muttering something none of us understood, but whatever she said was strong enough to unlock the door.

"Thanks Eleanor," I nodded at her and walked inside slowly with Roland right by my side. The room was square shaped, its length was the same size as its width. It had a slightly unpleasant smell and it looked gloomy and dirty. Its walls were rusty and the paint was peeled off. I looked around the room with a frown on my face and saw a small figure chained to the wall at the very end of the room that my eyes did not catch when I first entered; a girl was chained to the wall. I walked towards her and as I approached her, I could see how worn out she looked. Her body was all bruised up and wounded; I bet she had a few broken bones here and there along with the scattered gashes on her pale body. 

"Hey... Hey you," I said, trying to lift up her tilted face that was completely covered by her extremely long hair. She looked lifeless. I could hear her weak breaths, but they also indicated that she might die at any second.

"What are you waiting for?" I looked at my soldiers, "unchain her," I ordered them. Two soldiers walked towards her, yet once they touched her chains, they all shouted out in pain and jumped back.

"What's so special about her to make him take all of these precautions?" Roland wondered and trust me, I also had the same question. She seemed to be pretty normal and weak.

After Eleanor examined the chains, she told us that they were protected with a strong spell and it would take time to break the girl free from the rusty chains.

"You may proceed, Eleanor," I told her and she gave me a nod. The relationship between Eleanor and me was not usually this formal, but we decided to keep it that way on missions. We were actually friends, I  trusted only her and Roland. Of all the people I was surrounded with, I had never found anyone more trustworthy than the two of them.

"Why do you care so much? I think you have got enough slaves," Roland asked me and I honestly had no answer for that. Why on earth was I attracted to a beaten up girl that would most probably die before we would even reach my empire again? Something about her made me hold onto her; I did not even know her name.

After almost an hour, Eleanor was finally able to uncast the spells. The soldiers went to unchain her, but I stopped them and went to do it myself. I knew that my actions were weird since they were not accustomed to me doing anything like that, but I did not mind. I wanted to do it myself.

I started to take off the chains on her legs first. They were rusty, so they managed to cut her skin. I looked at her neck and saw a shock collar around it. I carefully removed it and saw how red her neck looked; it was even scratched at some parts. I finally moved to her extremely thin arms that were stretched upwards to reach the strong chains. I started to undo her right hand first and her limp body was dangling from the one chain that was attached to her left arm.

The moment I removed the left chain, she was about to fall on the ground, but I quickly held her weak body from falling. I bet she did not need any more bruises on her already bruised body.

"Somebody, give me a jacket or something," I told them as I looked at her torn clothes. If this girl was let out of that castle and got thrown into the unmerciful cold weather outside, she would die in a heartbeat and that was the last thing I wanted and I did not know the reason behind that.

I was handed a coat in a matter of seconds and I gently wrapped it around her as she lay lifeless in my embrace. I swear I caught her exhausted eyes flutter for a moment, but she was never able to open them.

After I made sure that she was somehow protected from the weather, I held her firmly in my arms and took her outside. On my way out, I ordered my soldiers to free the soldiers of the empire and let them be after I took what I wanted.

I carefully placed the unknown girl in the backseat of my own car then I went to face James, the emperor. I ordered some of my men to lock him up in a cage and I asked Eleanor to cast a spell on it so it would not open. I just wanted to humiliate him. After Eleanor removed the spell, he got out and his eyes were fuming with anger.

"Defeat is horrible, but I think you had to learn it the hard way," I smirked at him. I saw him clenching his fists, trying to control his anger, but that only fueled my confidence.

"Next time, challenge someone of your own strength," I eyed him and he stayed silent. "Tell me James, what's so special about the girl that you've her locked?" I asked him

"I see that you've opened the door," he spoke, "you may act all kind, but I promise you, if she is even still alive, you'll end up doing worse than what I've ever done to her," he informed me.

"James, I'm a man of manners. Unfortunately, you lack both manners and strength and look where that has taken you," I said provocatively, knowing that he wouldn't be able to do anything. I walked away with my soldiers and Eleanor was right by my side.

"You made him lose his prestige and dignity in front of his whole empire, you may have just planted the seed of a coup here," Eleanor said, looking at me with a smirk.

"My dear El, I don't run after trouble, trouble runs after me. I just know how to put an end to them," I shrugged and I looked down at her; she was shorter than me. We stared at each other with satisfaction for a moment before we burst out in laughter and high-fived each other for the success we have just achieved.

I think you've already figured out who the girl is 😉
Why would Adrian take her? I want to know your thoughts!
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