Chapter 1: Dawn

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"Welcome to Sinnoh, a land filled with Pokemon and human history. Do I appreciate the human part? Not really, humans kind of ruin everything. Not saying that Pokemon don't, because there's tons of Pokemon who LOVE destruction. I reassure you, I'm not one of them, but it would be fun." I stared at my journal and tilted my head, slouching in my chair.

"But what's so important about me? What am I to say of all this history? I'm surely a person who doesn't matter as much as it does, but I sure do have one hell of a journey to go along with it. Hearing myself ramble about it on and on makes me feel popular, but probably not in a good way. I'm a Greninja for Arceus' sake, a normal. Greninja. With a gun. I am Ray. Ray Shurikens." I sighed and sat up a little more confident for some reason.

"No need to be scared, I am not evil, I'd never follow that path, after what I've seen. You see, I fight evil. I USED to be in a group aimed to hunt down these leaders of evil, but my leader was killed in a great war, and damn... I miss her. She was one of the only people to look up to. She filled the gap of where my parents belonged, but they were absent, believed to be killed by the ALTER. I'm glad I learned to fight those black monstrosities of goo, and whatever they were made from. A.E.R.O. taught me well, but now I am relieved of duty away from that place. No more holding back those demons." I said aloud, holding the urge to slam my fist down of frustration and confusion.

"I've shifted into so many different things, first Sinnoh, now the ALTER. They DO have ties though. They are Sinnoh enemy #1, or... they used to be. Another group of heroes, in which are my bestest of friends, captured the leader of the ALTER; Darka. They were The Order of Univera, the Univerians or whatever. It wasn't an easy task, and that same fight is where I lost... her." I closed my eyes and shook my head, laying my head down to rest a little.

"Can I just stop thinking for one second?? I never have the time to calm down, I'm always thinking of everyone else, except for the most important person. Me, #1, numero uno." I poked my chest, sighing. I must've been rambling on to myself for hours, reading my journal makes me do that.

I looked around, keeping myself quiet. I was in a room within The Order's HQ, well, technically sharing it with my lovely wife; Snowie. Maybe she was wandering around the HQ halls, or hanging out with the girls. She's outgoing like that, and I'm not. That's why I'm here in this room still, talking to myself. A ninja needs some silence to themself at some point.

"Let something happen, let something happen." I said, still looking around at the dark room. Already dawn, from what I could tell from the dim lit window with some fancy curtains covering it. "Dawn. Fun, I could name a million things like it. The beginning, the Sun's resurrection, FireStone, the birth of a new day." I rambled on, nearly making myself go to sleep.

I nearly drifted off, but was interrupted by the sound of knocking. "I- WHA-! Hello??" I said, raising my head up quickly.

"Oh Ray." I heard a familiar voice, and a familiar giggle. "Falling asleep before breakfast already, hm?" It was definitely my one and only.

"I- Erm, I didn't forget!" I stood up, sprawling to the closet. "Breakfast in Ruka??" I opened the closet and looked for a suit as quickly as I could, but before I knew it, I felt a paw run along my arm, along with a little tap.

"Didn't forget, did ya?" She shook her head playfully, already in the room and right behind me.

"I..." Yeah, I forgot. "No?" I smiled nervously, turning around to look at the blue, freaking cute Braixen.

"Ray. Ray, Ray, Ray." She couldn't keep herself from giggling. Despite all my forgetfulness and whatever made me different, she always made it a good thing, and would put it off with a laugh. "My father would not be happy to know that his son–in-law wouldn't be there, as promised, for such a reunion! We're lucky that he's even coming, knowing him." She said, one of her ears twitching a little.

"I... know? Definitely?" I continued my nervous smile, and wrapped my arms around her a little.

"Good, if you know so much, maybe you wouldn't classify being 'ready' as going there without clothes." She wagged her finger, and poked my chest with that same finger, all the while keeping that same smile.

"Okay, okay... You got me. I'll be ready in a few. Just need a suit and that's all." I backed up into the closet a bit, sighing.

She shook her head again, but took a look at me for a moment. "Hm. What caused it this time?"

"What caused what?"

"Your rambles! You thought I didn't hear you?" She poked her ear and winked.

"My rambles! Right! Yeah, um.." I looked back at my bed, my journal was right there. I couldn't let her see it.

She noticed me looking at my bed, and looked there too. "What's this?" She asked, walking over to my bed, the journal now peaked her interest.

"No no no no no no." I thought to myself, and lashed my long tongue out at it, but before I knew it, she had my tongue in the grip of her paw and was holding the journal. "Mmph!"

"Ooooh, is this a diary?" She giggled and opened it, sitting down on my bed. I was shaking my head frantically, but that's exactly what it was. "This dates looong ago! Way to keep your tracks, honey~!" She smiled at me, still holding onto my tongue as I stood there, kind of helpless.

"It's not what you think-" I said in a muffled tone.

"Thennnnn why are you trying to hide it, hm?" She teased, looking at me from my bed. "There's nothing wrong with having a diary. Everyone's at least thought about writing 'some' points in their life." She said, finally shutting it and letting go of my tongue.

My tongue shot right back into my mouth, making me fall into the clothes behind me in the closet. "Oof-! Y-Yeah?"

"Perhaps it's too personal for your own wife~" She said, straightening her fur.

"I never said that-" I raised a finger, but I eventually sighed and lowered it. "Maybe... it is?"

"You know, if your past is bugging you, why don't you look towards the future? We have a magnificent family! And it'll probably be growing more and more, knowing how you act~" She smirked and eventually stood up.

"E-Ey!" I blushed a lot, hearing her giggle as a response.

"You're funny~! As always, as I love." She sighed too and calmed herself from her giggling. "Now, best I see you in a suit once 5 minutes pass, or I'll be seeing you confronting my father." She walked away and waved at me, exiting the room.

Moments pass, and I'm just sitting there. She always knew how to make me flabbergasted. "Great. Just great." I stood up, moving my tongue around in my mouth. "She never gripped so hard, kinky~" I chuckled to myself, looking for a suit.

"The past shouldn't define me, the future will reflect me." I grabbed a suit and stared at it for a moment. "A.E.R.O. has relieved me, the ALTER are gone mostly, and Ne'Jari is in a much better place. She isn't my leader anymore, I will carry on." I confidently say, putting on my suit now. "So dapper, heh, see you at Ruka."

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